The True Pandemic

by Lori Anne Hale
The real culprit attacking mankind is fear as the source of The True Pandemic | My Daily Letters - MDL

The bottom line to any situation is My good and perfect will.

So then, who has sought Me to hear My position on where to stand and what to do with this current issue now prevalent in the world? Many assume they know My mind just from reading the Scriptures, but often there are specific directions germane to each situation. And though I give guidance with certain passages and verses, to fight effectively often requires more detailed instructions. Then, when mankind encounters a problem without a clear answer, where he seems stuck in a ditch without a rope or any hope of rescue, it’s My uncanny ways that should be sought first and then considered the final word of resolution.

Yet, even many from My church seem to have run ahead without asking Me where to stand in this current global crisis, breeding confusion amongst My own: those who should be presenting a unified front because each one carries divine insight and wisdom imparted by Me. And though, in the natural, it appears as if the culprit causing such alarm is a virus, in reality, it is in the spiritual realm where the true pandemic is found. For the ‘spirit of fear’ has breathed his toxic breath into the global atmosphere, and now many are found caught with his contagion, experiencing the agitating symptoms his presence produces.

And so, while many are focused on finding an antidote to rid the global population of the physical virus, who can offer the real cure which is peace of mind and a settled heart? For while it is true, in this life there will be many troubles, with some struggles enveloping the world as a whole, even this kind of threat, however, should not rattle those who are known by Me and bear the markings of My Son because, for them, it is only the natural body that is perishing. Therefore, when facing plagues or famine, My own can sit internally undisturbed because their confidence is placed in the One who has overcome the world. So, if My children will remember who holds the final authority when it comes to the overall plan for mankind, then it doesn’t matter whether the doors to My Houses of Worship are opened or closed. And because the enemy is looking to bring further division among believers, this matter should not become a point of contention within My flock. This is why all of My children should be found standing together on the battle line of warfare so that this global contamination brought in by ‘fear’ is stopped.

Therefore, the main focus of their prayers should not solely be on the virus itself but aimed at the one who seeks to capture a man’s soul and lead him into eternal damnation. Then, during these days where fear is running rampant, My own should be found speaking out My virtues to those around them. And though their prayers ought to be filled with the sounds of combat, when they encounter friends and strangers alike who are overtaken by worry, let the light of My love be reinforced through their kind interaction so that many more may come to believe. 

The toxic breath of fear has been breathed into the atmosphere as the source of the True Pandemic | My Daily Letters - MDL

But because this world has been inundated with information that supports every opinion, offering facts and numbers isn’t going to calm the nerves of anyone who has listened to the ‘spirit of fear’. This is why My own must raise their sights above the surface level of every situation by seeking My perspective to gain deeper insight and revelation on how to see true breakthrough come for those now bound by this dark foe. Then, to be about My business means speaking the Truth in love, and not schooling others about where their opinions are wrong because My agenda is always centered on the reconciliation of man.

So, let the optimism of the redeemed abound, where even the threat of a deadly virus cannot shake their internal confidence because it is firmly rooted in their Heavenly Father: the One who never changes, and who has set them in the bosom of His affections. And while I have given man the ability to learn so that society can progress, he should not rely only on his own sensibilities when it comes to curbing this virus, for quite often he is found overreacting to his circumstances. However, though I see nothing wrong with taking some preventative measures to stay healthy, My children ought to be mindful and avoid joining the frenzied emotions escalating right now in the global population, for it would be very easy to be engulfed in this hysterical response.

And while disinfectants and hand washing are used as guards to keep this virus at bay, My own should set up an internal guard of Truth around their hearts to prevent fear from infecting their thoughts with his lies about the future, for the perfect mix of peace and being at rest in Me is the remedy for his attacks. Therefore, since a relationship with Me is established in trust, every circumstance My children encounter should be viewed from this vantage point. So then, even when troubling news arises, their inner resolve isn’t shaken because instead of embracing the negative message offered by those with catastrophic predictions, they continue to hold fast to the One who has already saved them.

So, while your natural human inclination tells you to worry, and wants to ring the alarm bell of panic, to My own, I say, “There is no need to embrace the fear of tomorrow”, for even now your life is still safely nestled in My mighty hand. So then, what exists in this world that can separate you from this position? And, even if you were affected by illness, am I not powerful enough to heal you? For if it’s My plan that your life continues, what force has the strength to stop Me? For as long as our relationship is centered on My will, and your steps are aligned with the future I have set, then not even a deadly virus can defeat one found in this position

Any antidote discover by man is not as mighty as the united prayers of believers against The True Pandemic | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, instead of allowing the voice of fear to dictate your thoughts and emotions, let’s meet him on the field of battle, where the constructive efforts of prayer are employed so that an actual shift in the world’s atmosphere is accomplished. Then, along with practicing good hygiene to cleanse your natural environment of this virus, every time you wash your hands or disinfect your physical space, remember to enlist in the greater war against the fear that is attacking this world. By joining your own voice in warfare with fellow believers, these words of faith will drive this evil spirit out of every area and region on the earth. 

When the unified sound of My children’s voices is lifted, declaring My authority, the power that this harmonious utterance carries is mightier than any antidote discovered by man. This, then, is the real cure for stopping this virus and eradicating fear’s global influence over humanity. And since the true origins of this ailment stem from evil and darkness, the actual source of this illness (as with most diseases that is common to man) was introduced at the fall of Mankind. Though this evil has manifested in the physical world as a virus, its roots are found in the spiritual realm, and so, therefore, the place to apply force is at the very center of its core, which is where fear resides.

So let the robust sounds of battle be heard coming out of My Church, as they stand together on My name and in My authority to stop the enemy’s plan of destruction from going any further. And, therein, during these days of uncertainty, draw the line now in the ground of faith, letting this firm border be established so that the ‘spirit of fear’, which has been driving the hearts of so many, will dissipate and mankind will simply move back into the normal flow of life again, and this virus will disappear as if it had never existed. 

So then, dear children, gather into formation on the front lines with prayer and unite your voices as one, for the campaign must be waged with a concerted effort by My Church as a whole.

Then, “Line up!”, I say again, “Line up! It is indeed time to fight, for the battle is at hand!”

“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19

(Received: 3/13/2020)

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