National Unity

by Lori Anne Hale
To return to the normalcy of yesterday some believers are hoping from National Unity | My Daily Letters - MDL

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It would appear that there are those of My children that have embarked on a journey of wishful thinking, setting sail down a canal of self-delusion. For they believe that fair-mindedness and common sense will eventually win out, thus returning this nation, and the world, back to the sense of normalcy known in previous years, those days before the words “virus” or “pandemic” became household words.

Then those who choose to travel down this ‘current of thought’ will wind up standing in a pool of frustration, for the hope they hold of returning to yesterday shall go unanswered, as what once was cannot fully be regained, for the spirit of fear has been given permission to burrow deep into the midst of this nation, building up blockades of distrust within her people.

Therefore, it’s not just “spatial distance” that shall plague this nation with separation. For individual barriers of suspicion have been erected all across her land which shall hinder any efforts to reestablish a true sense of unification, as many are the hearts now embittered with the roots of prejudice found in those who have chosen the path of self-preservation, those who demanded others lay down their own personal freedoms so they themselves could feel safe and secure.

Although this prevailing tide can be stemmed through spiritual warfare, there are some who will refuse to accept what is painfully obvious once the full truth is uncovered about not only the virus but also the vaccination, which is: that they were duped. Yet the enemy shall use this revelation to his advantage by reinforcing the stronghold of distrust which these already carry, whispering lies and accusations about the integrity of others so that these internal blockades stay well supported.

However, it’s not only individuals who shall be bound up with skepticism, for just as it is in other nations where distrust of others is prevalent, many communities across this land shall also experience continued oppression, plagued with a sense of suspicion hanging in the atmosphere; especially in those cities and counties that were held to more restrictive pandemic measures.

Then here and there shall exist “pockets of distrust”, where the overriding attitude amongst the population in these communities is victimhood, and where ‘others’ are regarded as adversaries, whose motives are considered nefarious from the start. It is this broadened perception of distrust that shall retard the unification of this nation, thus preventing the normalcy which most are craving from returning. And because this nation has entered a new era, the days ahead can no longer be held within the parameters of “what was”, which means life for most Americans shall know further change.

Then amongst My children, the expectation should go beyond simply returning to “normalcy”, as this type of narrow thinking arises in those who are focused on their own comfort, and who have not rightfully discerned the time or season, and therefore, have missed that what is currently happening in the world was meant to affect the Church.

Therefore, let none who are Mine be found praying for a return to normalcy. Instead, let your prayers extend beyond this season, interceding for those who are bound by the stronghold of distrust. Although not all of these captives will choose to be set free from their chains, enough shall accept liberation so that amongst this people a sense of national unity can be re-birthed.

“Yes, all things work for your enrichment so that more of God’s marvelous grace will spread to more and more people, resulting in an even greater increase of praise to God, bringing him even more glory! So no wonder we don’t give up. For even though our outer person gradually wears out, our inner being is renewed every single day. We view our slight, short-lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison, because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.” -2 Corinthians 4:15-18 (TPT)


(Received: 2/13/2022)

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