A Resplendent Sound

by Lori Anne Hale
While He can be found seek Him from A Resplendent Sound | My Daily Letters - MDL

Let the sons of Korah rise, those who worship in Spirit and Truth.

Then with melody and song let their lips release a new anthem of praise to My name! Again, I say, “Rise, you sons of Korah, and take your place before My throne, for it is by assuming this humble posture that the revelatory utterance needed in this hour shall break forth. 

Then with prostrate hearts, await the unctioning of Holy Spirit, yielding to His direction alone. For it is only through divine impartation that this Heavenly cadence shall manifest and be heard. Discard any leftover wine from last season, as these dregs shall spoil the flavor of the new vintage I am producing. For what has passed is past, and will, therefore, no longer carry the same supernatural power or anointing. 

Yet you who are the true sons of Korah shall not settle for that lesser brew, as your spiritual palette desires a purer blend: wine which is pressed out on the altar of My Presence. Oh, what sweet notes shall roll off the tongues of these instruments of song, for the proving ground of adversity will cause the roots of their faith to deepen in the rich soil of abiding: that Holy habitation where I am sought and found. 

So lay down your lute, and set aside your fiddle, as these are the days of preparation when your inner man must be cleared of every hindrance so that this new wellspring flows unobstructed.

See, then, you sons of Korah, there has been a spiritual shift, for now I shall meet with you in a different manner than before. It is from the depths of deep introspection that lyric and song shall be released, for it is from a higher spiritual plateau that we shall create.

So pay close attention, you earthen vessels; listen up, you jars of clay! For I am about to release a resplendent sound that has never before been heard upon the earth. Then it is not through the ‘efforts of striving’ that this new Heavenly expression shall be birthed. So take off the cloak of performance, as it is not man that you should seek to please.

Then draw near to Me, you sons of Korah, seek Me while I can be found! Delight yourselves in My Presence, for you are the vessels I have chosen to be carriers of this new sound.


“Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods.” Psalm 96:1-4

(Received: 4/8/2022)

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