
by Lori Anne Hale
To be a hotbed of revival has the Lord called this field California | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so it was upon His arrival to these golden shores that the King was well-pleased indeed. For after surveying the land, He found the ground to be well-suited for planting, which He was certain would one day boast a bountiful harvest.

Then with this vision in mind, He began tilling and turning the hardened ground to ensure each seed planted was nestled deep within the soil, as if hidden away like buried treasure just waiting to be unearthed. And while some might think the King’s plans a bit too optimistic for this particular field (due to its fallow appearance), yet suddenly, and much to the surprise of these skeptics, shall those dormant seeds unexpectedly sprout with new life, for the adverse conditions of drought and affliction have made for the perfect climate to yield a bumper crop. 

Ah then, looks can be deceiving, especially when one’s perspective is skewed. For who can rightly judge the King’s decisions when discerned from their own point of view? 

Then, like a blanket of wildflowers that used to cover its hills, shall the spiritual landscape of this particular field blossom and then bloom, as even in its current state with parched ground and arid climate, “abundant” shall still be the fresh sprigs it produces. For an array of young stalks shall abound in great quantity across its entirety, thus fulfilling the King’s initial vision.

So though other parcels may have appeared more promising at first glance (since these fields boasted friendlier environments that favored cultivation and harvesting), yet the King could not be persuaded to change His mind, for He knew the propagation from this single parcel would quickly spread, reaching even fields in faraway lands.

However, because the King was very wise, He understood that to see the extent of His vision for this particular field come to pass, He would need to seek out laborers to lend Him a hand: those who would help maintain the ground and keep watch for any supplanters that might come along. Yet, quite a few of those the King hired to tend this field did not make good on their word, and as such, allowed thick clusters of weeds to encroach upon the soil: those spiny brambles which are known for breeding death and decay that even now pose a threat to those tender young shoots which have yet to take root. Even still did the King patiently sit, hoping those idle workers would eventually show up and tend this field to which they were assigned.

And yet, due to the lateness of the hour, the King has turned His focus upon the smaller workforce He currently has at His disposal: those laborers who remain faithfully committed to His cause. It shall be those who help Him to usher in the coming harvest, and so great shall be their reward.

See then, California, though you do not deserve such a blessing, still shall the fires of revival be found burning in your midst, as I have chosen key points within your borders to ignite this flame. So while you shall surely suffer the consequences for the wickedness you have sown (for indeed has My judgment fallen upon you), nonetheless, like a fiery wave shall My Spirit move throughout your borders, burning with the flames of renewal. Then, the intensity of this blaze shall act as a catalyst that causes those dormant seeds of faith I planted long ago to burst forth in newness of life! Surely shall you, California, be found overflowing with the blooms of salvation: those blossoms of red whose color signifies redemption.

And so up from San Diego to all points North shall revival spread until you are fully engulfed in its flame. For surely I have chosen you to be a hotbed for the coming resurgence which is even now beginning to manifest.

“Indeed, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its produce.” Psalm 85:12

(Received: 11/10/2022)

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