Putin And The Charging Bear

by Lori Anne Hale

This is what I heard the Lord say about “Putin and The Charging Bear”:

Who can put a stop to this charging bear before he fully devours his prey? For while it would appear this tyrant has launched out on his own, he is simply a player in a much bigger scheme.

So while it seems an effort is underway to sanction his movements, this is only for appearance’s sake, as quite a few who voted to apply restrictive measures against this tyrant are actually supporting him behind the scenes, because those who control him desire control over the territory he has invaded.

Yet there is more to this attack than appears on the surface and it involves leaders from around the globe, those who are bent on establishing a new world order. Though grabbing this land is included in their scheme, the timeline they had set to accomplish certain objectives was sped up, as they could not risk another disruption to their sinister plan, which is: gaining control of the world’s resources, and thereby, ruling over the entire globe. And while the focus is upon this charging bear, it is those who unleashed him that are pushing to erase the current boundary lines of the nations, for they won’t be satisfied until only a single government is in command of every people group and land.

So then, who can really make peace with this charging bear when any concessions will only stave off this predator and his comrades for a short time, as they are determined to see the world’s borders reset in keeping with their global agenda?

Therefore, dear ones, you must broaden the scope of your prayers beyond just ending this invasion, and contend for each nation and people so that this bigger agenda is stopped. Don’t just hope for the return of worldwide stability, but entreat Me to act on your behalf. Then, at the perfect time, once My higher purposes are accomplished in this current season, the world shall again fall into a more peaceful flow.

So lest you forget, let Me remind you: the real battlefield lies outside of this realm, and so here is where you must fight. For behind every wicked scheme of man lurks the enemy of your soul, whose thirst for power cannot be quenched, as he looks for any opportunity to reassert his dominance. Then while you are praying for your fellow brethren in Ukraine to stand strong in their faith, cry out for the world, as the only way to put an end to the enemy’s current plot to reclaim his seat of world power is for My children to line up along this battle line now, thus cutting off his route of advancement.

So don your battle garb and position yourselves along this broader front. Then, contend and contend again. For surely your persistent efforts now shall ensure that the future generations of the Church prevail.

“Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment.” -2 Peter 2:9


[Received: 3/4/2022]

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