Proceed With Extreme Caution

by Lori Anne Hale
To all Americans the Lord is issuing this warning to Proceed With Extreme Caution | My Daily Letters - MDL

“Treacherous” are the days that lie ahead and in them shall be the downfall of many. For these walk in the discernment of “poor judgment”, and as such, shall step right into obvious and avoidable pitfalls: those that are more than apparent to the wise.

Then, as if their sight were impaired, shall quite a number fall headlong into trouble; for clouded shall be their vision, unable to see their folly before it is too late. And so, too, shall the gullible once more be led astray, as those skilled in the art of manipulation shall twist and contort the truth until an apparition is again believed as factual instead of what is true. 

So just as it was when some were labeled “insurrectionists” (though they committed no crime), so it shall be again because the real enemies of this republic shall use any ploy to silence those they consider opposition, and so shall continue to concoct rather devious schemes to see this is accomplished. As a result, law-abiding citizens shall be classified as terrorists, simply for strongly airing their opinions. And while all Americans are guaranteed certain freedoms pertaining to speech and conduct, it is worth remembering that these rights are stripped away once one is deemed a traitor, which leaves the accused without the entitlement of due process; and so shall some be detained without any promise of release.

Though it is lawful for a person to publically protest against the government, there are times when this course of action is not prudent, especially when those in command have no qualms about using their power to punish any voices of dissent. Therefore, it is with extreme caution that this citizenry should proceed, for all are now looked upon with suspicion, regardless of their political affiliation. So while I have said that it is not in the public square that the battle over this nation will be won, still quite a few shall again march out upon this field to make their stand, thereby positioning themselves as easy marks, for surely then shall they be found square in the enemy’s sights.

Yet how much vexation would be avoided if My words and warnings were simply heeded? Would not some of those who have been convicted on “trumped-up” charges be walking free of this burden had they listened to Me? Therefore, be wary of engaging in public protests or rallies, for the government is more than capable of casting a wide net, as they, too, are now trolling about looking to collect more in-depth information on all Americans, especially those they consider a threat to democracy, which include so-called “anti-vaxers” and “MAGA” supporters. 

Hear Me, then, dear ones, stay away from these forms of political gatherings. For even in the coming days when you are incensed again by the antics of those currently governing your nation, lay down your frustration, and instead, pray. Know that your words of warfare shall accomplish more than your yells of protest against the government, because it is still true that, “…the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.”

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

(Received: 1/10/2023)

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