Pray For The Pentagon

by Lori Anne Hale
Against the evil that has infiltrated this ground the Lord has called believers to contend from Pray For The Pentagon

A ‘chink in the armor’ has been exposed, rendering the enemy vulnerable to a well-armed assault. He has yet to realize this area of weakened defenses, and as such, would sustain heavy losses should My army launch repeated assaults on this soft target. 

So then, like guided missiles which have a logistical aim, the warfare from My ranks should be directed upon the Pentagon and those who oversee the affairs of the military in this nation. For in amongst these high-ranking officers and officials dwell a few honorable individuals: those who still believe in an independent America, and will gladly fight to see that her Constitutional freedoms are upheld.

And so, while over the recent years there has been a more concerted effort to politicize each branch of this nation’s armed forces, these particular patriots could not be swayed to abandon their sense of duty, which is: to serve and protect this country at all costs. However, though there has been a “changing of the guard” so to speak, where a number of key posts were reassigned to officers who had more ‘progressive’ leanings, a small contingency of true patriots retained their positions, for surely did My hand hide these in obscurity.

Ah, then these soldiers are strategically placed where their presence will be to My advantage. Through these loyalists shall the furtherance of My will for America be accomplished, as they shall shore up the breaches which allowed an enemy force to infiltrate these borders, and abscond with liberties that were Sovereignly established. Yet I knew that seeing this attempt at global domination thwarted could not be carried out without some form of official backing, and as such, I have enlisted the help of those whose allegiances still lie with America: those who carry within a strong ethical code of playing by the rules and doing what is right. 

Then it is upon this tier of the government that prayerful attention should be given to support those brave souls who have not abandoned their pledge to defend America’s interests, both foreign and domestic. These stand directly opposed to the current effort underway which seeks to weaken her defenses, leaving this nation vulnerable to further attack. So let this key battleground not be overlooked, as its recovery is of vital importance to the full victory of our current campaign. For if those who have the legal authority to intervene on behalf of this people are corrupt, others of similar ranking must be ready to step in as their defenders.

Therefore, like a shroud, blanket these protectors of liberty with your prayers. For I desire to do a work in their midst by shifting the balance of power back over to those who hold upright intentions: those whose actions are not determined by the likes of Baal and Mammon. 

So then, dear ones, posture your prayers to include the Pentagon and those who are tasked with preserving your freedoms. Contend against the darkness which has infiltrated this department. For though the enemy is now found occupying this ground, he has yet to erect a firm stronghold along this militaristic line. Therefore, strike this ground again and again so that the barrier this evil foe has already fashioned comes crashing down around his head, thereby cutting off every avenue which allows him to stay. 

Pray, then, that all who have partnered with this demonic spirit are fully exposed, even those who are hidden away as if in a secret bunker buried deep beneath layers of bureaucrats and politicians. For unless this traitorous bunch is fully purged from your government, this globalist agenda will rise again like a bad penny, continuing on with its mission to neutralize America’s power until she becomes nothing but a lapdog that yields to their wishes.

Then say I, “Rout the enemy by calling down confusion upon his head”! In so doing, full knowledge of the evil being perpetrated upon this nation will be laid bare. Then ask again that those who were meant to lead reclaim their rightful seats: those I raised up to govern the affairs of this nation, so that justice is finally, and fully, served.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

(Received: 11/16/2022)

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