Angelic Hosts

by Lori Anne Hale
The light of Jesus these representatives of God's Kingdom emanate from Angelic Hosts | My Daily Letters - MDL

The Divine structure of My Kingdom is not found in the annals of man, nor can it be recorded in the way he remembers the world’s history. Even though many have tried to pinpoint the exact flow, its order of operation rests outside of man’s understanding. So then, the comings and goings of my Angelic Army are, in reality, still a mystery to humanity; though some have had glimpses of these heavenly hosts. For most, it’s just a matter of speculation when referring to the unseen beings from My realm, which means, when some boast of having a “guardian angel”, they really don’t understand the number of Defenders that watch over mankind. For though the enemy has his evil forces, he can never exceed the amount who are the heralds of My goodness and Truth. 

Yet, these Heavenly cherubim are more than just white-winged spirits who keep a person from stubbing his toe (as has been the simplistic description told and passed down by the generations of man). So then, this banal explanation has reduced the real power given to these angelic beings, for those who represent My Kingdom emanate with the light of My Son.

Therefore, what battalion of dark forces could stand against a single one?

These celestial beings carry the might and power of a well-endowed warrior: one who is not easily overtaken because he is trained in the art of battle. These guardians, who were created by Me, have been dispatched to Earth not only to help mankind, but as those who are entrusted with the duty of guarding My unfolding plan. For these angelic hosts are more than just messengers, they are armed for battle, ever ready to wage war against any enemy uprising. And if a territory has been claimed by one of My own children, these winged defenders will stand watch to ensure the perimeter is safely held.

The charge I have given these spirits is to champion My will and act under My instructions, just as envoys from another kingdom are sent out with commands from their noble leader to follow. These winged warriors do not decide for themselves what shall be, or where they shall go, but are always sent to support My work and help to accomplish it on the Earth.

Then to think these beings are anything less than intimidating would be a mischaracterization of who they really are, for I created My Heavenly Army to be an imposing force against the enemy. Stately and strong are My legions, all glistening with light from their nearness to My presence (for any who come close to My throne can’t help but be filled with the glow of perfection). And though they dwell in My realm, these beings are not to be worshiped, nor are they to be prayed to as deities, as it was My hand which also formed these divine beings. And, yes, sometimes I will have these heavenly messengers make an earthly appearance. Yet, I should find none of My own bowing in reverence to them since there is no other being that has the right to be praised, only Me alone!

But, there are still some of My children who seek these spirits hoping to garner some extra favor, believing those who are assigned as their protectors will bring blessings and fill their life with a certain illumination of light and tranquility. And though the responsibility given to these heavenly beings is to watch over mankind and offer comfort, the prayers of men are to be uttered My direction alone. And since even My heavenly hosts have free will, there is, within these created beings, never any question about which King they serve. You will never find a single one crossing over the line to join forces with the enemy. But when the devil caused a stir in My courts, all who were with him, those who chose his side, were thrown out of My Kingdom without the ability to return, as there is no avenue of repentance for any of these prideful spirits. However, the ones who remained have given their allegiance to Me and are committed to upholding My will.

So then, these angelic beings cannot be swayed to act under the prayers of men: those who are looking to connect with their “supposed” guardians. However, because the enemy is crafty, he has no problem masquerading as a representative from My Kingdom to trick the ignorant and foolish into accepting his lie, for he knows how easy it is for a person to “be had”. Though there have been moments throughout man’s history where true angels have been spotted, and a few people have had real encounters, these heavenly beings have never appeared unless it was in agreement with My will, and unless I allowed them to be revealed.

Since I have hoped that each human being establishes a direct line of communication with Me, to offer invocations and worship to something I have created is to show irreverence to My name. This means that those who are My own children should not be chasing after these types of sightings or encounters, but should, instead, let their hearts remain enraptured by the One whose name outranks any other. For not a single celestial being can bear My title, nor does any have the power to overthrow My throne. Then to Me alone is praise to be ascribed, and only My name is to be lifted high!

Yet, because I created man with the need to worship, he is continually looking for the way to satisfy this longing. Yet while some have discovered they can only find true satisfaction in Me, most are still searching for the place of real worship, with some having landed on glorifying angels instead. But these, who are found in this frame of mind, have missed the mark because their hearts settled on an idea that was less than the full Truth. As a result, these have embraced spirituality that is not grounded in My Word. For what has been divinely inspired, and then written in those pages, warns against this behavior as idolatry.

Just how easy was it for the enemy to lure man into disobedience when he showed up as a serpent? And again, when he appears to those running after celestial beings, how will these discern whether this is really an angel of light? For if these have not developed the wisdom that comes from My Kingdom, they, too, will be fooled. Since My Word warns against this behavior, shouldn’t My children set a guard over their hearts by refusing to indulge the flesh with this disrespectful practice? But because this form of spiritualism has become a common practice, where it’s woven into many other religions (even some who claim to be Christian), the enemy has had a field day leading quite a few astray.

