The Ides Of March

by Lori Anne Hale
The something new God is doing in His Church was marked on this date The Ides of March | My Daily Letters - MDL

The “Ides of March” was a pivotal moment for My Church, for it symbolized the divide between the old way my Body functioned, and the “new” I am ushering in.

Although this saying, the “Ides of March”, has held a negative connotation because, when heard, it reminds some of a tragic story from long ago. Yet I have taken this phrase and given it a “good” spin, since I can always turn the things of man from a negative into a positive with little effort. So most didn’t realize the significance of this date when the ”Ides of March” rolled in again; for as people gathered to worship and hear the usual teaching or sermon, very few even had an inkling that this would be the last corporate meeting for weeks to come, as local churches would shut their physical doors on that day for more than just one or two Sundays. And while many have fought on their knees against the closures, they are yet frustrated because I have not responded to their pleas to override the shutdown. Then, what My children should understand is that I included this shutdown into My plan long before sickness and disease ever existed in the world, as the way to bring a divine shift into the flow of My Body, where they cast off old tired ways of doing “church”.

Then, seeing this time through somber eyes, or with angry hearts, is not how to approach this season, but instead, should be embraced with the anticipation of something amazing developing because there is much I am doing now, even though these houses of worship are closed. Yet, they needn’t worry, for soon enough I will reopen the doors to their churches again. For My children must remember: My Spirit does not dwell in a building, but within their hearts. So even if the government prevents them from gathering corporately, their connection to Me, and the work I am doing, is unbreakable, as nothing can squelch the flame of everlasting hope My own still carry in their hearts; nor block the power of My love from illuminating others through their lives. 

Then a short-sighted view will not do in this season, where My children sit waiting for this quarantine to be over so they can get back to church and reestablish their old habits of service. I do not mean this season to be a pause in operation, where their church cultures are suspended for awhile, only to resume right where they left off after the national shutdown is lifted. No. These days were to be noted as a departure from the “old”, so that when My children regroup, it will be with a fresh vision that aligns with the “new” I am doing in this world. Therefore, don’t waste this season dwelling on the things of the past, but allow Me to show you how to partner with My plan now. 

Shaking His children out of the old ways of doing church is what God began on The Ides of March | My Daily Letters - MDL

So don’t sit on your couches reminiscing about what was and then long to go back to how the Church used to be. Let excitement fill your hearts, for the “new” I proclaimed would come is here! Therefore, stop kicking against the doors, demanding they reopen. Instead, let your hearts settle in peace. For once you have partnered with the voice of My Spirit, His gentle whisper will reveal the will of your Father during these days of confinement.

So then, My own needn’t become combative and join their voices with those pressing to have their communities reopen, but should, instead, pick their battles more wisely by asking Me which is the right one to fight. For without My guidance, My own often choose the obvious war, but… do they pick the correct battle? Will it bring the maximum results, or will their energy be wasted because they followed their flesh (which is insisting that something be done so that life can get back to normal again)? Oh, if My own would quit moving forward with the wrong strategy. For stirring up strife about this shutdown within the civil discourse is not the plan I had in mind to bring relief into their land. 

So while I understand that many of My own are used to a lifestyle with more activity: as those who often enjoy saying the word “yes” to filling their plates with the busyness of works, because it makes them feel useful in My house. My question is: Are these acts of service, done in My name, connected to the direct flow of My will for their life? 

Consider these sisters, Martha and Mary. Each had a different idea of how to best serve Me. One thought I would be more pleased if she filled her time with preparation and planning, and all the busy tasks designed to get ready for a guest. Yet when I arrived, she had no time to spend with Me or give Me her undivided attention. However, when I came calling, her sister laid aside all this striving because she knew that to be in My presence and enjoy each other’s company was the reason for My visit. Her act of service, then, was the better choice, for she surrendered her plans and what she thought might please Me, and sat at My feet (as a form of worship).  

