Those Who Have Ears To Hear

by Lori Anne Hale
To destroy this nation is why the enemy has come from Those Who Have Ears to Hear | My Daily Letters - MDL

To all who have ears, let them hear this divine proclamation: The enemy has come to destroy this nation!

He has come to shred every letter written upon the honored parchment which states that all citizens are guaranteed certain “…inalienable rights…”. He has come to render these freedoms null and void. Then, while doing so, push My Church into the shadows because the laws would no longer support their freedom to assemble.

Then to those who have ears to hear, rise up, and enter this battle! For the evil force that has entered this nation, and is now in command, hails from a distant land: one which uses oppression to rule over people. Therefore, take heed of this warning and engage on the field of battle. For unless My children rise up against this scourge, none will be able to stop his army, as these dark forces have marched into certain parts of this nation: those states and counties that have embraced more communistic ideas as, in their minds, a sound way to govern a country. These states provided the gateway for this demonic spirit to enter and begin an all-out assault upon the freedom this land once held as dear.

So let those who have ears hear the voice of their General and respond to His call because a season of adversity has fallen upon this country, and will not relent until My Bride is once again found standing at My altar instead of bowing to the Asherah poles of “religion” and “performance”. 

Surely these days shall be filled with continuing unrest, as every square inch of this nation is under attack; every rolling hill and golden valley held between its shining seas has been invaded, and an evil campaign is fast underway because the enemy of man will not be satisfied until his banner is planted in the ground of this nation.

Then, let those who have ears to hear, stand at attention, for the battle is not far away in some other country. No. War has broken out in this nation. So I am calling My Church to rise up and fight, lest anyone misunderstand My meaning. The enemy has launched an all-out assault against this nation and has come for the souls of every American. So who will stand in the gap for the unsuspecting: those of My own who have yet to choose Me as their King? Who from My army will step up from the ranks and onto the front lines of this war so that the colors of freedom continue to wave over this nation?

Then, let those who have ears to hear, no longer remain seated, but rise to your feet in agreement; for your General has sounded the “charge”. And though this nation was established by the spilled blood of many, the battle to keep this territory free shall only be won through the power of the shed blood of My Son. For it is the strength of His sacrifice that endows My Church with the might to gain the upper hand and assume the victory over every attack of the enemy.

To pray against the evil attacking this nation is why God is calling His children from Those Who Have Ears to Hear | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then let those who have ears to hear understand what is truly at stake. For if the leaders who are pushing a ‘government-mandated registry’ have their way, then soon the freedom to openly worship My name will be stripped away from the very fabric which holds this nation together. For if it were not for My providential involvement, the concepts of liberty brought forth and inscribed by this nation’s founders would not bear witness in its declarations; reinforcing the right to the freedom given to all men by their Creator. Therefore, see these new governmental restrictions as a physical manifestation of the heavier weights of bondage the enemy is attempting to level upon this country. For he believes that physical restraint will stop My Church from flourishing in America. 

Then you have ears to hear, listen to My words of warning and do not think this call to action is meant for another in My battalion, because I am calling up the names of all who are on the rolls of My regiment: from those who are leaders, to those who have just enlisted. All are needed to stand in this battle because each of you has been rightly equipped to fight. Those who are found in My Son already have the authority to demand this foreign enemy and his forces leave this nation.

Then don’t delay your prayers of warfare, nor hesitate to contend now for your country. For unless My Church rises to this occasion and prays for this ground, what other hope can be found? For a physical army using conventional weapons cannot push back or stop this evil insurgence from spreading across America, and inflicting communistic rule in every corner.

Then let you who have ears to hear, heed My call and fall into ranks on the front lines. For this battle won’t be won with just a few uttered prayers, but will know a victorious end when My Church takes this season of adversity seriously and perseveres in their warfare until the enemy’s lines have been broken and this communistic spirit is driven out for good.

Then if you are in agreement with what I have said, stand alongside Me, for it is time to fight!

“But blessed are your eyes because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” Matthew 13:16-17

(Received: 5/13/2020)

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