Reopening This Bluer State

by Lori Anne Hale
A peaceful countenance better reflects God's attributes from Reopening This Bluer State | My Daily Letters - MDL

The governor of this state tinged with blue has been expecting protests to spring up in his communities, and for this reason, he has colluded with certain social media giants to shut down any dissenting voices who have spoken out against his plans to keep this bluer state locked down longer than needed.

Though this governor is using the ‘spreadability’ of this illness as an excuse to lengthen the quarantine, his real motivation has nothing to do with the virus. And though many citizens haven’t been fooled by the gloomy picture being painted about this contagion and its rate of infection, there are still some who are listening to the voices of alarm being heard around this nation; those who haven’t discerned the bigger agenda behind the continued closures. Because these citizens want to believe most media sources are reliable, and that the narratives presented are true, it hasn’t occurred to them they are being duped.

So as reporters and commentators continue describing the apocalyptic scenarios that will, in their view, surely happen if Americans don’t follow the quarantine protocols, fear is driven deeper into the hearts of these citizens. Then those who have accepted these frightening predictions as fact are becoming increasingly more agitated when they see some individuals disregarding the quarantine mandates; particularly those who disagree with the governor’s plan for slowly reopening this bluer state, thus reinforcing the feelings of division already found in the population… for truly a divisive spirit has invaded this land.

However, addressing these agitated citizens with the facts about the virus, and proof that those in charge blew the pandemic to extreme proportions, won’t change their minds on this matter, since they have their own statistics and evidence to prove their opinions to be true. So the usual methods of debate won’t work to shorten the distance between those who stand opposed on this subject. Yet, because many citizens have not fully embraced the reports being presented by the media, or the governor, there is a frustration building amongst this segment of the population over the undue hardship being placed on their businesses, and the lives of every citizen in this bluer state.

Fear should not prompt believers to rise up against the government from Reopening This Bluer State | My Daily Letters - MDL

So, some have headed to the streets where peaceful protests were set to send a message to the local and state leaders that “enough is enough”. However, these marches will not move the governor nor cause him to take the preferred course of action, which is: reopening the state and its economy. For he would like nothing more than to use his power to keep the populace of this bluer state in line with his orders. And because he has the backing of his party and those lawmakers who dwell in Washington D.C., this governor will do what he thinks is necessary to control these citizens.

Then, if peaceful protests won’t change the current lockdown and lift these mandatory restrictions, why take to the streets? Since lessening his hold is not in the plans, if the governor feels pressured to enact tighter quarantine measures, then these demonstrations will only increase the animosity dividing the citizens in this bluer state. And because a divisive spirit is running rampant through this country, and has overtaken the hearts of many state and local leaders (those who have embraced a more authoritarian governmental philosophy), to clamor in the streets is not the answer, and won’t bring about a lifting of the shutdown. 

So, when the governor confined the citizens of this bluer state, an oppressive cloud entered the atmosphere and has continued to loom overhead. Although the governor was intentionally vague when he laid out his plan to reopen the state, yet for those who read between the lines, his meaning for the future was unmistakable. Then, because he is part of a greater plan to tear down and rebuild the country (where the “state” dictates the movements of its people), he is not opposed to using extreme actions when warranted, for he knows that creating a greater distance between the parties is an effective way to pull apart this land from the inside. Then these angry protests have only given the governor and his party the ammunition to blame those with opposite political leanings as the reason for tightening their grip on the whole populace, for they anticipated some revolt against the government’s hand of intense pressure. Therefore, since this governor has no problem clamping down even harder (even though the number of infected are declining), orchestrated protests will only feed right into his hands, where a more militant approach would enforce the quarantine even longer.

And though there is a real flu infecting many Americans, the harm it has caused does not compare with other diseases that have brought illness into this nation. Yet, these leaders have claimed that the virus is more highly contagious, and unlike any other doctors have ever encountered. But these are just talking points being fed by those higher up their chain of command, for their real agenda should be plain for anyone to see, as these elected officials are hoping to lay the blame for the deaths and rapid spread upon the President as the pathway to regaining this seat of command. And because an election is looming, this governor and his party have been looking for an opportunity to sling more mud at this commander and tear him down in the eyes of the populace; for this is the standard play in their manual. So, to see their plan for reconstruction implemented means the current President must be unseated.