We can be busy doing Gods work but not His will from The Ides of March | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so, this time of national shutdown has provided My children with the opportunity to step away from the busyness of their days, where they have ample time to sit with Me; to dwell in My presence without being pulled away by the “much” they’ve loaded on their calendars. For how exquisitely these days can be spent just communing in the company of My presence (since now I don’t just stop by occasionally for a visitation, but dwell within their being, inhabiting every part of their life). 

So set aside your need to be busy; searching for something to occupy your time. Instead, let these moments be seen as a time of refreshing. For I have cleared your calendars of just about everything so we could have plenty of time together, where the rush of the clock doesn’t hurry you off, and allows you to come and sit at My feet and rest. For I want more than just a friendly relationship. I long to be closely involved in the lives of each of My children, where the tasks generated by “doing church” are not the extent of our partnership.   

Let Me remind you: It is a more simplistic posture which I am hoping to establish during these days; where My own regain their childlike infatuation with Me; where they are so preoccupied with the thoughts of Me that they wait with bated breath just to hear what I have to say next. And because they long for the closeness of My presence, they can’t resist pressing their ear against My chest just to hear the beat of My heart, and connect with its gentle rhythm. 

So now, in this season of adversity, My hand is beckoning, calling out to My own, inviting those who have filled their days with “much” to return to your first love: return to those early moments of our relationship where spending time with Me was your first thought; where you could not hold back expressing your gratitude for the grace you had been so freely given: that undeserved gift which left you standing with no shame.

When God is ready, He will reopen the doors to His churches and not before from The Ides of March | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh, My children, there is even more I want to reveal to you about Myself during these days when the world is still!

Then, none of My children should be filled with frustration over this confinement, but should embrace these days as a blessing. For how often have many of you said, “I wish I had more time to spend with God!”? Yet, here is your opportunity to do just that. So then, don’t squander these days, but make them more useful by setting aside any ideas of “busyness”, and sit at My feet in surrender. 

Don’t be troubled by the headlines or thoughts of getting back to normal life. Let those cares melt away, as these pressures will only steal your peace. Then, choose in these moments to offer this simple act of worship, where you yield your plans once again and just sit in the stillness of My presence. For if each of My own will take these days and seek My face with no agenda, when the time comes to rejoin corporately, I will show you where to add your “yes” so that it is more impactful because it fits perfectly into My Body. Then, you will never feel as if your plate is too full because you are walking in the steps and plans I have ordered for your life. 

So cast off the notion that the way to please Me is by serving the local church to your full capacity, as this idea comes from those who are still bound to a “works” mentality. Because I have situated My children within My Son, there is nothing more they must do to gain My approval. If I am pleased, there is no reason to strive to gain the favor of anyone. Therefore, just like Mary, you can sit at My feet without fear of rebuke or condemnation, as her response towards My presence portrays the perfect picture and posture My children should hold. And though her sister was pressing her with the lists of tasks to do, Mary put Me first. (This does not mean, however, that she would have avoided lending a hand, but she was waiting for the appropriate time to rise and help her sister. And I should note, that I did not love Martha any less than her sister, but because Mary valued her time with Me, and was eager to spend those precious moments at My feet, she was rewarded with My presence.) 

God is beckoning to His children to return to their first love from The Ides of March | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, to My own, I say, “Return! Return to your first love!” Put aside all your worries and discard your longings for normalcy. For I have uniquely blessed you with the gift of “more time”: more time to spend with Me! For how content are those found at My feet? How undisturbed are the hearts of those who dwell continually at My altar? Because these have made the better choice, even the thoughts of a longer confinement do not trouble them. So set aside your fleshly desires for a busier lifestyle, and return to the way our relationship began, where your heart couldn’t get enough of My presence. Then remember those feelings again, where our partnership was uncluttered and carefree; where you wouldn’t trade time with Me for any other endeavor. 

Come back to that place of childlike faith and let Me remind you of just how much I love you. For performing acts of service, or works for the church, won’t draw you closer to My presence, as I am more than overjoyed when you forfeit your “works” to spend time with Me; because having a relationship with you is what I am after.  

Then, in these days of confinement, be like Mary, and make the better choice by sitting at My feet and enjoying the peace found in My presence.  

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”     Luke 10:41-42

(Received: 4/30/2020)

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