This Insular Attitude

by Lori Anne Hale
From this world the Church was not meant to isolate itself with This Insular Attitude | My Daily Letters - MDL

The Church was not created to exist in a vacuum, meaning: not isolated and uninterested in the lives of those around them, as if becoming an island unto itself, where the inhabitants are mainly focused on perpetuating Church culture instead of advancing My true Kingdom purposes. For instead of reclaiming the stolen ground in their communities, very little, if any, forward progress has been made. And though every believer was given the mandate “to be in this world but not of it”, the reverse of this directive has occurred. Instead of separating themselves from worldly influence, many in the Church have become imitators of the flesh, thus sequestering their faith, only allowing it to be apparent when congregating with other believers. 

Yet, I never intended the Church to behave like a private club where very few invitations are extended to the unsaved, asking if they, too, would like to join the banquet being laid in My houses of worship each and every week. But because saving the lost requires personal involvement in the lives of others, very few are willing to cross that line, as these of My own are harboring a reluctance to step beyond what feels comfortable to them. Sadly, that complacent posture has become all too common in the Church. And since the majority of believers see “the pulpit” as the vehicle I am using to spread the Gospel in these days, evangelism has been mostly left up to pastors.

Then it is high time to drive this insular attitude out of My Body, as every single one of My children has been given the ability to share the Good News, and are called to do so. Though some among them carry the anointing of “evangelist”, each believer is more than qualified to testify about their own encounter with Christ, and how He has changed their life.

Therefore, in this season, I have come to challenge the idea that the majority of My children hold about being the Church. For those old patterns of “being” and “doing” won’t suffice any longer, and so must be shaken off. And while many are content to remain sedentary in their faith, some strong internal prompting must compel them to act; which is the reason a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit fire is about to be released upon the Church. For without these flames of resurgence, My Body would remain in virtually the same state. And since My love for the Church cannot be measured, it was out of the question to leave her in this sedate condition; which is why it pleases Me to act in this season.

Then don’t suppose the tremors you have felt thus far are the extent of the shaking I am bringing to the Church, as further agitation is yet to come. But, do not listen to those whose voices speak “gloom and doom”, for the Church has not experienced such exciting days since her inception: that pivotal moment when Holy Spirit first breathed upon the early disciples.

So be alert and ever watchful. For now is not the time to sit back on your haunches, thinking there is plenty of time to prepare for the coming revival. The hour is now, when suddenly and before you know it, the flames of revival shall burst forth and spread. Recognize, then, that the season has changed, and take seriously the hour. For though there shall be heard much “rejoicing ” upon the earth, the enemy is still on the prowl looking to devour the unsuspecting and weak-minded.

Then, dear ones, understand that unto each believer in this current generation of the Church, I have given a field to harvest, where plentiful shall be the crop across the world: ripe, and ready to be plucked. So contend for your fields. Pray against the supplanter, that those caught in his weeds of deception are easily untangled. Then, even now, do not shy away from sharing your faith; for all My children are called and appointed to this task.

“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.” John 4:35


(Received: 3/30/2022)

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