The Apostles Shall Arise

by Lori Anne Hale
A message for the global Church shall these new apostles carry from The Apostles Shall Arise | My Daily Letters - MDL

When the roof of an ancient structure is found leaking, doesn’t the Owner of the property call upon someone well suited for the task to make the repair?

Then it’s not an electrician or a plumber that is hired to assess and then amend the damage, but someone skilled at carpentry who retains an understanding of the Architect’s initial design. So it is then up to the Owner’s discretion to determine from amongst the candidates who is the better qualified to help with this restoration process. And while some may appear to fit the part nicely (having the necessary license and title), these lack the insight needed to decipher the original building plans, as they have only been taught the modern-day techniques used in construction.

And so in this hour, I am calling forth a new team of builders, those who carry the discernment to interpret what I am now doing within the Church based upon My ancient schematics. For unto each of these, a similar vision has been imparted, one that, when implemented, shall restore structural integrity to My House.

Then seemingly out of nowhere shall these builders appear, equipped with the necessary tools to dismantle the faulty infrastructure of the Church, as these have seen well beyond the current configuration of church buildings and multi-campus ministries. Yet it is not with hammer or saw that these hirelings were conscripted, nor shall they bear an attitude of condemnation. But with words of correction abounding in truth and love shall they bring realignment to the Church, for My House now stands in a compromised state, having doctrines filled with gaping holes which have left many believers exposed to the spiritual elements of this world.

Then these shall be known as “apostles”, yet not in the boastful sense as some have done by adding it to their name as a title: as a means to gain prominence within My Body. For this designation was only meant to describe their calling and does not place them on an elevated status, since all are equal in Christ. Ah, but these new apostles were cut from a different cloth than their modern-day predecessors, for their hearts do not long for recognition amongst men, but only to obediently follow after My will, which includes implementing My renovation strategies across the Church.

Then like foremen entrusted to follow the Architect’s exact specifications are these ones charged, which precludes any deviations, as the congregational model now being touted as coming from Me actually originated with man, and is the reason there is so much dysfunction within My Household.

So in My authority shall these apostles be sent as agents of change within the Church. And while they will surely establish new works in My name, their first mission shall be to repair the damage done by decades of half-truths and misinterpretations of the Scriptures, for it is then that a much truer version of the Church shall emerge.

Therefore, keep a watch on the horizon as the apostles shall arise and take their place amongst My Body, bringing with them a message of change that shall serve as the catalyst for the global restructuring of the Church.

“You are the body of the Anointed One, and each of you is a unique and vital part of it. God has placed in the church the following: First apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then those with gifts of miracles, gifts of divine healing, gifts of revelation knowledge, gifts of leadership, and gifts of different kinds of tongues. Not everyone is an apostle or a prophet or a teacher. Not everyone performs miracles or has gifts of healing or speaks in tongues or interprets tongues. But you should all constantly boil over with passion in seeking the higher gifts. And now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison!” 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 (TPT)



(Received: 6/29/2022)

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