This Golden State

by Lori Anne Hale
The guarantee of sunshine and a better tomorrow were the promises of This Golden State | My Daily Letters - MDL

“Go west young man, go west!” was the call that drew many to this Golden State because the sunshine was plentiful and a better tomorrow was the guarantee it held. And in those earlier years, many who answered this charge saw both of these promises come to pass, as the far-reaching arm of the government had yet to really touch its beaming landscape. 

But this once-prosperous state has fallen prey to the ideas of those who have no desire to know Me: those who believe man is better equipped to run his own affairs and think it best to have the institutions of government make the decisions about how its people are to live. Now, those who do not know Me have been set in higher places elevated above the rest who dwell in this fair land, and so have taken it upon themselves to see that they, themselves, remain in charge by reestablishing the boundary lines of each community in an effort to adjust how the voices in this state are counted. And because the current leaders of this Golden State make many of these important decisions behind closed doors, the population at large knows nothing of their underhanded plans until it’s too late.

So then, this land which had held much hope for so many has a tarnished appearance because the ways of man are leading it. And since those in charge maneuvered the logistics of its districts, not every voice is now heard or viewed as significant. Although those leading will boast with magnanimous speeches about their great level of concern for every individual, the actual truth in their hearts is seen in the laws and regulations they pass. So, if it is a true statement that a person’s behavior reveals what they really believe, then the people of this Golden State shouldn’t be surprised that they are being subjugated to harsher rules and increased taxation, causing many to leave, looking elsewhere for greener pastures. 

Then, what’s to become of this fair land, now that its original appeal has been lost? For wouldn’t only the foolish agree with its governmental policies and that the tightened fists of this legislative branch are a good thing? Even common sense would say that individuals weren’t meant to have such a restrictive existence, where those in office make laws that are more beneficial for just a few and then charge exorbitant fees just for the privilege of living within its borders. 

Harsher laws and increased taxation are causing many to leave This Golden State | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, because of this approach, of unnecessarily burdening its people, this Golden State is about to hit bottom as its economy cannot be sustained for much longer by using this method, causing many in the population at large to feel the effects of a financial blow (as if being hit by a large quake that registers through the whole state). Unfortunately, this common tale is about to repeat itself in this fair land because the majority of its people have accepted the ideology of man, and by doing so have put their trust in the government to care for them instead of turning to Me.

Yet, there is still a remnant of My children who were called to dwell in this Golden State, who are asked to remain even when it would make more sense to leave. But My own should never be overly concerned about their future and these turns of events when they happen, for I am still able to not only sustain but prosper them, even when all around them is hardship and devastation. 

Therefore, My children should not see this as a sign to flee (that is unless I encourage them to head out and go). Staying put is their best option. For standing in My will is always going to find My children with a victorious outcome. But those of My own who dwell in this Golden State should heed this warning and understand what is coming. For when My hand strikes the core of this economy, the ripple will affect many of their neighbors, and so My own should be ready to move into action. Though in the natural, this financial quake may seem to only have caused surface damage, but in reality, those who are prepared will see divine opportunities opened by this rumbling (as the space to express the love of their Savior), so that many will find the way to salvation.

So My children should be vigilant and watchful as the early warning tremors are already being felt in this fair land. Very soon the jolt of adversity will affect more than just a few, as the epicenter of this mighty quake will have been found right in the middle of its state capital as those in charge are discovered to have caused this ruinous shake. Therefore, I am instructing My own who live in this Golden State to rest in the attitude of generosity, where offering aid to a friend or stranger alike becomes their way of life; where what they have in their hand is readily given to another, and offering shelter to those without a roof is never in question. So if My children will practice this now as their manner of living, then in the days to come, this charitable attitude will be strongly developed, and lending a hand to their fellow man will be second nature, ensuring that many more who are lost can be gathered into the fold of My family.

“Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end, they will look in triumph on their foes. They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor. ” Psalms 112:6-9

(Received: 11/1/2019)

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