Keep A Fixed Gaze

by Lori Anne Hale
A recession shall be ushered in because of the poor decisions made by this government from Keep A Fixed Gaze | My Daily Letters - MDL

Who can stop an avalanche when it begins rolling?

Who then can stop this strong motion as the top of the mountain begins to slide? For there is no useful tool or mechanism that man possesses to stop this massive wave of destruction as its mighty surge picks up momentum. So though man may think he has more control over this world than is really true, there are circumstances in this life that sit outside of his capabilities to fix. 

Then know this: those who sit atop the very peak of this governmental mountain have started a chain reaction that cannot be stopped by their own hands. For the fiscal choices made in these days will have lasting effects on the future of this country. Like a giant landslide as it rushes towards the town below, so it will be with the legislation passed and enacted by the sitting Congress. For though some of those who sit atop the peak have tried to prevent an economic down-rush from starting, they cannot stop the inevitable from happening since the ground has already begun shaking underneath their feet, as part of this governmental peak begins to break off. For when these leaders decided to add more cash into the pile already circulating, it caused the unsustainable mound of debt to lose enough support that collapse is inevitable. 

So then, a downward thrust has begun with enough surge that will cover the entire country like a blanket with dirt and gravel that will devastate the lives of many. And because the citizens who dwell below were assured by those who sat atop the peak that all was well, and that the decisions being made for the country were indeed sound, very few will see that eventuality; for tomorrow it comes thundering down on top of them; as many sit, just waiting for normalcy to return, thinking the financial tremors are only an aberration caused by the pandemic and will soon settle down as life returns to what it was before. 

However, the subtle vibrations of this economic cascade could be felt many years ago, when those who sat atop the governmental peak at that time started this irresponsible process of “borrowing” and “printing”; where loans were procured from other nations, and then more money was printed and put into circulation so that it seemed to most Americans that things were fine in this country, and that there was no chance of any kind of crash happening again. Yet, while most of these irresponsible leaders were able to dodge a financial collapse during their tenure, those who sit atop this peak now have made this economic downturn unavoidable by adding more weight to the mound of debt and currency. And because the populace below is unprepared for the blow of this financial avalanche, many won’t know where to find shelter and will end up losing everything. 

A fiscal avalanche is about to hit that America is unprepared for from Keep A Fixed Gaze | My Daily Letters - MDL

So like a heavy tide that rushes towards the shore, this wave of fiscal corruption will cover every area of American society (though some will fare better than others and will go mostly unaffected by the economic slump that is coming). Unfortunately, it is the ones in the middle, those who reside a bit closer to the base of this peak, that will be hit the hardest. For as these watch their livelihoods disappear, many will be left standing with nothing of value in their hands and found wondering what to do next. For even after the dust settles, a time of greater uncertainty lies ahead, where, buried underneath the rubble of this financial debacle, lies the ruins of “what used to be”.

But those days cannot be retrieved, and so the citizens of this land will need to rebuild their country again. But if those atop the governmental peak cannot be trusted to protect the well-being and freedoms of its citizens, then how can this country possibly re-establish itself on a sound economic structure? What path can be dug that leads to prosperity again and away from the reckless hands of corrupt bureaucrats? What words of assurance can these leaders in Washington ever offer that will ease the fear and anxiety found in its constituents since the American people cannot be confident that any leaders are honest, or have, as their first priority, the best interests of this nation? 

Though some in Washington still desire to expand its reach into the personal lives of every citizen, these leaders will offer aid that sounds appealing on the surface but is difficult to break free from in the end. And because the role of this government has crossed over the initial lines established by its founders, greater reliance on it should be avoided at all costs. Therefore, the sure road to financial security is not laid in the direction of Washington, as the ground underneath this terrain is filled with unstable soil, and therefore should not be considered as a viable option.

So where should these citizens look for sound counsel when it comes to restarting their lives?

Though the quarantine will soon be lifted with Americans being encouraged to return to their jobs, yet for quite a few, their source of income will have vanished, which means these are destined to line up with others who are unemployed. But for those who need a true hand up and are searching for someone who is always reputable, they need not look any further than the face of the dollar, for on each one is printed a reminder of the One who they can really depend on. Then, this simple but profound statement, “In God We Trust”, was deliberately inscribed on every banknote and coin, so that the American people would always recall Who it was that not only established this nation, but actually formed and shaped each one of them. 

(Yet, with the wide use of technology, very few ever have real cash in their wallets, as plastic cards are now the way money is spent, causing this admonition of trust to be forgotten by most, as the stacks of printed cash are seldom exchanged anymore when exacting transactions.)

To remind Americans of their real Provider, in "God We Trust" was placed on every banknote from Keep A Fixed Gaze | My Daily Letters - MDL

But nonetheless, this inscription was divinely inspired so that people would not lose sight of how this nation came to be. Then, it is a return to this point of origin that must be reestablished, where this country puts their hope in Me again. For though what is coming in the days ahead cannot be subverted, in the lives of those who have found covering under My wings, there is no reason to worry; for My feathers are made of the strongest armor, keeping those, who I consider My children, shielded from true devastation: which is the loss of their soul to eternal darkness. And though suffering may come to this nation, My own can confidently rest because as long as they dwell among the land of the living, My promise to sustain them still remains. For what form of financial disparity has any effect on Me? My ability to divert financial streams and rivers into their lives has very little to do with the economic soundness of this nation.

Therefore, though a greater shaking is sure to be felt as the rumble of this financial downslide builds, My own needn’t react like those who have no hope: those who don’t believe in Me, or the saving grace of My Son. Then, if those who are called “Beloved” dwell in the shelter of the Most High, what crisis or calamity can really touch them? Even if tomorrow you find unemployment has arrived at your doorstep, is My hand of provision too short that it cannot meet your needs? So, let your internal stance be that of peace, and rest in quiet fields near My tranquil waters, in the place where your heart can sit undisturbed even when there is a looming crisis. For those who have spent their days focused on the One who has saved them, will walk through this season with a revived spirit because these have spent time breathing in the intoxicating air of My presence, which will resonate so deeply within their being that it affects their external countenance.

Therefore, My Beloved, do not place your dependence on the government to see you through the coming days. For it is to Me, and only to Me, that you should rely upon during seasons of adversity because I created moments within these trials where My children can experience My goodness in ways that were meant to deepen our relationship. So then, do not listen to either side, the right or the left, for the sure aid you need can only come from Me. Keep your gaze fixed and pointed forward, so that your feet don’t falter off the solid path I have laid. For if you will continue to commit your ways to Me, then, just as I kept your forefathers of faith from falling, so too, will I keep all those who trust in Me… even today. 

So, determine then in your heart to keep this fixed gaze, for the one who trusts in My discretion knows only favor and blessing. Then remember the many weaknesses found in man and don’t look to anyone else as your source of provision. Therefore, if you will keep your gaze fixed upon Me, then even during coming adversity you can still know financial abundance, because when I decide to open the flood gates of heaven and bless My children, the condition of the nation’s economy cannot prevent what My hand is doing.

Keep your gaze fixed! Don’t look to the right or the left, and then surely you shall know success.

“He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4

(Received: 4/14/2020)

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