Too Much Room

by Lori Anne Hale
On media platforms believers are spending too many hours binging from Too Much Room | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Then, like sitting down to a meal of pablum, My children are found ingesting a steady diet of man’s philosophies, letting the hours pass by consuming worldly ideologies, thereby permitting the enemy to influence their thoughts and opinions by giving him too much room to speak into their lives. And because his evil agenda is being promoted through familiar voices (those propped up on popular media platforms, to inform as well as to entertain), a continuous stream of impious and irreverent rhetoric is being allowed to flow into their souls, causing many to come into agreement with him on more than a few matters.

These believers are, sadly, somewhat illiterate, not having learned to read between the spiritual lines, and so cannot rightly discern the enemy’s subtle lies hidden beneath the half-truths currently being presented to the public; which is why they still swallow spoonful after spoonful of this unhealthy fare, unable to recognize the harm it is causing to their internal development. These children have become dull of hearing, and therefore, cannot perceive Holy Spirit’s internal prodding.

Unfortunately, because previous generations of the Church were not carefully guarding their own hearts, the enemy was able to easily invade their households and build a stronghold within their borders, using the appeal of amusement as bait for his trap. So though his strategy was cloaked in the form of wholesome entertainment, now that he has established dominion over the airwaves, he blatantly attacks righteousness and those who adhere to its call. 

Yet because many believers are walking with impaired spiritual hearing, they cannot rightly judge where to stand, and so continue to straddle an ideological fence with one foot still holding fast to the views of this world. For while they have known salvation, a greater percentage of their days are spent listening to the enemy’s message instead of seeking My face and learning My ways, because, for them, it is far more enticing to just sit and be entertained.

It’s no wonder, then, that the Church is in such a state of disrepair, as those who were meant to be firmly rooted and planted in Christ, have very little understanding of who He is and what He taught while on earth. And, as a result, these have readily accepted every doctrine of man, with some even teaching these profane beliefs from their ministry pulpits.

Yet just as it is with oil and water, which cannot be mixed, the ways of My Kingdom will always rise above those of this world. For once the whole Truth is known, the enemy’s lies are easily dispelled, clearing up any and every misunderstanding about My position regarding the lives of believers and how they are to live with no middle ground found among them; as a heart that is lukewarm doesn’t truly love Me.

Let those, then, who call Me “Father” make room for some self-evaluation, as it is time to break completely free from the pull of this world, which means putting to death any habits that waste away your days. Therefore, the compulsion to binge on any form of worldly entertainment is a practice that must end. For just like an old piece of bread, your walk shall be “dry” and “stale” if this behavior is allowed to continue. Though it may be difficult at first to kick this habit, you have been imbued with supernatural power and strength through Holy Spirit, and therefore only need to engage against its pull by using the muscle of self-control, for it is then that this obstruction can quickly be overcome.

Run to Me instead! Let your thoughts rest above this world; upon those things that are lovely and pure.


“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” -Philippians 4:8


(Received: 1/14/2022)

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