Messengers of Hope

by Lori Anne Hale
Sharing the Truth in love is part of our journey with God as Messengers of Hope | My Daily Letters - MDL

Do not be afraid when turbulent waters enter your land and things around you appear to be grim because those in power, who are seated in high places, make choices to try and silence My voice. This is the way of man. For sin has taken hold of his heart, and so he makes plans to shut down anyone who would shine the light on his darkness and expose him for what he truly is. Any attempt to keep My words quiet will fail, for I am able to speak over the walls man tries to erect!

Because there is anger inside some who are in charge, they push forward with restrictive agendas meant to regulate dialogue so that not everyone has the freedom to openly speak. This aggressive behavior is often seen in those who seek formal office, for many of these have known the pangs of rejection, and so loneliness has brought them to the place of hate which prompts them towards action. Thinking a swift and deliberate strike is needed to quiet any voices they consider dissent (especially coming from those who have a more Heavenly mindset), many leaders opt to legislate sinful behavior as “acceptable” by writing it into laws that promote tolerance, for then surely the guilt and shame they feel regarding their own conduct will eventually go away since all of the speech they defined as “ridicule” has been silenced.

However, My voice always brings man to a place of choice – where he must choose to walk away from his transgressions and change how he is currently living by stepping into something new through a connection with the Truth, and thus, doing away with the agonizing thoughts of condemnation which have filled his head. Yet, it is always each person’s decision to either stay in this place of remorseful solitude or to accept Me as Savior. For when someone consents to My friendship, then every empty part of his being is filled with perfect love, the kind that has the power to overtake the broken parts of his heart and seeks to remove all shadowy thoughts… but each individual must choose.

Unfortunately, most decide to stay in the place of darkness, afraid of what accepting the light of My goodness might bring, thinking the changes I may ask of them are too big as they consider all they could lose. So then, these sink back into the deep ravine of misery where they have become accustomed to living.

But what they don’t realize, is that I never intended to have anyone walk through the journey of life on a self-guided tour, nor rely on their own efforts to bring about positive change. I am not this type of Savior!

Though My work was finished on the cross (this is true), that doesn’t mean I am done helping mankind. I am continually before the Father interceding for all of humanity. Because My heart has always been filled with His perfect love, it is complete in every way, so I never have a negative thought nor do I speak of the way each one behaves. When I am before the Father, My prayers of intercession are always directed forward, speaking words of affirmation, always in agreement with His will. For as I contend for mankind, My voice fills the atmosphere with a hope that speaks life to those who are weary by offering them the place to find true rest. My petitions are continuous, meaning I never cease appealing to the Father on man’s behalf. Because I am not bound to this world any longer, I do not grow tired or become exhausted as men do in their well-doing. Sharing the Good News of Jesus is something we shouldn't be afraid of as Messengers of Hope | My Daily Letters - MDL

Now, the position I hold as King exposes the heart of every human being and shines the light of love on his true condition, as one who is lost and in need of someone to show him the way to real freedom. This is where those who follow Me join in. For you are considered My representatives and known as ambassadors from My kingdom, the ones I have chosen to speak for Me. Because I lived My life as the example for you to follow, just as I only spoke what the Father was saying, the same goes for you. All of My words and works were in conjunction with Him, I never operated separately, We are continually of one mind…HIS! Therefore, laying down My life was always the plan!

So then, when I walked the earth and the Father spoke, I only ever said, “Yes!”. Though I knew what was coming, I was focused upon the outcome that My sacrifice would bring. So, willingly, I laid down My life, knowing this humble act created the way for man’s wandering to cease and afforded him the opportunity to regain back his position of sonship. Without hesitation, I stepped into the place of atonement and laid down My life for the whole human race. Yet, not a single drop of My blood was squandered nor an ounce of My suffering counted as waste. My death put an end to man’s lonely days by opening up the path for him to walk into something “more” and forever set aside his feeble attempts to live life on his own. 

You see, man is incapable of finding true fulfillment in his heart apart from knowing Me. He will forever be lacking and in a place of desperation, unable to ever be satisfied by his own choices because his decisions lead him away from finding contentment. This absence of internal harmony causes him to continually look for other alternatives to fill the void inside. Therefore, whatever wholeness he might feel lasts for only a moment and is erased as quickly as it arrived.

So he moves onto something else, thinking surely this next idea will be the ticket, only to find emptiness and a sense of dissatisfaction from the energy he has expended. Yet, there is a fervor that takes hold of his heart as he seeks to find the one thing that will fill him up inside, only to be repeatedly let down by everything he tries. Because each person was created with insufficiency in his heart, he needs someone who will point him away from these misguided endeavors of salvaging his life all alone. But, who will show him the way to Me?

This is why Beloved, you must step up as My messengers of Hope; those who speak out the truth of who I am by showcasing the only path to real peace, and the way to rest from all striving. So each of My chosen have been selected to bring the Message of love to the masses, and announce the glad tidings of My kingdom which has the power to overturn the enemy’s lies and break the chains of those in bondage. For the Father and I are in agreement with this plan, as the path His children are to travel. 

So, because the Father has selected this as His perfect will for your life, as part of the journey He designed for you to travel, keep moving forward, for I am interceding on your behalf. And as you listen to His urging, the Holy Spirit will guide your steps and keep you on the correct path.

“…but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest truly meets our need – One who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens.” Hebrews 7:24-26

(Received: 2019)

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