Knowledge Or Wisdom?

by Lori Anne Hale
Is the identity of a man defined by Knowledge or Wisdom | My Daily Letters - MDL

What is it that defines a man?

What are the words used to describe who he is? Are the words or phrases colorful, depicting a cheery fellow, or dark and dreary because his disposition seems rather cloudy? What is it about a person who tells others who he is? Is it by reviewing his general countenance, such as his posture or facial expressions? Or something beyond his physical appearance, maybe those things he owns? Or is it his career, how he makes a living? What are the key elements which speak out to others, that give someone the voice to say, “This is who I am”, so that when another thinks of him, there is no question about his identity regarding the “type” of person he is?

What if it’s intelligence that sets a man apart, with his intellectual prowess the distinguishing mark, the one characteristic that pops into someone’s mind when mentioning his name?  

So if it is this quality that becomes his one stand out feature, the trait he decides best describes who he is and readily agrees with others when they use the term “brilliant” regarding him, then he has accepted this sole description to define his identity. Since all his high marks and acclaim have come through academia, it reinforces this thought that his agile mind is the way to find standing amongst others. Though he may be attractive, this is not how he wants to be known. So he looks for every opportunity to show off his capabilities by using grandiose words meant to talk circles around those less astute, leaving little doubt about how he would like everyone else to see him.

Believing his cleverness to be his most admirable quality, he polishes his aptitude skills, filling his time with study, only learning for the sake of proficiency. Hoping to maintain his position of “smartness”, he chases after the tail of knowledge, who always seems to be one step ahead by revealing more and more ideas to ponder. However, he is not one who wants to be helpful by gleaning information from a compassionate and kind motivation. No. The desire held in his heart is to be recognized as having all the answers, accompanied by a shrewd comprehension, as one who can assess any situation then render the correct judgment.

For in his estimation, the advice he gives is always the best because his acquisition of knowledge has earned him a place of authority. Therefore, he considers any with a lesser pedigree unfit to comment or offer an opinion on most matters, for they have not arrived at his station of competency, so should only rely upon his recommendations.

But for all of his learning, common sense still eludes him, as he cannot see the forest for the trees, and what he thinks are logical conclusions only bring about more and more questions, with unexpected factors that throw off his predictions. Blindsided by those things he never counted into his equation, he then overestimates his ability of foresight, simply because he trusted in his own knowledge as the guide, viewing himself a repository of factual findings, thus thinking he sits in a more elevated position of understanding.To define a man what characteristic should be used Knowledge or Wisdom | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, because he is not one to rest upon his laurels, he keeps alive the desire to receive constant recognition by striving to be the one sitting on top of the heap, holding the title of one who is considered an expert on most topics common to man. So with his degrees set around him, displaying years of study, making it clear to any who seek his counsel, he is more qualified than most to address their situation and provide a solution, an easy fix from one like him who is so insightful.

Bloated with pride over his achievements, he is certain of how others think of him. For once someone rises to these heights of knowledge, surely they must be admired, or even envied by those less accomplished. However, for one who has arrived at this place of self-aggrandizement (thinking more highly of himself than he ought) how far must he fall to know humility so that his self-effacing demeanor is authentic?

When a person places himself upon the pinnacle of knowledge, his foot is bound to slip, as this man-made structure of higher thinking (this mountain he rests upon) is prone to experience tremors because its shaky foundation does not hold the support of real Truth. Since the wisdom of man is constantly shifting, it creates cracks in this hollow pedestal (as if perched upon a broken stool with only two legs for support) leaving him unbalanced by setting him in an unequal state, making it necessary for him to use considerable effort to maintain his position, lest he topple over.

Therefore, a pedigree is a useless prop. For when it becomes clear that all his knowledge is just a facade held together with boasting and self-proclamation, it reveals a true nature that is less than caring, with self-love trumping that of another. Because certainty and being right is the platform he created for his life, love for another never entered the picture, thus allowing inconsideration to lead by only seeking to meet his own needs.

Then how can anyone hide the stain of a soiled reputation once others see their flaws?

When a man is exposed as a fraud, his sure footing will reveal many holes causing him to stumble, puncturing his pride and deflating his arrogance. However, once the hot sting of embarrassment is felt in his heart, it creates a desperation inside, as he attempts to regain his composure and brush off the evidence of his spill. Yet, when a man cannot see past his own nose, down is the only direction he has left, for even conceit has its limits. So then, the answer to the question “What defines a man”?” is by what he holds in his heart; once this is divulged, there are telling borders that betray who he has hidden just underneath the surface. The only way a man can avoid finding himself in this downward spiral is through honest interaction, by arriving at the point where he recognizes his frailty, then summarizes that he is in need.

A relationship with Jesus is the only way for a person to find their true identity from Knowledge or Wisdom | My Daily Letters - MDL

Though a man can accumulate knowledge, true wisdom is what he has been missing; the kind which can only be found in Me. For it sits outside of a man’s understanding and is only known through humility; by a heart resistant to pride and a haughty attitude, that is not prone to self-important behavior. The truly wise examine life from all angles, always factoring in the needs of another; who set aside their own interpretations and feelings by seeing these as ineffective tools when making decisions, knowing that unforeseen consequences may lie just around the corner, eager to catch the unprepared off guard. However, the one who seeks perfect wisdom is never found here, for they pursue the highest authority and look to the one who holds all the answers.

I AM the only place man can find true wisdom!

Because I created the blueprint of everything in this world, gave it form and to each its’ function, then, factored in all of man’s struggles, this establishes Me as the only real Counselor, as the One who is all knowing. For doesn’t the builder consult the architect before erecting the structure, wanting to make sure he has the right calculations so his footings hold the proper placement to keep the building from collapsing? Unless I am allowed in to restructure a life, catastrophe is inevitable, with ruin the only thing left to define him. So then, how far a man falls depends on himself, depends on the heights of the self-reliant tower he has built.

Therefore, to avoid this tragic tale from playing out in a life requires two things: first, a broken heart that is filled with contrition (as one who recognizes their lack and insufficiency); and then secondly, by taking on the posture of humility, accepts My Son as Savior, thus resting in the place of total dependency as one who never wants to live life separated from My presence, for he realizes his true identity can only be defined through a relationship with Me.

“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. ” Proverbs 2:6

(Received: 8/19/2019)

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