The Greatest Awakening

by Lori Anne Hale
The over-workings of man in this nation are able to be destroyed by the hand of God from The Greatest Awakening | My Daily Letters - MDL

Just as a solvent is able to remove rust and corrosion, so My hand is able to dissolve the over-workings of man in this nation.

For when My Spirit moves across this land, it will have the effect of this chemical agent and begin to break down the areas of government tainted with the socialistic and progressive dogma that has corrupted the Constitution of these United States. It is My hand that shall work against this erosion of liberty to see that this nation remains standing, as I do not want it absorbed into the barren wasteland of communism, nor do I want it to descend even further into the socialistic ideals of government, because My plan for this nation is that she stay a bastion of freedom for the years to come. But how can those who are not armed with physical weapons mount any form of serious resistance against a government that is well fortified, and therefore, can easily squelch any form of uprising? How could anyone hope to overthrow a nation that has such a strong military presence, where weapons of warfare are in abundant supply?

Ahh, but is this the most successful way to oppose the government takeover that is happening now? For though the patriots in this land will want to run for their guns and gather ammunition, their stockpile is sadly outmatched and could never compete with the armament of military force in this country. For there is not another nation in the world that has better trained soldiers or can boast of such advanced weaponry, and is, therefore, a force to be reckoned with. So then how can these people hope to hold on to their freedoms? Who among them can rise up that would really pose a threat against the leaders of each state and the nation as a whole?

There is only one place of rescue, only one King who can ride in and save this nation from the progressive blight that has infiltrated this nation.

So then while the ‘spirit of fear’ has gripped the country and kept its people locked behind their doors, the ‘spirit of control’ that has been occupying space in this land was given the room to expand and take more liberty away from the citizenry. This dominating spirit, however has not been working alone, for he has partnered with the craftiness of ‘manipulation’ to maneuver the people of this nation like cattle, driving them with clever words that sound sincere and well-meaning, but are really just meant to trick the American people into going along with the scheme to destroy the Church in this country. For if My own are driven underground and cannot openly express their faith, then it is thought My work in this land will be slowed, with this nation turning into another humanistic wasteland. And as a result, this nation will go the way of others that had their founding roots in faith, which are now controlled by the ideologies of man; where the government is the only voice allowed to speak, and all others must bow to its wishes.

So then, just as with rust, which gradually erodes metal, these more progressive ideals have been deposited into the infrastructure of this government, so that the very foundations would suffer from tarnish, making repair necessary. But the reworking is not meant to resemble the framework of old, for this corrosive ideology was applied in specific places to see that the nation would crumble in on top of itself, leaving open the path for a full reconstruction effort.

Keeping America a democracy are the intentions of God from The Greatest Awakening | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then what is seen playing out in America today is just the latest attempt to tear down the foundational framework of this nation, where a heavy push has been leveled right at its core: the place where personal liberty and freedoms are held. So then, the more progressive groups have leaned in together against the rights of the people, using their seats of power to add just enough pressure to see that these freedoms are buried under the heavy weight of government regulations meant to deter any who might consider fighting back. For now that the second wave of this season is in full swing, Americans find it much harder to make a living, with some having no hope of garnering a real paycheck for some time to come.

So then what shall happen to this once thriving nation? Will it just become another casualty of humanistic philosophies?

Though man likes to plot and plan, with many even resorting to evil scheming to see his goals come to pass, he still can’t stop the full measure of My will from playing out in this world. Therefore, if My children in this nation make the decision to partner with what I am doing now, then this assault on their democracy can be stopped without the need to use physical force. For I am not interested in having My own launch an actual military-style offensive against their own government.

Yet, what I am hoping is that My strong warriors will put on their spiritual battle garb, and war against the dark forces found in this nation; that each one in My army will take the stance of warfare when it comes to praying for their country, where these will use their spiritual weapons against the ‘controlling spirit’ and his comrade ‘manipulation’, so that in this season of deep reflection and introspection, My own won’t forget to spend moments combating the real evil in this land. Though I have given My Church this season to reawaken their passion and love for Me, I don’t want them to overlook those moments where warfare is needed.

Their ability to discern those moments when their prayers of battle will be most effective, shall only be borne out as they spend more time in My presence. For here they will learn, not only the sound of My voice, but when Holy Spirit is urging them to enter warfare; for there are specific times in the spiritual realm when more decisive hits can be made. So then, My own should understand that My Spirit may ask them to rise in the middle of the night and launch a surprise attack against the enemy.

To fight against the evil found in America God is calling His warriors to rise up from The Greatest Awakening | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then arise, for it is the season for My warriors to rise again, and for those I call My children to no longer sit passively by while the evil in this nation is creating such destruction. Know that this season is meant to not only revive those dormant places in your being (those parts of your soul that have not yet surrendered to My freedom), but also to teach and train My Church to be the mighty army she was called to be.

Then, continue to draw near to Me. Continue to linger in this space of My presence; but while there, don’t think it an odd occurrence if My Spirit impresses upon you to engage in warfare for not only this nation, but the world. For it is in these moments of battle that the swift fall of My hand will block this evil plan from continuing forward.

So then awaken My children and arise, for the time of slumber is over! Now is the season for each of My own to stand up in their true identity, and to step out of complacency, pressing into an intimate relationship with their Father: one that has the markings of authenticity, and is absent the signs of religion and performance. For I long to have a people who are genuine in their affections for Me. 

So then answer the stirring in your spirits. Answer the pull in your hearts. For My Spirit has come to awaken My Church so that the message of glad tidings can spread into every region and land. Then rise up out of your slumber and off of your beds, for the ‘Greatest Awakening’ has now come upon My Church and upon the world.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1

(Received: 5/7/2020)

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