Every Life Matters

by Lori Anne Hale
Woven into our DNA is the intrinsic value of life because Every Life Matters | My Daily Letters - MDL

The construct of society is such that when a person is born, there are certain variables already set into place that determine his placement within the hierarchy of civilization. For not a single person can decide which bloodline he will come from, nor which race or nationality will be his heritage. These choices are out of his control. So then, when a child is born, he knows nothing about the prejudices of man and has yet to understand where he fits in the structure of humanity. But as he grows, he will learn that those who have come before him, have created a system of classes to define each life before it has even begun.

So, though most will deny its existence, value placement is assigned to every individual, and so each one is constrained to the sociological judgments of this world, in part, to define their identity. Although many have broken free from these limitations by using education or some other means to climb up a few rungs in ranking, what man uses to determine a person’s value has little to do with the true individual and is instead decided by outward factors which have nothing to do with the life itself. 

For certainly a child born to a poor family has less of a chance for finding success, and so should not be considered as having the same merit as the offspring of the more privileged. Because man has placed himself as the arbiter over this concocted framework, he believes himself the best suited to decide which lives hold the most potential, or who will become a drain on society. Since his own arrogance has blinded him from seeing the innate worth contained in each individual, there is a common lie told by some in the upper tiers of culture: that it would be better to end a life before it suffers from societal stereotypes. 

For surely one born into poverty would agree that their life would more than likely be a waste because of all the obstacles set against them. So then the only humane thing to do is end its existence before it is born. Too often, those who espouse this view see themselves as the most compassionate and caring among their peers: as those who only want to spare an innocent child from the hardship and pain of the impoverished. For unless a good life can be promised, free of suffering the strains of abject poverty, some have developed this rationale: that anyone who could be born into destitution would probably, if given the choice, rather not have been born at all.

Human life is a gift because Every Life Matters | My Daily Letters - MDL

So these push this agenda as the “right” choice. For only the heartless would force someone to live in reduced circumstances. After all, each human being’s value is determined by their contribution to society. So unless a guarantee can be made that an indigent child can eventually produce, then he will only be a tax on their community. Therefore, a new life should only be sustained in those who can offer a rosy future, free of financial struggle and its pain. And then, if ending potential suffering is the goal, shouldn’t those who develop a life-threatening disease be spared the anguish of an agonizing decline by shortening their days before they too endure any strain? Or what of those who later on in their life lose everything due to poor choices, or maybe falter financially because of an unforeseen turn of events that strip them of everything? Should these then have their lives taken away to spare them any further duress?

Where does this stream of logic end? What is the eventual outcome when this shallow mentality is followed?

Because many have redefined the meaning of human value and come up with their own way to estimate another’s worth, those who have yet to fully develop are extinguished before they have a voice to protest their early demise; so are ripped from the safe shelter of the womb without being given a choice in the matter. Yet, what has been missed by those who are proponents of this immoral ideology, is that a human being’s worth does not derive from the world around him, but is inherent in every person, as if hardwired into their DNA. If so, then not a single one can be counted as a mistake or viewed as an accident.

However, the one found in an “unplanned” situation wasn’t expecting motherhood to arrive in such an extreme fashion. Yet, she has been given the right of “choice”, by law, to decide if in her heart this unborn life matters. But because the prevailing mindset in most of society is for putting an end to the “unintended”, or those pregnancies that are “unwanted”, the miracle that is each life has been lost to them. Therefore, these cannot see each human being is a gift: as one created to hold a special place in this world. 

So if man’s calculations are used as a guide in this matter of “predetermination”, how can he be seen as a sound judge when his own life holds so much uncertainty? Even though a man plans for his future and takes steps to see his blueprints are sure, there will always be unanticipated problems that crop up: those that have the potential of derailing his life. So then, if he cannot lead his own days with absolute confidence, what gives him the right to decide for another what is best? And if he cannot see beyond the moment he is in, then how can he say with certainty what will happen to his fellow man, even those who have yet to draw their first breath?

So then, what of the woman who is feeling the pressure of making the “right” decision? Is she counted as retaining worth? Or is she to be lumped in the pile with all the others who are considered unfortunate? Who is there that will see her brokenness or the heartache she carries which leads her to this decision? Isn’t she also to be prized as a gift I created, as one who holds intrinsic value? Therefore the focus of saving must be applied to both lives involved when this “crisis” is present, and not just on the life in the womb. For to Me every life matters!

Then to those I have charged with “saving”, who have been asked to step onto the front lines of this battle, let their attention rest on the young woman across from them: the one who is teetering on the line of “choice” and needs to hear that she is loved. Reaching her heart is the key factor so that both lives can be spared a hopeless end. For this mission must fully encompass the idea that every person retains importance, whether unborn or walking the earth. Because each human being, designed by My hand, holds a special place in My heart, and therefore, should be treated with the utmost care and consideration, even when some cross over the line of unacceptable behavior, and make a decision they will regret later on. 

For these moments of life or death should not just be focused on the developing child, but should be seen as divine opportunities for sharing the Truth of My love, with kindness and gently spoken words filled with hope, so that the one in crisis knows that I value her, too; that I see and I know her pain. So the agenda of those I have called to the front-lines is: to first love the individual, even those who have benefited from the practice of abortion as their profession. For though the job they’ve accepted is atrocious, that doesn’t dilute the longing in My heart to save them; to have their face turned My direction.

So then, if My stance is and will remain: that every life matters, then My children need to adapt this motto as their main objective and not allow their own personal opinion to get in the way. For importance should always be placed on the one standing right in front of them, as one whose intrinsic value is the same as their own. For each person starts out lost, with dark things in their closet: those things they wish would stay hidden away. But fortunately, the blood of My Son has the power to wash these offenses away. So then, all who are found in Him are considered without sin and are seen as blameless in every way. Therefore, the mindset of My children should be to see the multitudes set free from the bondage they carry and always stress the value of each human being, as they imitate the love expressed by My Son, which has unequivocally stated… that each and every life matters!

“What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you  care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.” Psalms 8:4-5


(Received: 7/28/2019)

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