Washing Of Feet

by Lori Anne Hale
The heart of a servant is showcased in this humble act the Washing Of Feet | My Daily Letters - MDL

The washing of feet was a symbolic occasion; one which was done by My Son to offer a picture of the type of love He held in His heart for mankind.

Showcasing the humble act of a servant, He stooped to the lowliest of positions and willingly laid aside His right to stand with an elevated status. When He reached out with His hands, then touched each foot laden with dirt, He depicted through action the weightier things of the cross, as He knelt before those who deserved a guilty verdict. Pouring out the basin water, He then washed away any evidence which surely would have been found upon the leathery flesh of those who had trodden the roads of this world. As He wiped each one clean, without any residue remaining (cleansed as if their feet had never touched the ground) He portrayed the perfect picture of what His death would accomplish.

Giving all He had in this sacrificial manner meant surrendering Himself completely to My will. So, in obedience, My Son gave up his life, choosing to be the ONE who would carry all the burdens of another, taking upon Himself the troubles of each and every man. “To give up in order to gain” and “to lay down in order to receive”: this was the understanding He held when He carried the tree, as He climbed the hill which would lead Him to the place of perfect love. As the One was given for the many, Heaven broke open to the way of liberty and freedom for those weary souls who seek rest. 

Throwing off our desires for the privilege of serving others is what God wants from us depicted in the Washing of Feet | My Daily Letters - MDL

This is the image of love I desire for My children to hold regarding the attitude of their hearts towards Me and their fellow man. One which says: “ I am willing to lay aside my own plans, give up what I have, throw off my own desires for the privilege of serving others.” To be those who are eager to step into the place where rendering aid is a common occurrence, for they are inclined to meet the needs of those called companions; readily available to help a stranger, or even go the extra mile for some who have yet to make My acquaintance; shining the light of My love through simple acts of service as representatives of My kingdom, who walk out each day with a humble heart. 

My chosen should look for opportunities to pour out kindness towards others and be willing to take the time to speak words of encouragement to the weary or those who are broken. Because they have given their lives in surrender to Me, and so are ready to do all I am asking, their view goes beyond just themselves, and are pleased to give up material things for something greater: which is the beautiful commission that is assigned to each child of the Highest King. 

So, with deliberate intent, each must lay down their own lives for the joy I have set before them, and focus on finishing well the race we have begun; determined to live out their days in the likeness of My Son by standing in the gap for their fellow man. For they should count it a privilege to be asked to join this divine collaboration of seeking out those who are lost.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. ” Hebrews 12:2

(Received: 6/14/2018)

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