The Intentions Of A Wealthy Man

by Lori Anne Hale
To have more say in how the world is run is what some wealthy individuals are after from The Intentions of a Wealthy Man | My Daily Letters - MDL

The vaccination in the works for this virus won’t kill it off, because it won’t contain the correct components, and therefore its effectiveness will be weaker than the claims made by its manufacturers; claims intentionally meant to mislead the public. So while the development of this vaccine may seem like an excellent idea (because researchers have discovered some promising leads), finding an actual cure won’t happen as they’ve planned.

Expect, however, to hear claims about positive data which shows they may have come up with a way to prevent people from catching this virus and then passing it on. Yet, just like when test subjects are given a placebo, but are told a lie about what they’ve ingested, the vaccine being touted as a “wonder drug” would be the same as treating a patient with water and sugar. 

And so, a few wealthy individuals are pushing for more restrictive measures to be put into place that take away the freedom of choice, where the government would have the final say about the medical decisions over a person’s body, and which would curtail the liberties of American citizens. For there are some who sit in lofty places, having large sums of money, which to them means their opinions should be heeded when making policies for this nation and its future; though they can’t be bothered to enter as a candidate when election time comes around. 

So then, what’s behind the strong push from this one very wealthy man to have mandatory vaccinations? Is it to financially accumulate more than he already has, or, is there another reason he is being so forceful with his opinions? Could it be that he is using his platform for more than ill-gotten gain? For though he has had success within certain areas of the technology industry, he is no longer satisfied with his title of “giant” in his field, and has inserted himself into the political matters of this country… and the world. Since he has a high IQ, it is his belief that his intelligence makes him more qualified than most, and that he is entitled to enter the official discourse about the virus; for, obviously, his theories concerning the world’s future should be considered as correct. This is why he is hoping to sway the American public over to his point of view. For in his estimation, there is a better formula for taking care of this country than the outdated articles drafted at its inception.

To make vaccinations mandatory is what some individuals want from The Intentions of a Wealthy Man | My Daily Letters - MDL

To him, this pandemic has provided a perfect opportunity for those governing to grab more authority over the population by taking away some of their civil liberties through enactment of stricter governmental measures. For what better occasion can be used to force change than when a crisis has occurred (since during these moments, in most people, thoughts of safety usually override any concerns of liberty). And because this wealthy man understands that this basic instinct of survival dwells within every human, he is playing to the fears of Americans by stirring up unsettling feelings in those who will listen to him.

Yet, this wealthy man who sits in a high tower is not working alone, for there are many others with means and status who have joined together to establish a global collective: one which was founded on the premise that the nations of this world should all be connected under one governing body. So these have used their positions and prestige to influence political leaders to align with their worldview and agenda. However, the one who now sits in the Oval Office was an unexpected disruption to their plan. And since this wild horse has his own wealth, he could not be bought off like those who came before him.

Furthermore, because the majority of the population has been pleased with the job he has done thus far, the problem has been how to rid themselves of this wild horse. For he has been an obstruction to their plan and derailed the momentum they had gained (since those who formerly sat in his seat were like-minded about the future of both this country and the world). So try as they might, their attempts to unseat him have failed. But in their minds, this pandemic has solved this problem and provided the perfect opening to defeat this wily opponent. 

So though some chalk up the idea of globalization as only another conspiracy theory, in reality, those who rise to power among the ranks of men are often found with thoughts of societal domination. Since many of these are born with a higher level of intelligence, the tendency is to rely on their own logic when deducing how communities and nations should run. And because, on most issues, they consider themselves right, little room is left for another to criticize or judge, especially when it’s offered by those deemed less astute. For when a heart is partnered with pride, it is often expressed in the form of arrogance and superiority.

American globalists are attacking personal liberties from The Intentions of a Wealthy Man | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, just because someone is considered “brainy” does not make him a wise person. And though he may be well versed on certain subjects, or able to comprehend quite a bit more than most about this world and how it functions, it is the greater discernment of divine wisdom that he lacks, and therefore, many of his opinions are flawed, causing him to arrive at the wrong conclusions about what is best, not only for this nation, but the world as a whole. 

So then, just like a ship that has set its heading for a particular harbor, if it veers off this course by even the slightest degree, it will wind up missing the correct port and will more than likely find itself sailing in uncharted waters, where unforeseen circumstances develop that are much more difficult to navigate. For unless My counsel is sought about how to get this nation back up and running again, any solution offered by this wealthy man (and those like him) must not be considered as viable, but instead understood as selfish conjecture, since these are missing what is really needed to come up with the correct answer: the ability to see into the future. So when those who are hailed as more intelligent cry out and proclaim they have figured out the sure plan to move this national ship towards the right future, it must be noted that their ideas were developed from this prideful stance. And because mankind (in general) lacks divine insight, he cannot know with certainty what shall be before it manifests itself in the present-day.

