Peculiar People

by Lori Anne Hale
In the hearts of His people God's love should reign from Peculiar People | My Daily Letters - MDL

What a peculiar lot are the people of God. For though they outwardly appear similar to all others who walk the earth, that is where the resemblance ends, as they are the “beloved” of their Maker. Because they are known to Him as sons and daughters, they should, therefore, live as such.

Yet those He calls “children” have not earned this distinction upon their own merit. For there are none, solely born of the flesh, who deserve to bear such an honored title as to be recognized as My kin, since nothing but wickedness and sin dwell in the hearts of humanity, as it is only the blameless that can draw near to Him.

And while many are the number chosen to hold the position of heirs to His kingdom, very few will claim this prize, for the prince of darkness still rules their lives, and so it is to him that their allegiance lies. These, therefore, have no standing before the Father, for they are absent the one quality that makes them acceptable, and that being: the blood of salvation.

Ah, but those cloaked in that garnet-stained robe of redemption are to Him regarded as treasured possessions, for He sacrificed much to obtain their souls. And although they are surely clothed in the garments of righteousness, yet before men, it is their good conduct that sets them apart, as it is their behavior which is visible to the naked eye. Then it is not simply with mere words that believers exemplify Me, for their actions will, at times, betray what they really believe, and often speak louder than any verbal testimony ever could. It’s the love they preach that must also be witnessed through their treatment of others.

Does this mean believers should resist boldly proclaiming the Good News across the earth? Not at all! However, sincere acts of kindness can open hearts that would otherwise be closed to receiving the Truth, and so both are needed to reach the lost in this world. 

Then yes, speak the Truth in love, but let those words be supported by your actions, for others are watching to see if you actually live what you preach.

Then to those who belong to My Father’s household, you peculiar people, let My love reign in your hearts so that its warmth and kindness are demonstrated in all you say and do. Remember that your generosity and compassion to both strangers and friends alike will see many more won over for the sake of Christ.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

(Received: 4/19/2022)

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