
by Lori Anne Hale
In this season the Lord is calling forth a new breed of warriors as Torchlights | My Daily Letters - MDL

[Vision: I saw a field full of warriors. Some were engaged in battle, while others were standing around in small groups arguing about the best way to fight; but none were making any headway against the enemy because they were using the wrong strategies. I could hear the noise and sense the confusion.

Suddenly from their lines stepped warriors that held a different battle stance, for they positioned themselves facing the troops instead of the battlefield. When they spoke, addressing the entire field, I saw their tongues were on fire, and their very words sharpened the swords of their fellow warriors… I heard the word “torchlights’.

As they continued to exhort the ranks, I saw realigning and a tightening up of battle lines, standing shoulder to shoulder until there were no gaps. I heard, “unity; a shoring up of the weak areas”. At once a hush came over the entire field as a giant golden translucent banner unfurled. As it caught the sun’s rays, it sent bolts of white light towards the enemy’s lines, causing demons to cower in fright. Then, as the Lion appeared, roaring over the whole assembly, I heard Him say:]

Fierce shall be the breed of warriors that rise in this season, for their loyalties shall not be divided, as it is My Kingdom alone that they serve. 

Yet their appearance shall be quite a surprise, for out of utter obscurity shall they step forth, as it was directly by the Master’s hand that these skilled marksmen were trained, and not through the usual liturgical channels established by men.

Then with blazing swords and flaming tongues shall they march onto the field of battle, for this contingent of fighters was commissioned to combat the lies which have infiltrated the Church. They shall be labeled “renegades”, for these warriors shall reject the pressures of conformity, as they are determined to preach and teach the Gospel in its purest form, and shall therefore refute any watered-down version of the Truth. 

Then pillar after pillar shall fall: those false doctrines used to prop up many platforms within the Church; even the corporate framework modeled by most assemblies shall begin to crumble, thus freeing quite a few who were burdened by the yoke of religious bondage.

These warriors shall stand as “torchlights”, illuminating the way for others to follow, for through them the firm foundation of My Word shall be restored. And while, to some, their methods shall seem unconventional, still, the trail they cut shall be firmly built and not erode after time, for the revelation they impart shall know support from the whole canon of Scripture. Though small in number, this contingent of firebrands shall inflict much damage upon the enemy’s lines, for great shall be their exploits done in My name, as they shall not bow to any giants nor concede defeat regardless of the number who oppose them. 

Then hear Me now, you stalwart warriors: your King is calling you forward to stand on the frontline of battle. For My ranks have been wielding dull swords long enough and need their blades freshly sharpened. So stand before your brethren, then speak the Truth in love. For as you release the deeper revelation you carry, a new level of understanding shall flow into many, dispelling the partial truths they believed.

See then your marching orders have been issued. So ready yourself to be sent forth, as the next phase of My battle plan has been implemented and has already begun to unfold upon the earth. So open your mouths, as if trumpets, and bolster My troops, for many have grown weary of the battle.

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

(Received: 5/18/2022)

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