The Language I Speak

by Lori Anne Hale
Man was created by God to communicate with Him from The Language I Speak | My Daily Letters - MDL

The language I speak is situated outside of man’s realm and is not the dialect of any one race of human beings. When I speak, though the words can be understood in your native tongue, I communicate on a universal plane, giving Me the ability to converse with any and all of My children; so that no matter where they are from, each one can connect with Me on an intimate level, thus building a strong relationship between us. 

When I spoke into existence all that would be, I chose each language and dialect that is common to man. I shaped the sound and meaning of every word into its proper form. Then, in man, I placed the functionality to use his throat and mouth to converse: to speak out the thoughts and ideas in his mind.

Because I created man to bear My likeness, he is capable of turning many of his concepts into reality by using the skill of articulation: of selecting the right words to describe what he is thinking, thus advancing the parameters of civilization. Though often he arrives with the wrong conclusions or comes up with the wrong summations, the fact that a single person can ponder a concept within himself and then explain his reasoning to another person should lead him to the belief that there is actually a “higher” power, causing him to regard My existence as true. 

If only man would take a moment to reflect on this simple action, one which most take for granted.

Since this behavior is learned at such a young age, man becomes accustomed to living with his freedom of expression: of saying exactly what he is thinking without hesitation (that is until he has learned the discretion of mature politeness). However, because using words has been a part of man’s life for so long, most don’t look beyond this gift for the deeper clues, those that reveal the evidence of the Heavenly Father: the one who molded and shaped each part of their being as the perfect reflection of Himself. 

Man;s ability to articulate what he is thinking was given by God from The Language I Speak | My Daily Letters - MDL

But alas, like most parts of a man’s life, those things I established to draw his focus onto eternal matters are missed: with many of the signs I placed around this world going unnoticed; those I intentionally set in the hopes that each and every man would recognize there is One who is greater: the One that made all that is known. For unto each life I strategically placed points of interest; moments of divine encounter meant to lead a person’s thoughts a little higher onto the creative structure of life and shift his focus off of the shallow level of his domain.

So within everything that exists in the universe lies the answer and contains the sure sign bearing the mark of My involvement, just like a masterpiece bears the signature of its Artist: one that holds the recognizable traits which speak to its Author. Yet, even if the Master’s name does not appear in the corner, the strokes of His hand are telling enough to reveal the Truth about who created the body of work: the beautiful showpiece that was designed to grab the attention of another and pull at the thoughts of the passerby. For the very composition of His work is meant to evoke a response from each admirer and lead them to the right conclusion, with the correct understanding of the Message illustrated on His lovely canvas.

So it is with Me, in all deliberateness, I fashioned each piece of man’s existence to contain the evidence he would need to deduce the Truth, and accept the reality of who I am by showcasing My involvement through My plan as the Architect of all that is, was, and shall be. For the construction of everything known to man was determined by Me and was set into motion through My powerful hand. Therefore, even the mere fact that man continues to breathe and his body flows with a certain rhythm (as his heart and lungs cooperate to keep him alive), expresses the fundamental Truth of a Creator. For one cannot function without the other, with a person needing both to survive. So then who’s to say which was formed first, heart or lungs? Who can, with complete accuracy and total confidence, reply to this question using man’s analysis to form his answer to such a question?

Therefore, the only true answer would have to be that every part of a human being took shape all at once, without a lapse of time within his development process; the creation of an internal network: one that depends on the inner workings of itself for survival, having very few parts that are expendable.

Every part of creation was designed by God to reveal His existence from The Language I Speak | My Daily Letters - MDL

So then each time you breathe, think, or speak, let your heart be reminded of the One who formed you, who carefully put together each intricate part of your being, with the sole purpose of you and I, at some point, making a connection: the moment where you decide to accept My offer of friendship. For a relationship between Me and each living person is the whole reason behind man’s existence, and nothing more. Though he’d like to think it’s about making himself significant, the real truth about why each person is born comes with this simple explanation: because I desired companionship and wanted a people I could call My own: those who would become a part of My very large family, encompassing the whole of humanity.

Oh, if only each one alive would choose Me, and would long to discover who I am. How much more satisfying their life could be lived if they would turn their hearts My direction and receive the love I am offering, freely given without exception, and holding only this stipulation, which is accepting My Son as Savior. For My love will never cease or be removed because it never changes regardless of what a person may say or do. Once accepted, it is never withdrawn. (As if applied to you with glue, the adhesion of My love will remain steadfast and true, holding the power to envelop your whole being, even through the end of your days.)

Yet, because I did not want a one-sided relationship, I created man with the ability to converse, to share every feeling he holds in his heart, and speak of his hopes and share his passions, and even express his frustration in those moments of conflict and pressure. For I am a Father who understands human failings. I don’t become upset, nor do I take offense when harsh words are uttered My direction. Even in man’s weakest moments, when he is at the end of his rope and the most vulnerable, I want to hear what his heart carries, because honest dialogue is what I am after. (Besides, I already know each person’s thoughts, so why bother trying to hide your true feelings?) Yet, even when someone lashes out at Me and shakes his fist in defiance, I don’t become incensed by this kind of angry outburst. My love remains constant because it is immovable, regardless of what a person might say. I don’t go back and forth with My affections. These are given without any reservations. For the standard of My love has remained constant and changeless throughout the ages and will continue to exist in this pure form for all of eternity. 

So then, no one should ever be afraid to face Me because, though most expect to receive a firm rebuke, what these will find is the kind heart of a Father who is forever patient, even with their mistakes. I do not hold an ounce of cruelty within My being and, therefore, am never provoked to form a reaction because of anything man has done. For the sacrifice of My Son became the solution for appeasement that ended the separation between Myself and man.

So all who are accepted into My fold (and I am delighted by each and every one), I created to have a personal relationship with Me, their Father, designed to be My sons and daughters: those who I could teach the language of My Kingdom, and converse in Heaven’s native tongue.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”  Romans 1:20

(Received: 5/16/2020)

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