Which Way Do I Go?

by Lori Anne Hale
Developing a close walk with God is how we choose the right path for our life from Which Way Do I Go | My Daily Letters - MDL

Man likes to postulate about his life, with many speculations occupying his thoughts as he tries to decipher the best direction he should take to arrive with a pleasing future. So he imagines multiple roadmaps in his mind, then examines the layout of each conceived course and assumes he can somehow deduce what will happen should he choose a single one of these visualized routes. But when a person relies on his own inclinations, many restless hours are spent going back and forth over his presumptions by retracing each possible plan as he tries to predict how each scenario could likely end; believing he has a pretty good idea of what to expect should he journey down any of these paths. 

Yet, in his heart, there exists some misgivings, since he can never really be certain if he is making the right decision. So instead of feeling internal confidence about his selection, an indecisiveness arises as he begins to waffle between all of his choices, unsure if he made the correct call since he has not received a definitive answer to his question. For who can say with all certainty that the life they have chosen was the one I intended for them? This is why a conflicted behavior is often seen in those who have not put their trust in Me; yet even some who hold the mark of redemption still struggle with this issue. Because man is born with an independent nature (of relying upon himself for reassurance), turning over the reins of his life to someone else can be a bit of a challenge, even if that someone is his Heavenly Father, the One who established the whole universe and set into motion all of Creation. But for many, My credentials and resume aren’t enough to garner their confidence, and so, they only seek Me on the really “big” matters: those situations that appear to be hopeless, or, when they are in desperate need of an answer.

Then there are some who are impatient, that unless I answer quickly, these anxious children believe this to be a “sign” that I want them to figure things out on their own. And so, they will turn to “assumption”, using their own logic to determine for themselves which answer makes better sense. But because they have not put much stock in My abilities, those found in both of these camps will be continually plagued with doubt, for a mind at rest can only be found in those who have surrendered to Me.

Even though many have started out on a journey with Me, some still create their own detours by diverting from My path, where they head back over onto the alternative road of “self-reliance”, and then resume command of their life thinking they can determine what will work best for them. Unfortunately, this constant re-routing never winds up really going anywhere, for what these miss by taking the road of self-sufficiency are the amazing junctures that I designed to deepen our relationship. For there are always points along My path that are breathtaking and lovely to behold because I created scenic areas filled with fresh encounters of My presence: those moments where I connect with My children in whole new ways.

The perfect path for our life has been designed by God from Which Way Do I God | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, because what I am doing is not always visibly seen, it takes some discernment to be clearly understood. And so, many of My own will falter and take the sunnier road, the one where the fog of uncertainty appears to have lifted. For in their estimation, this road seems to be the obvious choice. But, it is always the “unforeseen” that trips these children up: those circumstances they didn’t factor into their decision which cause their plans to unravel, leaving them feeling lost because they missed the warning signs I set along the way which pointed out the faults and flaws that this particular road carried. But so often, My children will ignore these beacons, and again continue to trust in themselves, even though there are alarms sounding inside their being that danger lies around the bend. However, since these children have invested too much time and effort wandering down this path, stopping, to them, doesn’t feel prudent, and for convenience’ sake, they maintain the same course for their life.

It is only when catastrophe appears to be unavoidable that these children then turn to Me for help, wanting Me to fix all of their mishaps. Yet, because My love exceeds even the gravest choices, I will never abandon anyone because of their poor decisions. Although there are likely to be unpleasant consequences that arrive due to these mistakes, none exist that are too overwhelming for Me to handle. But these acts of “self-reliance” do tend to bring about delays in My children’s developmental progress, and so there are times when our journey is slowed. However, once these bumps have been smoothed out by My hand, then the rate of our travel is able to regain the speed I had originally set (though there will be moments when some acceleration is warranted to get these children back up to the right speed). Shifting gears over into a faster pace is an easy thing when a heart stays with Me. 

Because the one found in step with Me only knows rest, there is no reason to strive or wander, nor search for answers alone. Therefore, My children should not engage in this chase: of trying to catch their future before it gets away, or give in to the thought that they must make their own destiny happen by taking some action, or initiate steps they believe line up with the fulfillment of My promises to them. Many of My children have yet to gain this understanding: that the path I have set for our journey may include some unique stretches which, on the surface, don’t seem to lead to our set destination: those which I have described with prophetic words and visions of their future.

So then, it’s not surprising when the enemy uses incriminating words against some of My own, stating they are going to miss an important turn if they don’t act quickly, that because they listen to him, anxiety is given the chance to breed in those who are meant to dwell in peace. Instead of waiting for My prompting, these children engage in the practice of speculation: of running possible scenarios through their mind hoping to figure out which choice they should make. Then, because these children have gone out searching for direction by themselves, an intersection of their own making is set up that includes many choices, yet they still cannot determine which one is a sure thing because they did not wait on Me to lead them.

To see His promises come to pass over our lives we have to trust the Lord from Which Way Do I Go | My Daily Letters - MDL

So this now causes them to use outward factors as the determiners to help them narrow down their options. But even if they manage to eliminate a few of these alternatives, what they are left with still won’t offer clear direction. For even if there were only two possibilities left on their list, how can they know for sure which is the right one? Unless they have heard from Me, how can they give a definitive answer to either? And because desperation now drives them, many sleepless nights are spent pondering each choice, drawing internal roadmaps in their mind hoping to calculate which one of these paths will lead to the destination I promised. 

Unfortunately, these children are just spinning their wheels. For, instead of spending time with Me, then giving Me the room to answer, these children will often run to others for advice, hoping to find someone who will know the right things to say, or, have a directive about what they’re supposed to do. And though, at times, I will speak through others to give direction, there are moments when I hold back a response because I want My children to turn to Me and dwell in My presence.

So though it is good to seek Godly counsel from others to gain clarity, the first place My children should run is straight to the arms of their Father. And until I give some guidance, they should never charge out ahead. For when My children make a habit of partnering with impatience, it only takes them further off My path. Therefore, these children who are in a hurry must stop and wait where they are, then allow Me to guide them back into alignment with My good and perfect will, and then everything I have spoken over them will come to pass just as I have said.

Then, My children, “Stop partnering with impatience and anxiety, for I will cause My promises to appear when I am ready and not before.”

“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps”   Proverbs 16:9 

(Received: 8/8/2019)

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