Obedience Is Still Better…

by Lori Anne Hale
Any longer believers cannot cover their disobedience through acts of sacrifice as Obedience Is Still Better...

The propensity of man is to trust in himself, believing he is more than capable of steering his own course, and as such, he forges on, holding fast to that conviction. So while this attitude of self-reliance is to be expected among the “lost and unregenerate”, it is not the inner posture that should be found in any of My children. Yet, this sinful habit of self-dependence, unfortunately, persists as a canker among My own, as many who are meant to walk in unity with My Will are found taking matters into their own hands.

As a result, the partnership I had envisioned remains non-existent, as it is the child who then dictates the terms of our relationship instead of Me, which will, in turn, cause some to cut a path of their own making: one that is drastically different than what I had planned. And while I knew each of My children would be prone to missteps, fewer would be their regrets if they would allow Me to lead, as many a mistake would easily be avoided by simply trusting in My discretion. 

Sadly though, few are the number who will actually wait upon My instruction. For while some may ask for My direction, yet unless they’re given a prompt response, quickly do they charge ahead, wrongly interpreting My silence as a sign that their own judgment is sufficient for discerning the right answer; which, in essence, says My input is not needed. Then like insubordinate soldiers do these march, stepping in line to the beat of their own cadence, setting their stride out of phase with My timing, and as such, are these children found violating My direct orders.

Ah, but what these impetuous children have missed are the deeper benefits to be had in those moments of waiting upon Me, as these occasions were intentionally given as opportunities to not only learn the “warfare of rest”, but to also subdue the flesh and break free from any tendencies of self-reliance.

Then know that this is true: that unintended, unexpected, and unwanted consequences are known when any of My children step out of alignment with My plans and purposes for their lives. And while, for some, these acts of self-will are born out of ignorance of My ways, still in others this failure to comply with My Will is an act of direct disobedience that will surely be counted against them. So though it may not be the pull of this world that knocks these impetuous children out of kilter with My Will, nonetheless, have they fallen into sin all the same. And while they may try to right this wrong on their own, only an act of full repentance shall suffice, for obedience is still better than sacrifice. 

However, lest some are mistaken, I have not forsaken these children. The distance between us is entirely their own doing, as their continuing agreement with self-reliance has prevented deeper intimacy from forming with Me, greatly diminishing the sound of My voice so that it is barely audible to their spiritual ears. And although a few missteps here and there are to be expected (and are more easily corrected), yet if this pattern continues unchanged, the future I had cast shall not come to pass, because the fulfillment of My promises is contingent upon obedience to My words, and therefore, shall only fully manifest in the lives of those believers whose hearts remain yielded to Me.

Hear Me then dear ones, especially you who have already received My words of instruction: “Stop taking matters into your own hands!”, attempting on your own to bring forth My promises. Wait instead! Do you think that if you diligently seek after Me, that I will not answer? Lay aside your own agendas, and cast off those compulsions of the flesh which lead you off on your own path. Toss these self-reliant ideas aside, for as I said, this road is only filled with regret. 

Then say I, “Wait upon Me”! Surely then, and before long, I will answer. However, if what I say is not pleasing to your ear, nevertheless, it is still to your benefit to heed My directives, as only I know what is truly best for your lives.

“But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22 (NLT)

(Received: 12/14/2022)

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