Seeds Of Deception

by Lori Anne Hale
Against the illegitimate presidency now in the Oval Office God is moving from Seeds Of Deception | My Daily Letters - MDL

Where can a man turn when even his allies stand against him? What haven of safety can then be found? Should he then consider himself abandoned, for no rescue shall come, and in bitterness shall his life end?

But with confidence did he strut onto the public stage, like a rooster whose chest was puffed up with arrogance. However, his departure shall be that of a fool, for what other fate could be expected of one who has built his career upon a foundation of lies? For this pedestal upon which he now stands shall soon collapse, as it lacks any true integrity, which is why it shall take very little effort to pull him down; for surely “…pride goeth before a fall”. And while, in the past, some may have thought him to be affable and charming, his approachable demeanor has begun to lose its appeal, as the suffering caused by his ineptitude shall turn even his most ardent supporters against him.

Then throughout history shall his name be aligned with “failure”, for he stole that high seat, thus his time spent as Commander shall ever be thought of as abysmal at best because he was not called, nor was he equipped, to govern this nation. Therefore, Biden, you shall leave behind a legacy of disgrace, for even the future generations who come from your line shall be unable to escape your shame, as your descendants shall bear the mark of your humiliation upon their heads.

Then in your remaining days upon the earth shall you reap what you have sown, for those who sow seeds of deception, planted in the fields of rebellion, shall surely reap the brittle weeds of desperation, as it was through manipulation and underhanded schemes, that you Biden, obtained your lofty position.

And so into the pit of despair shall you plummet, for again and again did you reject My kind offer of redemption. Then like a diseased limb shall your branch be cut off; for in illegitimacy did it spring forth, as its existence was not pre-ordained, and therefore you shall crumble under its weight. You would do well, Biden, to step aside now while a speck of dignity still remains. For by prolonging the inevitable, greater shall be your suffering, as you have assumed the mantle of authority which belongs to another, and as a result, shall bear the full measure of consequence for this act of utter defiance.

Your heart have I rightly judged, Biden, thus finding no genuine remorse within, and so I shall remove you from sight. For even now your influence is waning, with your popularity in steep decline, as surely your position of prominence has already greatly diminished. While it is you who is paraded upon the world’s stage, it is those to whom you are beholden that carry the real power. Like a puppet are you pulled by their strings, for you sold your soul long ago to the spirit of greed.

Hear Me, Biden, you have stood long enough in another man’s shoes. While the people of this nation have sadly tolerated your presence in the Oval Office, I have had My fill of your counterfeit administration. And so, My hand has moved against you, for surely shall I strike you down.


“Thus I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.” Isaiah 13:11


(Received: 5/25/2022)

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