The Mountains Cry Out

by Lori Anne Hale
Creation is groaning as it awaits the second coming causing The Mountains to Cry Out | My Daily Letters - MDL

The mountains are crying out for their Maker, groaning with sounds only audible to My ears as Creation longs for My return, yearning for its rightful King to reclaim what is His. So the hills and the valleys, the rocks and trees, along with the rest of Creation are patiently watching for My second coming, all hoping to see Me descend from the heavens and take back all who are Mine. 

For mankind and the world are all locked together in a perpetual cycle of sin and decay until the final trumpet sounds announcing the end has come. Then what was shall no longer be, as the “new” earth and heaven are ushered in. In that space of time, everything begins again, and absent are the corruption of evil and sin. For all this will be washed away so that perfection can be reinstated, where every part of the universe will become whole and complete again.

When man fell, in that moment, a giant ripple of death flowed out from his single decision, changing the flawless state of My Creation. His choice to disobey set into motion a consequence that could not be undone. For then every single part of this world was contaminated by this one man’s disobedience. Now, everything held within the universe has a beginning and an end, without exception, even the twinkling star has its limits, and one day will lose its sparkle, and then drop out of the sky. For it, too, must succumb to the law which was ushered in when man first rebelled.

So then, all who came after him were subject to sin’s effects and could not rid themselves of the degeneration that began through his defiance. Now, all have sinned and none are exempt because each life is born under this stipulation, and so cannot escape its demand: that everyone living must atone for their misdeeds and give an account for all they have done wrong, without anyone able to make proper amends, for “perfect” is what it commands.

Therefore, mankind is left in a sorrowful state as nothing he does can ever please or abate the requirements of this law because it decreed that “blameless” and “spotless” are the only responses that can lift this curse from a man’s shoulders, as even the smallest infraction, whether it be a tiny white lie or an inappropriate thought, are counted against each human being, because his whole life is subject to this rule. For this irrevocable decree has bound the universe and set its rotation to the slow rate of decline, so that all who inhabit the earth joined this forward motion on the day they were born, giving none the choice of whether or not to agree with the standard this law had set, as each new life must submit itself to these stated conditions, and follow the order that has already been established.

Then, because of one man’s failure (as in his heart he wandered away), everyone after him has been given the same guilty sentence and none can ever rise to this edict and meet the exception expected to release them from this binding and legal charge. For no matter how hard a person tries to master sin, it will always get the better of him, because, at his very core, mankind will always be opposed to Me, since his heart wants to go its own way and do what it thinks best to have a life that satisfies his selfish desires. But since man cannot see beyond his own wants and needs, he will consider these first before any other, thus giving himself permission to be self-focused and decide for himself what is “right”. For when a man believes he is better equipped to judge what is correct, then what he is stating (through his attitude) is that he is more qualified to be the arbiter of right and wrong. 

The normal way of society shifts when wrong becomes right from The Mountains Cry Out | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, throughout the ages and over time, history has proven that man cannot be trusted to govern himself, for even with My standards set into place, stating clearly what behavior is acceptable, man always deviates away from what I instituted, in favor of going his own way instead. This is why there exists so much discord in the world, with men seeking to destroy other men. For as their hearts move further and further away from My tenets of love, the depravity of the flesh takes over and becomes stronger. So then, even those who are thought to be above this type of practice will succumb to their carnal desires. 

However, if this is correct, then each person can create his own set of standards, picking and choosing what he believes is respectable behavior. Unfortunately, because many have accepted the motto, “just do what feels right to you”, these will find, in the end, that this is simply not true. For if there are no set principles for appropriate conduct, then who decides what is moral, who judges where the boundary line is for the just? If man is qualified to be the adjudicator over other men, then shouldn’t what is ethical and upright remain or stay constant no matter what decade a person lives in? Then, if all men are created equal, shouldn’t he treat his fellow man with the same value as he has for himself? 

So when what was once considered “taboo” becomes the “norm”, and common decency is viewed as old fashioned, then consequently, each successive time this kind of shift happens in the flow of society, little by little, wrong becomes right, and then becomes the normal way most of mankind lives out his days. For example: if marriage is a statute I have set, and, in spite of that, a couple decides just living together will suffice, then convenience is the lie these have accepted as a reason to go this route, instead of choosing matrimony. Often times, however, in at least one of these partners is the thought that, at any time, he or she can walk away from the relationship (in case either of their hearts should stray). So one or both keep this door to “better options” open as this other, to whom a shallow commitment was made, might not actually be “the one”; realizing then, that because he or she may have settled for something less, the picture which one or both had created of that special someone (who they imagined would be their perfect fit) could never be. 

