Hear Me, Lystra

by Lori Anne Hale
On your ground the Lord is going to complete the word He began from Hear Me, Lystra | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then it shall be said of those who hail from the region of Lystra, “The presence of the Lord is strong amongst this people!”. For indeed there shall be a demonstration of My divine power in cataclysmic proportions, which shall rush through your streets as a massive surge of living waters, causing many of your citizens to bow their knee to Me in true repentance. 

Here Me, Lystra, in the coming days there shall be a deluge of Holy Spirit fire that shall sweep through your people with such force that none will be able to prevent its spread, just as it was when the early Church began with their numbers growing daily. Then even from those among you, Lystra, who worship the false god, Allah, shall new followers of Christ be birthed, as upon hearing the Gospel Message, a great many who were slaves to that dead religion shall know what it is to walk in true liberation. And so from within your midst shall I raise up a contingent of the fiercest warriors who shall be known as “sons of thunder”, as their courage amongst My Body shall not be outmatched.

And so the faith that had been concealed for fear of reprisals will suddenly be emboldened, and then shall the Good News once again be openly preached throughout your population. Although the small flicker of a candle may be easily hidden, the blaze of a wildfire cannot be so readily contained. Then say I, Lystra, “The enlivening of My Spirit shall not be quenched!”, and as such, a robust harvest shall abound upon your soil. For a great turning shall be found in the hearts of your people as many turn aside from the vile teachings of Muhammad and, instead, cling to the path of righteousness, thereby bringing a significant expansion to the household of believers that already stands within your borders.

Ah, but even then shall violent men rise up with murderous intent, seeking to forcibly silence the voices of those who are zealous for the Lord. However, though the hand of persecution shall strike back at this unfolding resurgence, those acts of aggression shall do nothing to dissuade the truly faithful, for so intensely shall their passion burn for the lost of this world, that even their attackers shall know salvation. Then say I, “The work I began in the ancient past upon your ground, Lystra, shall I now bring to completion.”

See then Lystra, a multitude of the living shall be found walking amongst the dead, as surely I shall pour out My Spirit like a torrent of refreshing rain over your parched land, which shall invigorate the soil so that fields filled with new life springs forth. 

Will you then still oppose Me Lystra, or shall you finally tear down your shrines of false religion and bow before the one true God, who alone is Supreme, and of whom there can be found no rival? Oh, Lystra, would it be that all of your people worship at My altar! Even still, a vast multitude from among you shall exalt the name “Yahweh” above every other, leaving no doubt about whom it is that they serve.

Then indeed, Lystra, My presence shall manifest in your midst. For surely Jehovah Shamah shall find a resting place within in your people.

“…And the name of the city from that time on will be:  the Lord is there.” -Ezekiel 48:35b

(Received: 7/29/2022)

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