(Wouldn’t it seem the more prudent choice to seek the One who is all-knowing instead of relying on man’s speculations to base his decisions?) 

In reality, it is more common for those who possess a greater intellect to trust in their own reasoning above any other. And though I gave mankind this quality so he could deduce right from wrong, and to learn about this world, My intentions were that he would live in conjunction with My good and perfect will. But unfortunately, it is the folly of man to lean on himself for understanding, though time and again his own wisdom has proven insufficient and devoid of the ability to come up with the correct answers.  

The future generations of Christians should be prayed for now by believers from The Intentions of a Wealthy Man | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, here is where most will turn to first when troubling circumstances abound, as those who seem to be more knowledgeable are thought to have the solutions. And because these are considered more intelligent than most, their recommendations are often readily embraced by the majority of people as sound options. But, these who are esteemed by men as exceptional and brilliant still host the same limitations found in all other human beings. For no matter how confident a person is in their capabilities of higher thinking, these are still missing the knack of foresight, where their predictions actually come to pass. Then, if these can only surmise what shall be without offering a definitive answer, why are they more qualified to offer an opinion over any other person? For isn’t it the ever-changing hypotheses of men which keeps confusion brewing in the atmosphere above this land? 

So then, the persistent objections made by this wealthy man against the current administration is really an attempt to keep the formation of a global alliance from falling apart. His protests, then, about breaking partnerships with certain health organizations have little to do with what is best for this country, but rather originates from his desire to be a leading voice in the globalization of this world. So like many who aspire to make a bigger name for themselves, this wealthy man is no different. 

Though this wealthy man may not be quite as haughty as other moguls, he is still wrapped in a blanket of pride. Whether he is aware of this or not, his decisions are all tainted by this same arrogant attitude; each one connected to his selfish need to be respected as the final authority… as the one who holds all the answers. So, just because he has built a large corporation that produces technology does not make this wealthy man an expert on all things concerning the world and humanity. This is why the guiding force of this nation cannot rest in the hands of mere men, for each person alive is predisposed to relying on his own understanding of how life should be lived.  

Therefore, don’t listen to those who say a vaccination will cure this pandemic, and/or keep another one from striking. For these individuals are not offering a real solution, but have only contrived an indirect path to take away more of the civil and personal liberties found in this nation. It is, therefore, incumbent upon My own to be ever vigilant so that they are not caught in the web of man’s logic. For the flesh is easily enticed by words that sound reasonable and solutions that sound plausible. This is why, during these days where much shaking is happening, My own should not be quick to grab hold of the ideas coming from ungodly sources; though this may be their first inclination. But instead understand this: that this season was designed to expose where all of the unprofitable fruit exists in their lives, and therefore, a closer inspection should be made of the thoughts and emotions which have been and will be brought forward on this journey through the coming days.

Against the globalization of America believers must battle in prayer from The Intention Of A Wealthy Man | My Daily Letters - MDL

Will My children run to Me when the uncertainty intensifies, or, will they look for the answers from those who promise a sure fix to the hardship and suffering still ahead? For those who hold roles of leadership in this country, whether business or political, are still subject to their own flesh, which keeps them from making truly unselfish decisions when it comes to this country and its people. Since I am the only true ‘globalist’, because I see every person the same and have unified the world through the covenant of grace, I do not desire a one world government formation. So My children must, therefore, uphold My will with their prayers, and contend against this global alliance which has formed.

For though some may proclaim that the end is surely upon mankind, it is not yet time for My Son to descend from the heavens and return for My children. Then, there is still much to do for this generation of believers. If they will take up this call to pray, then the evil alliance that seeks to dominate mankind can be broken and disassembled, so that those believers who come after them can still enjoy the same freedom to exercise their faith as does the Church today. Don’t dismiss this idea of globalization as only being a theory or farce, for the enemy has never stopped trying to destroy this nation, which was founded with the right to openly express belief in Me.

Then, take up this mantle of prayer for your nation, and “fight on your knees” against this spirit of globalization, praying for it to be driven out of not only America, but the world. For if a strong perimeter is built by My children now, then this evil spirit will have a hard time finding a way to get back in again. So, don’t just pray for yourselves but also pray for the generations of believers who were created to come after you.

“This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord. For He looked down from His holy height; from heaven, the Lord gazed upon the earth, to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death, that men may tell of the name of the Lord in Zion and His praise in Jerusalem.”  Psalms 102:18-21

(Received: 4/16/2020)

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