Although, just for right now, and until that “one” comes along, this other person they’re with will have to do, with the commitment of marriage taken off the table altogether. So then, lies are spoken when “time” is mentioned as the thing needed so that he or she can settle into the idea of “together forever”, because, after all, marriage is too big a step to take without first being certain. Yet, these know in their hearts this is not really true, and that should a better choice come along, he or she will just walk away, since there are no legally binding strings attached to keep either from leaving and wandering off onto another path of their choosing, thus breaking any flimsy words of commitment spoken to their partner. 

But then what of the next relationship these foster, if entered into with the same selfish view? Can this casual approach keep anyone faithful? And if the one he or she settles on next time around decides to roam and is seeking another partner who could be a better fit, what happens to him or to her? Won’t these also just become another casualty of the heart: of those who carry wounds born from rejection because they believed the road to happiness was paved by fulfilling his or her own selfish needs? Yet, the advice from this world (which most of mankind follows) never offers sound counsel, for it will always instruct a person to think first of himself, as loving yourself must come before you can truly love another. And so, many will set up this idea as the directive for their lives, by giving themselves permission to be narrow-minded and shallow, with most of their attention focused inward.

It’s no wonder, then, the world is in such a sorry state. For the egotistical ways of mankind are the principles governing society. And it’s therefore, because “loose” morality has become so common, that living together outside of marriage is viewed as a committed relationship, held in the belief that congratulations should be offered when a couple takes their partnership to this next level. However, rarely do these pairings actually succeed, for most will fall apart at some point along the way, leaving one, or both, with the bitter taste of heartbreak in their being, so that any new relationship on down the road starts with mistrust and low expectations. 

Living together is now considered a committed relationship because the standards of morality have shifted from The Mountains Cry Out | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, life can be better lived and does not have to wind up containing broken relationships. For the standards I set to govern humanity were designed to limit mankind’s emotional suffering. If the precepts I established are followed, then many of his struggles will cease because most of man’s issues begin with his own hand, or come from the selfish thoughts he carries. This does not mean a person won’t encounter problems, but if he embraces each situation from My point of view, then there exists no issue that cannot find full resolution.

Oh, if man could only see that his well-being is what I had in mind when I structured My values of morality. Since My intentions were not to rule over him and lord My position as Supreme, then My purpose in all I do comes from the place of “good”. Therefore, when what I say contradicts a man’s natural inclinations, he must understand My goal is always about doing what is best for him and not about forcing My way, as I never bully anyone into accepting My standards. Therefore, it could only be love that motivated Me to develop these virtuous precepts because I knew mankind would need some divine guidance in order to keep their lives on track. But when a person refuses to walk down My path by embracing darkness, and when the majority of those living decide that they, too, will follow this logic, then selfishness is more than tolerated, and the common words you hear used are, “it’s nothing personal”. At that point, it’s about a person getting his own way, and emotionally abandoning another is then “okay”. 

Oh, how callous are the hearts of men when they think so little of their fellow man, and wish to be rid of another so they can move on?  

However, when man fell and gave into pride, My ideas of governance regarding his life went out the window. And so now, My creation sits in longing, waiting for those who are My own to return: those who have yet to recognize their true family of origin. This is why those who have already discovered Me as their rightful Father must take every occasion to show My love to the sea of humanity, so that those who are sleeping and unaware, can be awakened to find their real identity. 

For it is true that many are called, yet few will accept the invitation I offer to become a part of My lineage and be numbered amongst those who agreed to join My clan. So then, those who are now known as My children must be vigilant and keep watch, looking for divine moments when a connection can be made with one who is lost, so that everyone who I have called, finds the way to meet Me. For then the groaning of this world will lessen because My sons and daughters are found standing in their rightful position as the inheritors of My kingdom.

This separation from My children is not what I had in mind when I created man. For My longing was to have “community”, where each person treats another like family; where love and respect are reciprocal because showing honor towards fellow believers is more important than gaining status or the building of reputations; where even strangers are offered kindness, and relationships are forged out of trust, with the needs of another considered as the priority, so that blessing each other is the common thought.

“The creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.” Romans 8:19-21

(Received: 9/17/2019)

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