A Hidden Gem

by Lori Anne Hale
In order to fit others into the pecking order of life, people often use unkind labels from The Hidden Gem | My Daily Letters - MDL

The identity of a person should not be determined through outside factors; these should not be what tells someone of his worth and value, nor distinguish his place in society. Yet by using a cursory evaluation and making superficial judgments, this is how most people decide who should be viewed as more worthy of attention and acclaim. So mankind has set the shallow standard of achievement or outward appearance as its marks of acceptance. Those who do not stand out in either of these areas are labeled as just ordinary, or maybe even sub-par; not given a second look or thought to be much more than normal and middle of the road; as those who can’t quite measure up to society’s ideals of exceptional. 

And so this is how it goes. For man has, in his self-centered fashion, focused his attention on the things which do not matter, then subjugates others through the use of unkind labels, expecting conformity to the boundaries established by the most influential, who unfortunately use this model to decide an individual’s placement in the pecking order of life; thus applying a sort of bondage to those who are disposed to accept these definitions of valued and successful: those who willingly take the labels dealt out by the hand of other people, then adhere these unkind slurs to their identity by agreeing with what has been said about them. 

But with My children, this is not how it should be. Because these have been placed in the midst of My Son, they therefore, have a much higher calling placed upon their lives which doesn’t bind them to the limits of mere man. Oh, if each was able to see themselves through My eyes, the consideration of who they truly are would be so much different. Since My chosen are highly favored, this is now where they rest, and so, have the rights and privileges of heirs from My Kingdom.

God has woven believers together to create a tapestry from A Hidden Gem | My Daily Letters - MDL

A masterpiece is how I regard each one who belongs to Me: a beautiful creation, uniquely designed to bear My reflection, who shimmer when exposed to the light of My presence (as if a diamond with its many prisms). Each one I have made with different facets, creating a stone so uniquely it’s own, that none has ever been found to be just like another. For there is always some characteristic which sets each one apart, illuminating My light through their own distinctive qualities.

When each of My chosen first came to Me, it was as if they were a jewel just cut from rock, needing to be shaped and chiseled through the work of My Spirit. Since then, He and I have been working in tandem; so with a careful eye, We can see where to apply the perfect tension that will bring out each ones truest identity. As if extracting from a dark craggy mineral (the place where these gems had been waiting to be found), I lifted these out, then set them upon My firm hand (as if on a pedestal), so now We are able to examine each individual stone from every angle, giving Us the perfect view to see where a little more pressure should be applied, or maybe add some polish in certain areas which will bring out the loveliest of jewels: those that had formerly been underneath large piles of rubble.

Yet, when I gaze upon each of My children, I do not see any of their former flaws, none of those determiners which had been previously used to identify them in the context of their old self. Now what I see are beautiful creations: those who have been brought forth in the likeness and image of My Son; who have been placed within the midst of My own and have become a part of the family I call, “Beloved”.

To each, I have given their own specific talents, designed to flow from one to the other (as if forming a chain), all linked together by the blood of My Son; established as one single unit, instead of many small factions. All were created to compliment the other, never with the intention of any operating in a separate fashion, but always holding to the idea that each gift they have been given was not for themselves, but for the benefit of others; to build and to edify from the space I have opened, as the woven tapestry of My chosen.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”    2 Corinthians 5:17

(Received: 8/18/2018)

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