The Frivolities of Youth

by Lori Anne Hale
Where does the path of youthful adventure lead from The Frivolities of Youth | My Daily Letters - MDL

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The frivolities of youth lead a man’s heart away, carrying him off into places unknown, where wild behavior is called “adventurous” and experimentation is seen as a right of passage; for it is thought by many that this is how the younger sect goes about discovering themselves. Then once, after having gotten these immature antics out of their system, they will fall into line, figure out their future and settle down by becoming part of the responsible crowd. Unfortunately, what has not been factored in, regarding this time of excess living, are the wounds which form and the injuries borne because of all the riotous behavior (which is not only expected but has been accepted as part of a young adult’s life).

So, once a youth arrives at the magic number of independence, limits are lifted (as if being released from confinement) allowing them to explode out onto the world and try anything thought a bit dangerous. Since they are no longer hindered by the stiff rules of protection, these start running here and there, chasing after those things once called “taboo”; excited to experience life on the edge with explicit conduct shaping their days, crowding out proper decorum; where “anything can happen” is the motto and freedom of expression the standard, with “living large” as their only goal.

Having embraced the idea that, “You are only young once!”, these have tossed every caution to the wind, rushing ahead in earnest, pleased at last to be the one calling the shots. For now, they are free to say “yes” when something sounds tempting or decline any invitation of prudence that is not to their liking. The consequences of their choices do not even occur to them, believing their youth carries a guaranteed charm (as if placing them in a bubble), protecting them from any harm and would never dream of allowing anything negative to happen, nothing which would detract from the enjoyment and pleasure of their extreme lifestyle.

However, without warning, it happens. The interloper of repercussion steps into their life, bursting through the imaginary spell their immature mind has cast, giving off the perception of being untouchable, impervious to anything truly bad befalling them. Yet here it is, an unexpected consequence originating from impulsive action. For they were blinded by inexperience, and are now caught in the trap of their own making. They resemble a creature crossing a dark road that has no sense of any real danger ahead, who thought itself safe, and paused for a moment only to suddenly be caught in the bright light of “tragedy”, becoming an unfortunate target of fate. What results from the decision to step out onto this expressway, where things move at a much faster rate, makes casualties of the naive.

Too often this is the way a young heart is headed, because they are impatient to move away from everything thought tame, and are eager to cross over into the land considered off-limits, thinking this is how the more mature must live. And yet, not wanting to take on the full responsibility of adulthood, they pick and choose which obligations they will honor, only adhering to sound living when needed, allowing “impulsive” and” brash” to guide them.

Is reckless behavior the only way to have adventure in The Frivolities of Youth | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, the young are often surprised by the potency of the concoction when liberty and immaturity are mixed. For this combination can wash away anything resembling good sense, giving off the illusion of invincibility to the unseasoned. Because these believe nothing can touch them, they do not pay attention to the alarm of warning when it sounds, proclaiming danger is approaching ready to clutch their youthful silhouette in the light of “impending” and “unavoidable” as it comes barreling towards them. This is such a common tale, one which has not changed with the ages, for the young are always looking for adventure, thinking they will find it through what the world has to offer, ready to run after every form of excitement, anything to alleviate boredom, making it more than likely that their path will encounter the road of “trouble”.

Yet, I created the young to have this kind of flare, filled with the courage and boldness to challenge limits. But My original concept, which still holds true, was to have each person know Me even at a young age. Then, as they grew, when childhood games no longer held their attention and the taste for adventure started pulling, together, we would launch out, heading off towards amazing destinations, filled with plenty of chances to experience a life lived to its fullest, without needing to participate in the worldliness of man.

Since there is nothing about Me that can ever be misconstrued as humdrum (for I am the one who imagined the universe in its absolute form, then spoke the whole thought into existence) why would any think a partnership with Me could be anything less than extraordinary, held in the space of exceptional; where dreams are realized through a divine approach, avoiding the pressure to set aside a more virtuous life in order to see their desires come true?

So if you believe that I am predictable and enjoyment is outside of My wheelhouse, then we have yet to make a real connection. This is why you should get to know Me a little better and set aside your preconceived notions of what it would be like to live as one of My children. For happy are those who have put their trust in Me, who know Me as Father. These have hearts filled with contentment because they no longer have an appetite for reckless behavior, nor are they enticed by the charms of this world. Because they sit in the place of real security, shame can no longer touch them, as all their past indiscretions have been forgotten, and now stand in the truest sense of freedom. For every wound generated in those unruly days of ignorant living have found complete healing, and a life of adventure they thought could only be met through the avenue of unrestrained morals has been realized through a much more appealing path that is overrun with joy and excitement.

Sadly, that youthful quest which sent many out exploring never rose to the level of their expectations, yet came at a very high cost, as the world did not disclose that its expedition would be so pricey and would leave them wanting, with a constant need to feel fulfilled. Oh, if only man would turn to Me in his youth, he would avoid so much aggravation, because I would immediately set his feet on the correct path, heading the right direction, with the guarantee of divine exploits that do not involve foolhardy antics or cause him to ever regret My involvement in his life. For straight is the path I have created, the one which leads to My presence, though so few will choose to travel this road, for they do not realize it is the way to the greatest adventure of all.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” – Psalm 16:11

(Received: 8/15/2018)

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