The High Road Of Humility

by Lori Anne Hale
To gain leverage, people hungry for power will use slander against their neighbor from The High Road of Humility | My Daily Letters - MDL

Often people want to draw a moral equivalence between two different sides of the aisle, where one party believes the other’s stand is ethically wrong and so goes about spewing rhetoric designed to paint their opponent in the worst possible light. Oh, the foolishness of man! For there are those who are looking to gain power even if it means slandering a neighbor so that the majority in their community will believe the most salacious stories told about another.

Yet, this is a common case anymore, especially when the fixation in some is to acquire leverage. The rules of proper etiquette have been blurred leaving no extraneous behavior off-limits. So then dragging another’s name through the mud is now not only viewed as an acceptable practice but has become expected as the new code of civilized conduct. This coarse attitude has infiltrated every level of humanity, where even those still in school have learned how to operate within this system of manipulation. For these young hearts have discerned that a single accusation can tear a life apart by using the avenue of “dissemination”, and so many, who have barely begun to live, have fallen victim to bullying attacks.

Because the spirit of anger has been allowed to take up residence in many hearts, he only needs the slightest provocation to act. Since he doesn’t care if the allegations raised about another are true, anger fuels the fire of bitterness and resentment already carried within those who have allowed him to occupy space in their lives. 

Oh, how easy it is for anger to stoke the embers of outrage as he leads many astray on his evil crusade, hoping to pit man against man by having them turn upon each other. Yet this is the way civilization will go when this dark menace is given permission to enter a land. For his goal is and will always be to see a large multitude of human beings destroyed by the consumption of rage; where their temper turns into violence and leads them to harm anyone that gets in their way.

So now what is seen in many communities are groups of people who have agreed with his lies that battering their neighbor is allowed because they themselves are unhappy about the direction their country has taken, and as such, should be allowed to release their pent up hostility. But this kind of brutal address to the pain carried inside a person only leads to stronger feelings of animosity, causing a greater division to form between those who already oppose each other. 

Even the most hostile person can be lead into the light by the power of God's love in The High Road of Humility | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, this is how anger operates, carefully choosing his victims, those whom he knows will agree with his deceptive suggestions. So he looks for the ones who are already disheartened at life, those who have known wounds of disappointment and who feel life has treated them unfairly; those who have labeled themselves as the underdogs of society. These damaged hearts are easy marks for anger to acquire because he is long practiced in skills of trickery, of fooling people into agreeing with his version of reality. 

Once marked, they enter into a contract (of sorts), binding, and giving anger permission to enter their life, leaving no room to kick him out because they have affirmed his presence. For even if they try to modify their behavior, sooner or later he will manifest, for anger’s flame can only be temporarily smothered and cannot be fully extinguished by man’s own abilities.

Then what is the solution to this volatile epidemic that is sweeping through the nations? How can gentleness become the common standard practiced in mankind and what is the answer for snuffing out anger’s consuming blaze?

Well, mans’ answer is to look to himself for the resolution to this and other struggles, believing that within human reasoning lies the key to wholeness. This belief sends many on a hunt, hoping to discover what makes each person tick, thinking once the “science behind behavior” is understood, those who struggle with having a quick temper can be cured; for then it is just a simple matter of counteracting a chemical imbalance with the correct dose of certain medications to bring harmony to these individuals. 

However, this only provides a temporary solution without on-going benefits. For when those who are suffering from issues with anger stop taking what has been prescribed, the calm and balance they have felt inside will completely vanish. You simply cannot resolve the emotional issues of a person using humanistic solutions that are transient at best because man’s passions don’t originate at the cellular level of the body. These struggles cannot be cured like a disease, and therefore cannot be treated in the same way as physical ailments.

Certainly, each person alive is affected by emotional distress at some point in their life, whether it be throwing a tantrum like a child, or breaking down from a loss; man has been given feelings to express what is going on inside. Yet, there are those who have chosen to go beyond the common expressions of pain or anger, choosing to listen to the darker voice of unreason. These, in turn, have developed a reputation for being hot-headed, as ones not to be crossed, and known for having a short fuse.

So then, if mankind cannot resolve the inner turmoil brewing within the hearts of those who are suffering, then who can? If it is not something man can find within himself, then where does he turn to find the right answer?

Believers should be lead by the Truth alone that is tempered with love down The High Road of Humility | My Daily Letters - MDL

There is only one way to forever dispel anger from the hearts of men: each one must connect with the true love of My Son, as anger cannot stand in the presence of His pure light and must bow to His authority. Those who choose My Son as Savior, and who once partnered with anger must, however, be willing to evict him from their land, for they now carry the power to “loose” themselves from him completely. Once these have made the decision to follow My Son, they are given the right to cast out anger and nullify their former agreement with him. 

But how many will find this path of peace unless there are those from My kingdom who are willing to lay aside their differences and see even the angriest individuals as ones in need of compassion? For doesn’t My love hold enough power to lead even the most hostile person into the light? And then, if this is true, My children should never become combative, nor use political views to reinforce their stance. It is the TRUTH alone, tempered with love, that should lead them! For when they are confronted by those in society who are filled with anger, it is the high road of humility that will win these over. This unexpected kindness poured out onto those who are embittered has the might to soften even a heart filled with fury and stop anger dead in its tracks. Therefore, My children must set politics aside in these situations and not worry about winning the argument. Instead, their first priority should be on the greater need of the individual by paying proper attention to the care of each hurting soul through the simple appeal of salvation.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”  Colossians 3:12

(Received: 2019)

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