The governmental shut down won't be changed by protesting from Reopening This Bluer State | My Daily Letters - MDL

And though I do not hold allegiance to any party, I am never for this unprincipled behavior, where slanderous accusations are leveled at another to gain the upper hand against a rival; or where unsuspecting citizens become pawns in the devious schemes of politics. I will never stand with anyone who is seeking to misuse another or strip away the freedoms I have given to all men. Surely those holding this desire have partnered with the enemy!

Yet, because mankind is predisposed to sin, he is more apt to put laws and rules into place which benefit him, where others are expected to behave according to what he decides is right and proper. Therefore, to see this one who holds more authority behave like a king (who uses threats and extreme measures to subdue others), proves this governor’s heart is not for the people in his state, but lies with those who want to break apart this country. Then, why give him exactly what he needs to add heavier restrictions? Why step out onto the streets and protest against his decisions? Then won’t these efforts be pointless?

However, though these citizens have a legal prerogative to speak out against the government since the right to assemble is guaranteed and protected within the framework of this country’s constitution, I have not sanctioned this as the battle strategy for My children. Then, have My own (those who are planning to protest) stopped to ask if this is how I will release the ban on their businesses? 

Since battles fought without clear direction usually wind up accomplishing nothing of real value and often have an opposite outcome than the original goal, these protests are like a blindfolded man who is hoping to hit the dead center of his target, while not knowing which way to aim his weapon to maximize his efforts. Therefore, to just start shooting is a waste of ammunition, and without the guidance of his Instructor, this individual is only trusting in the false hope of luck.

To overcome every circumstance God will give us divine strategies from Reopening This Bluer State | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, those of My own who are planning to walk down the streets of their communities should reconsider, for the way to reopen this state is not through this show of exercising your civil rights. No. The way to address this battle must be by attacking in the ‘spiritual’ realm, since this is where the very core of the quarantine lies. Unfortunately, using the weapons found in your ‘physical’ arsenal will not be effective against the real enemy, for which tactic of man can defeat this invisible foe who dwells in the unseen realm? Even though marching in protest may satisfy your need to do something, and feed your desire to fight back against the governor’s tyrannical behavior, these choices will only foster the already growing animosity and offense carried in your hearts towards this leader. 

Yet, those who rest in Me and wait upon My voice to lead, are never troubled by the evil happening in the world around them, for these trust that I am still in control, even when, at the moment, it may seem as if I have forgotten all about them. Therefore, My own should lay aside the temptation to take matters into their own hands by protesting, for this is not how I want these current circumstances addressed.

Then, consider this: which exemplifies My divine nature- those who raise their fists against the government, or those who sit with a peaceful countenance, who are not driven by fear because they know I will always meet their needs and sustain their lives? Then, which of these attitudes will bear witness to their neighbors of who I really am- those who rant about their political leaders and lend their voices to this divisive spirit, or would the better witness be given if My children spent these days in quiet contemplation, enjoying more time in My presence? For here in this space of communing comes the way of deeper revelation, where I show each one the perfect strategies to combat the evil that has bred division in this nation. 

Then, to these, I say, “Come rest in Me, come dwell in the space of habitation!” And as you enter before Me, lay down your concerns and worries about tomorrow, for I have ample resources to meet the needs of all My children, even when it appears as if the river of provision has dried up. Therefore, come away with Me and rest in My peaceful streams. For while in these cool, refreshing waters, I will impart the wisdom you need to see both yourself and your state through this season of adversity. So, leave the victory of reopening in My hands, and do not take to the streets carrying signs of revolt. For when the time is just right, I will put an end to this time of oppression.

“Still I am certain to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the LORD; be strong and courageous. Wait patiently for the LORD!” Psalms 27:13-14

(Received: 4/24/2020)

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