The Gift of Grace

by Lori Anne Hale
We are anchored in God's grace through Jesus | My Daily Letters - MDL

I am the gravity that holds your soul in place and keeps it from running astray; as if your feet were bound in heavy shoes set in the ground of My grace. For you cannot be moved out of this position as one of My children, there is no force when applied that can break the eternal bond we have formed, or shake you from the steady grip of My love. This stated affection is the sound weight which has been applied towards all who are My chosen, as the anchor of their inner being, the guarantee given upon entering the partnership of salvation; thus establishing each in this permanent position with Me.

The soul of one found in My hand does not carry the fear of slipping, for I have extricated them from out of the darkness, now forever to exist in the light of perpetual goodness; basking in the radiance of My Beloved Son, the living hope for all mankind, who became the flawless lamb of sacrifice ending the exiled standing of this world.

As ‘Chief Liberator’ of the saints, He brokered the way of safe passage into My kingdom for all those who would come after Him, giving these the right to assume the title of Priesthood for they have been placed with Him in this ‘order of privileged’, as those who are highly favored; cloaked in the redeeming virtue of His blood, never again to assume the lower position of ‘guilty’, for their sin has found the needed compensation thru the narrow road of redemption.

For though these were once known as condemned and were numbered amongst those who bore the marks of offense, they are now seen as sanctified, having been separated out and added to My fold without a single defect found amongst them. I created My children to be the living embodiment of My Son, to exist in His nature and flow with His love. Yet because some do not comprehend this firm position, their focus remains on performance, viewing their struggles with the critical eye of judgment (thinking any misstep means having to re-earn their way back into My grace again), making My affections seem arbitrary (only given when I am pleased with the good deeds they have done) and thinking charitable behavior would set them in a more favorable light with Me. The truth is, their standing can never be lost, for it has never been dependent on them.

Each of My children can only find the right posture because they have been placed in My Son, and it is through Him alone that any are able to approach Me (for none can ever expect entrance to My dwelling place based upon their own worth or list of praiseworthy accomplishments). The reward of this grace is a constant, measured out to all who would call My son Savior, for His blood became the mitigating factor of restoration, taking the penalty of death off of man’s shoulders and placing it upon Himself. So through Him only is My grace encountered and sustained, forming the perfect atmosphere for development where My chosen live out their days learning to become more and more like Him, for they now recognize that this grace given as a gift, was meant as the way to a deeper relationship with Me.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

(Received: 2018)

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