Beware The Spirit Of Religion

by Lori Anne Hale
With a subtle form of bondage are his chains made so Beware The Spirit Of Religion | My Daily Letters - MDL

Upon the heels of revival, the Church shall know a great expansion, for a vast multitude who were once strangers shall be welcomed into My fold. And though a sense of excitement is building within My ranks in anticipation of this blessed event, very few, however, have considered what comes next, and so shall be ill-prepared for this great ‘in-filling’ when it falls upon the earth, as most believers have only focused on what this divine visitation shall mean for them.

But because the propensity to be self-focused still dwells amongst believers, there shall be some who seek to herd My children back into corrals as a way to build up their own personal platforms, attempting to reinstate within the Church that which I say is finished; yet, even still, these shall know a modicum of success.

So then, even now, My children must set a guard about their hearts so that the freedom they gain in this season isn’t easily stolen away, as the ‘spirit of religion’ will be looking for any opportunity to reassert his authority over their lives.

Yet if some who hear these words and doubt the seriousness of its warning, let them consider what happened in the past when the flames of revival burned through the Church, where within each of those seasons of awakening, though the fire of Holy Spirit rapidly spread, the ‘spirit of religion’ quickly came and retarded its path. For leaders that listened to this deceptive voice rose up within My Body and thereby embraced doctrinal stances that inhibited Holy Spirit’s flow, leading believers into a subtle form of bondage, which, little by little, quenched the blaze We had started.

Then to prevent this same scenario from playing out again, believers must be vigilant, keeping a close eye on their lives and doctrines. For there shall be voices that arise in the next season that preach a partial version of the truth, one that is predicated on selfish agendas. And so to rightly discern those whose intentions are pure and that only desire to advance My Kingdom’s cause, these days must be spent in pursuit of My Presence; of sitting at My knee, listening as I teach you about living a life of holiness.

Know then that in the very near future there shall be those who will once again promote striving, offering a new form of legalistic jargon meant to persuade the more gullible among My flocks and those who lack understanding.

Therefore, Beloved, be mindful of the times and seasons, for indeed a Great Awakening is about to fill the earth. Yet do not limit your sights to only its appearance, but look beyond it to the following season, and prepare yourselves now for those days.

So be diligent in your study of the Scriptures, allowing Holy Spirit to guide you deeper so that the Truth is imparted into your being. For then, when you encounter these false teachers, you won’t easily be persuaded to embrace their lies, and thereby, keep the flames of revival from being put out.


“How is it you don’t understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” -Matthew 16:11-12

(Received: 3/25/2022)

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