This behavior is, however, nothing new, because the enemy often uses deception wrapped in appealing terminology to entice mankind by making his offer sound as if it’s “fresh” and “hip”. And so those who desire to be more “enlightened” than the rest of humanity have easily slid into his trap of inner consciousness and realization, which makes the thought of connecting with angelic beings seem like not such a stretch for them to accept. And though an unseen realm does exist, the enemy spins this into a half-truth as he weaves his tale that everything in the universe, whether visible, has a spirit. Then, because of this cosmic connection, man has the power within to link with other spiritual beings.

However, these mystical practices don’t lead to the Truth. For, in reality, those who follow this form of religion have created a partnership with darkness (even though these practices promise a hyperawareness to the light around them if they continue down this so-called journey to inner harmony). Though this path may seem harmless, because it’s filled with positive affirmations and soothing words, those who fall prey to these lies never find their longing for worship satisfied. No matter how many crystals are used, or celestial beings sought, the inner peace these are looking for will never be achieved, for the higher place of consciousness they are seeking is only a myth created by the one who is ready to devour a man’s soul. So, for any of My own to incorporate these modernized rituals as a part of their theology is not only unnecessary and misguided but also leaves a wide open space for the enemy to attack them. Any thought or habit which comes from the doctrines of man should be dismissed as My own break free from the ideas of spirituality found in this world.

Though angels do exist, again I say these created beings have an established purpose which is to assist Me in bringing forth the plans I have for this world and all eternity. And though some of these winged warriors are sent to protect a single soul, or bring comfort to a heart that is deeply wounded, these beings are not to be worshipped, for they are only My servants and only carry the limited power I have given to them. Not a single creature that dwells in either sphere has the same might that I possess, so the flow of worship is to ascend to Me alone. Therefore, a relationship with Me is preferable to any other which man can have because every created being in the universe still ultimately answers to Me.

So then, to pursue enlightenment through any other means is only setting a person up for failure because the ideas put forth from these “more spiritual” sources are only out-and-out lies. Though the message they speak sounds good on the surface (since only uplifting words are used), in reality, just thinking a positive thought or speaking words of substantiation can’t resolve the real issues of the soul. For anyone to seek after this celestial plane, where angelic beings exist as guides, only leads them to the wrong spirit; for the forces of darkness dwell in these places. 

Therefore, this pursuit of a relationship with any heavenly being should, instead, be set upon finding Me! So then to say, “I strongly discourage My children from taking part in the activity of praying to angels for guidance”, is to put it mildly! My own have already been given the perfect “Helper” who came after My Son was resurrected, so there is no reason for any of them to ever look for aid anywhere else since He and I are in constant communication; meaning that He always flows in My will. His prodding and urgings keep My own on the right path, so that if they spend time asking Me, waiting for Me to reveal My plan. Then My Spirit, which lives inside them, will give illumination to their path. 

So again: though angels exist, the role they play in creation is usually less obvious to man, for these celestial beings were not designed to have an intimate relationship with human beings, but were made to support My will as it unfolds here on earth. And though I sent heralds out, these had the specific task of delivering a single message to someone; but that was as far as the connection went. So supposing a person could call on these spiritual beings to do their bidding, or gather deeper insight about the world and their own life goes beyond the capacity of these angelic beings. For though these creatures aid mankind, it is always in accordance with My will that they are acting. 

Therefore, it is to Me alone that My children should focus their attention, for I have given them the tools and ability of connecting with My presence with no need to use any form of spiritualization techniques. To those of My own who feel the need to enhance their journey with Me by adding these mystical ideas and practices, know that this is unnecessary and will only block the way to successfully access the real elevated thought life of My kingdom. For the higher thinking of a positive person comes from embracing the whole Word of Truth and then allowing Me to unlock the mysteries in its pages by abiding in My presence. 

So then put away these ideas of angels and positive affirmations so that your life has a sunnier outlook, for I alone am the only way to lay a path to brighter days. And so, don’t give in to the temptation of looking anywhere else as the source for uplifting your soul, when the gift My Son gave contained the perfect amount of love to keep a person’s heart continually rejoicing. For if My children daily reflect upon His sacrifice, and what it affords not only to themselves, but the rest of humanity, then why would anyone be displeased by His offer to free them from slavery, forever unlocking the gate to where My presence dwells? 

Then, through My Son, and with the help of Holy Spirit, I have furnished and established for My children the avenue for an elevated thought life to form, where none of them need be bogged down any longer by the troubles of this world. So, cast off pursuing a more ‘mystical journey’ and dwell in the place where the full Truth is found.

I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.  But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!” -Revelation 22:8-9


(Received: 2/6/2020)

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