Stand As Torchlights

by Lori Anne Hale
For America to follow the Lord is calling forth upright leaders to illuminate the path from Stand As Torchlights | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh, how deceptive is the game of politics, which is the reason blatant lies and distorted truths are not only expected but accepted by each contender who enters the race. What a rarity, then, it would be to find an honest man amongst the heap, as those who enter the field of politics have been trained in the art of manipulation; so adept are they at speaking with lying lips and so fluent are they in the language of double-talk.

Then say I, “Is there not even one among you that can stand with a clear conscience, or have you all dipped your fingers into the till of greed and corruption? And so, I ask you, “From which side of the aisle can the integrous be found, for surely you who hold these seats of leadership lack the veracity you claim to possess?”

Ah, but did I not say that swift and sudden change was coming to Washington? Must I remind you again of My intentions, which are to clean out from these governmental houses the unscrupulous, and raise up godly leaders instead? Then say I, “Like a house of cards are your lives built, flimsy and unstable, and so down, down, down, shall you fall, for your hearts have I rightfully judged.”  Yet it is not to a single party that I have discovered the unrepentant, as the assembly on the Hill is harboring more than just a few wanton and remorseless individuals.

And so it shall be that many a vacant seat is found throughout this nation’s capital, as it won’t only be through the electoral process that these agents of evil are knocked out of office. Indeed, some shall fall victim to affliction, yes, but surely death shall visit the doorsteps of others.

Ah, but for these seats am I raising up contenders, those of upright and moral character, those who shall not be caught in the undertow of evil that runs like a seedy river through the governmental halls of Washington. And so, even now can My voice be heard urging these loyalists to stand up and be counted, for within them I have seen the intestinal fortitude to not only withstand the evils that come against political officials, but these patriots already possess the guile to circumvent the schemes of the supplanters that are now rooted in the ground of D.C.

Then say I to you, Ron DeSantis, and those of your ilk, you have been called forth for such a time as this to lead this Republic called “America”; to stand as torchlights, illuminating the path for her people to follow so that she stands once again as a more virtuous nation. Hear Me, Ron DeSantis, see the course which I have laid before you leads straight to Washington, for you have been chosen to defend the rights of this nation, and see that her citizenry remains independent and free. 

Then it is ‘circumspectly’ that you must walk, Ron DeSantis, for the enemy, even now, seeks to devour your soul. Therefore, set a guard about your heart, for upon this road lies many pitfalls which could easily cause you to more than simply stumble. However, My hand of favor shall still be upon you.

See then, it is time for the patriots to rise, and for you, Ron DeSantis, to lead the charge. For like the tip of a spear have I sharpened you to pierce through the layers of deception that blanket this nation’s government. Do not count it, then, as mere happenstance that during these tumultuous days in America you find yourself at the forefront of the battle. For the platform upon which you stand was divinely appointed by My hand, as I saw there to be no compromise within you, even with the mounting political pressure I knew was sure to come.

So indeed, Ron DeSantis, I have chosen you from among the many for such a time as this.


He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” Daniel 2:21

(Received: 8/4/2022)

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