Oh Lady Liberty

by Lori Anne Hale
America the Lord has not abandoned from Oh Lady Liberty | My Daily Letters - MDL

Like a harlot who sells her body for a price, Lady Liberty stands disgraced, as those entrusted to safeguard her honor have whored her out; for again she has fallen in with a bad lot. Then with greedy hands, her wares are sold to the highest bidder without concern for her own well-being. For it’s no longer her virtues that are considered to have worth, but rather the amount she can produce; and so Lady Liberty continues to be defiled.

Although after years of wanton neglect her intrinsic beauty is still evident, yet the heartless bunch now holding her captive can neither see nor comprehend her true charm, as these profiteers sold their souls long ago to Baal and Mammon, and, as such, seek to use her benefits for selfish gain.

Then upon her back, she has been laden with an even heavier burden of taxation, and about her ankles are the shackles of more exploitative regulations, both of which impede her movements, thereby placing further constraints upon her freedom.

Oh Lady Liberty, shall I abandon you in this dire hour? Shall I leave you to suffer at the hands of your enemies? Or does My favor still light your path, shining down like a golden crown upon your head? Indeed it does!

Yet look how far into the pit of degradation your houses have fallen, and how deeply entrenched foreign invaders are upon your soil, as those hired to protect your interests have, instead, dealt in deception; for to snuff out your higher ideal of self-determination is their greater goal.

But to render you completely helpless lies outside of their power, as ‘My Sovereign will’ still governs the world, and those who oppose it must contend with Me. Therefore, Lady Liberty, I shall not fail to act on your behalf and visit your shores with divine replenishing, where empty cupboards and vacant storehouses shall once again know ample supply, as a broad season of “restoration” lies before you.

Then you who are stricken with hardship, you who call “America” your home, have every reason to hold onto hope, for your suffering shall not last, as I am about to do a mighty work amongst your people. So do not despair when it seems as though the days ahead have grown even darker, with difficulties on every side, because I shall burst forth in an instance and reclaim what the enemy has stolen.

Then, Lady Liberty, do not lament what has been lost. For instead of reaping desolation, abundance shall once again be your portion.

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.”-Lamentations 3:24


(Received: 4/3/2022)

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