Fishers Of Men

by Lori Anne Hale
In this season God has cast His nets wide from Fishers Of Men | My Daily Letters - MDL

My nets have I cast wide, for in this season there is an abundance of fish to be caught. Yet it will not be through the current method of trawling that I shall move since the results that most altar calls produce are limited. For what other size haul should be expected when only a few lines are cast out into the vast seas of hopelessness? Yet in the coming days new “fishers of men” shall emerge, those who will boldly set sail towards the dark waters of despair, as it is there, within that murky expanse, that the best catch can be found. 

Then these ruddy sailors shall not angle from the safety of a dock or pier, for in their hearts is a yearning to head right into the midst of depravity, that deep ocean where the ‘lost’ of humanity are known to dwell. And while this journey is sure to be uncertain, and even, at times, perilous, to them the reward is worth any risk, for within these fishermen reside the courage to forfeit their own lives if it means another’s soul is rescued from the abyss.

So even now My voice can be heard beckoning to these mariners; like the whisper of the wind I am stirring their spirits, gently prodding them towards action, as it is not the unregenerate that must come looking for the Church, but it is upon the shoulders of every believer “…to seek and save the lost.”. And although it is not simply to one or two, or just a few that I have issued this charge, there are those who line My ranks that have been appointed to evangelize, those “fishers of men” who were called to stand in the public square as heralds for My Kingdom: who like John the Baptist were meant to be out amongst the people of this world.

Then in this hour, I am readying these “fishers of men” to launch out. For the shifting tides of this world shall make for splendid fishing conditions, with many souls easily plucked from the reach of sin and death. Without fanfare, they shall advance, as they have no need for accolades, nor are they troubled by the opinions of man, for serving Me alone is their chief concern.

And so you “fishers of men” who have been hidden away, know that your time of preparation will soon be up, and I shall release you out into your calling. Then shall I breathe fresh breath into the vision you carry, expanding this horizon beyond what can currently be seen. So do not become anxious and thus run ahead, for more plentiful shall be Our bounty if you wait upon My perfect timing.

“He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish.” John 2:16

(Received: 4/22/2022)

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