My Kingdom First

by Lori Anne Hale
Restoring a sense of value back to this nation are the intentions of the current Head of State from My Kingdom First | My Daily Letters - MDL

The lesser of two evils is the attitude of most when they approach polling places these days, for to choose a worthy candidate is now decided by who amongst the field has fewer black marks against them or distasteful skeletons in their closet. So then, the one chosen to lead isn’t necessarily selected because of their stellar reputation, nor because they are the most qualified to hold the seat, but because he or she was more palatable to a larger segment of the population.

However, when someone is selected from the political crowd to lead in the greatest capacity, where he or she is given the title “Head of State”, then this one holds the higher responsibility of caring for this country at large. So to stand in this position of honor requires someone who is skilled at leadership: one who isn’t easily swayed by the peddlers of influence and greed. 

Therefore, right now, this one sitting behind the desk of the Oval Office has set as his intentions to restore a sense of value back to this nation, even if he is somewhat brash, and one who may have seemed, to many, as only a slightly better choice than the other one running against him. And although at times, his behavior may be like a hard pill to swallow, the decisions he makes are truly driven with the singular purpose: to return this nation back towards a more prosperous status, where every citizen in this land has an open path towards seeing their aspirations of success come to pass. 

Yet, his real motives have been questioned, as those who oppose him fill their broadcasts with dialogue cloaked in suspicion meant to mislead, hoping to keep the atmosphere around this Head of State clouded with mistrust. For who would think to re-elect him when the country cannot put their full confidence in his ability to run its affairs above board. 

But the attempts these have made to sully his reputation have not hindered the “good” he has done because this Head of State has built up a shield of resistance to the harsh words of his critics. Even when it may appear as if he has been wounded by their unkind remarks, this Head of State knows his opponents well, so his responses are meant as a form of distraction to keep them off balance. Yet, whether or not this is an agreeable strategy should not be the focus or a reason to boot him out of office, though many have used his political hyperbole to cast a strike against him.

The lesser of two evils has become the way of choosing a candidate from those who are offered from My Kingdom First | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, to throw him out has been the plan all along by those on the opposite side of the aisle, and even some who sit within his own party. So then, as is the common practice of most who are part of the political sect, My opinion about his leadership has not been sought out. For those who believe themselves in charge have run ahead with their own agenda without asking for My wise counsel. Therefore, these who are longing to regain control and lead have become more and more divisive when it comes to playing the game of politics. For to cut this Head of State off at the knees is what they’re after, with a ruthless attitude having arisen in some, where blurring the lines of modest decorum has been embraced, and “doing whatever it takes” to reclaim the Office has become their singular cause. 

But if those who desire to be in charge are only looking to advance their own interests, then who is it really that should bear the title of “leader”? And if these, who are claiming that some form of injustice was done, have themselves resorted to unscrupulous behavior, then why should they be trusted with this high honor? 

Then to bring false accusations and drummed up charges does not sit well with Me, as I am always displeased with the balance of uneven scales, where the weight is tilted unfairly to take advantage of another. And though I have stated before that I do not favor any political party, the rise and fall of a leader is left up to My discretion because My divine purposes rest above those of mere men. For even if the ballot box were “stuffed”, could My will be circumvented if I appointed this Head of State to remain seated?

Because of man’s foolishness, he forgets that none of his actions go unseen. Those who are bent on cheating the system don’t slip by without My notice. Yet, this doesn’t stop many from trying to deceptively swing elections so that the ones put in charge have, for this nation, a similar vision to their own. My children must not become overly focused on what others might do to rig the next voting cycle and should instead remember that My plan doesn’t rest on just a single nation or generation, but holds an eternal position. 

Even if some may try to steal the election, God's will for this nation cannot be circumvented from My Kingdom First | My Daily Letters

So then, when a leader who leaves a bad taste in their mouths is placed into office, My own must continue to trust that My greater “good” is being done in the earth. And because My children have such limited vision, they cannot clearly see all that is being done to connect “today” with “tomorrow”, so that the future I designed comes to pass. However, though it is wise to keep an eye on the political climate of this nation, it is unnecessary and a waste of time to sit idle, listening to partisan politicians and their egotistical prattlings. So because My children “are not of this world”, their perspective should be more Kingdom-oriented, where they must be cautious to not conflate this Heavenly mindset with a conservative or progressive point of view. 

Therefore, those who hold differing opinions should never be thought of as an adversary, for to win another over for Christ is the goal of those from My realm, without squabbling over which party is right because neither side has My endorsement. Then even in this sphere of society, My ways are to be implemented and followed since it is the Truth and not a political philosophy that will set men free. 

Then, My own should avoid entering the trap of contentious debate over the affairs of this nation, but should rally discussions around the One who can truly save, for He is the only source that can bring peace to this divided nation. So let His Name be raised on the roads of this life, and in all those places where men congregate to discuss matters of State. For when to see another’s soul truly prosper becomes the lone agenda of My children, then even this contentious bureaucratic atmosphere can be shifted because the rules of engagement are no longer being employed using man’s methodology, but are derived from the internal urgings of My Spirit, who only ever promotes love and the humility of real friendship. Then to acquiesce to His leading and prompting is how My children should conduct themselves; even those who are asked to step into the arena of politics, where the greater emphasis of their labor should be set on bringing the unity born out of salvation. 

So regardless of what’s happening in this nation, the precedent My Son established of “My Kingdom first” is the broader scope where the thoughts of My children are to rest. For just like with nations, Presidents and leaders, or Heads of State will rise and fall, but My throne will always remain the same because I will forever reign.

“He makes nations great, and destroys them; he enlarges nations, and disperses them. He deprives the leaders of the earth of their reason; he makes them wander in a trackless waste.”  Job 12:23-24

(Received: 1/8/2020)

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