The Diversion

by Lori Anne Hale
The effort to bridge the racial divide in America has nothing to do with riotous behavior from The Diversion | My Daily Letters - MDL

What a privilege it is to live in this nation, and how fortunate are those who can proudly stand under its flag, calling themselves citizens of a land that was founded with the freedom of speech to proclaim My sovereignty. For not many other nations allow their citizens to hold such liberty, as quite a few have been jailed or put to death for speaking out and declaring My name as King; proving this point to be true: that those who live in this country are indeed blessed.

But in current culture, it would seem that many who dwell on this fine soil are only looking to find fault with the nation as a whole by lumping certain segments of the population into segregated pots, where the color of a person’s skin breeds assumptions about their differing views of the races. So when these men with a fairer complexion chose to show no mercy to this man of color, the attitude and actions of those officers has been attributed to everyone who has lighter skin. And so an outrage has arisen over this injustice because the divide of segregation is still very much a part of this nation.

When Christ came to unite all peoples into My Kingdom, no matter their race, He did not promote any form of discrimination at all. Yet the opinions held by a large part of mankind do not line up with His position, which was that every person, no matter their ethnicity, is valued and loved by Me. But even in this nation where the idea of equality is clearly stated in its founding documents, segregation is still a timely word, especially now when discrimination seems to be on the minds of most Americans. For how apparent are the strains between the races when an injustice done to one man brings on such a violent response?

Unfortunately, the type of riotous behavior being witnessed in his community will do nothing to bridge the ravine of separation many are feeling today.

This term “segregation” has become a hot button topic in today’s society, but like so many other words, when man gives it his own politically correct definition, it takes on the wrong tone, a tone held with ill-will, for man wants to use race, gender, age, and wealth to determine a person’s worth. Though segregation does mean to “separate”, when I use it in the proper context, it takes on a whole new meaning. When I separated man from the garden, when I moved him out of My presence, it was the consequence man brought in because sin now divided us, with segregation as My only option. And when Jacob separated the spotted sheep from the white, this was a picture of mankind, to show the segregation that would happen when I call My own forth from the rest of humanity. Then separation from Me is the true segregation because it isolates a person from My presence and keeps him from knowing My grace. Yet this gap which stands between Me and those who, unknowingly, are perishing, seems to hold little meaning because these cannot see the precariousness of their position as they teeter on the brink of complete isolation from My presence.

To unite all people into the Kingdom of God is why Jesus came from The Diversion

But as is often the case, man is more likely to focus on the ‘here and now’ instead of what will happen to his soul when it no longer dwells in his body. And so right now, while many are deeply wounded and offended by the treatment of this one man, those in My Church must be careful not to pick up this offense in their hearts, as the ways of mankind have not changed since he set foot on the earth. For within man’s heart lies prejudice and inequity towards his fellow human beings, where the desire to strike down those thought of as inferior, whether it be race or gender, has been a common tale throughout history.

Does this mean that I condone violence of any sort, or that I tolerate the hatred man carries toward others just because skin color may be different? Certainly not! This is not where My heart is found on these issues. I created the races to give mankind a unique look. But, nonetheless, segregation and discrimination have always existed in societies and differing cultures.

Then what should the response be to this recent injustice? Should My own join the outcry of the masses and support those who, because racism is felt, are resorting to looting and violence? Should they participate in demonstrations demanding the government find a way to reconstruct the bridge between the races to see that segregation is no longer found in this nation? Sadly, just as with other forms of sin, this attitude of racism will always be seen in some manner in this world.

Oh how easily My children become distracted! Instead of becoming a part of this emotionally charged debate that is happening across the nation, let My children not forget about the many who are facing permanent segregation, because changing the atmosphere of this nation goes much deeper within than the color of a person’s skin.

So instead of standing in agreement with the idea that those of a certain color are the real victims of hate because of their ethnicity, remember that across the whole sea of humanity, injustice can be found. For in some nations there still exists slavery, while in others, it is common to see abandoned children roaming the streets, or, in some countries, women are forced into abortions, and this list could go on because it is in man’s nature to discriminate against each other.

The opportunity for the Church to shine her brightest are why seasons of adversity are given from The Diversion | My Daily Letters - MDL

Ask yourselves, where will these marches and protests lead, for the trouble brewing in the atmosphere is much more derisive than just the clash between races? These demonstrations, which have now cropped up across the nation, are not an organic response to the injustice done to one man, but have been orchestrated by the same governmental leaders that caused the prolonged shutdown of the economy. For to incite those in the black communities to riot is a common occurrence when an election is looming, as these national leaders will use any means to take back control of this country. So while the loss of this man’s life was avoidable, his tragic end is being exploited to keep the racial tensions running high in America.

And so the fires of unrest shall continue to burn in the hearts of this land. For many are those who have taken up an offense against their neighbor just because their skin happens to be a lighter shade; giving rise to suspicion which has joined the assumption that all who are fairer skinned hold a bias towards those with a darker complexion. Although this might be true in some cases, isn’t this presumption in itself a form of discrimination? And won’t this conclusion only deepen the segregated divide in this nation?

So then to render judgment against another based on ethnicity is the devil’s game; for his goal is to divide and conquer. Therefore, My own must watch where they step so that they don’t unintentionally foster division within My Body by reinforcing the lie that those who are lighter-skinned are linked to the injustice done to one man just because they are of the same race. My Church is made up of individuals, who are each on their own journey, where all will face challenges and troubles of different kinds; not because of their ethnicity, but because of their faith in Me. Hasn’t My Church been targeted by discrimination for centuries? Haven’t believers been martyred for simply professing the name Jesus? And even today, aren’t followers of Christ being killed because they proclaimed His deity as My One True Son? Yet these never considered themselves as victims, nor did they descend into outrage at how they were treated, as these recognized they were part of a whole different tribe: those of have been separated and set apart for My cause. 

Therefore, My children should not seek to set right every injustice done in this world by joining their voices to these political fights. For the segregation against the races of mankind is not the true battle. To see the soul of mankind joined in fellowship with their Creator is where the real fight exists. So then don’t let your pleas be for Me to stop racism, for this form of supplication does not rest in the higher level of My realm, where it is understood that to be separated from Me for all eternity is the greatest segregation a person can know. 

So then when you pray for your nation and for its people, expand your petitions to align with My thoughts on this matter. Pray that through this season of adversity, many will come to the foot of My altar. For to see this blaze of racial tension squelched can only come when the healing balm of My love touches the hearts of the individual: those who have been bruised or wounded from simply living life in this world. And though I am saddened when anyone is unjustly treated, I also know that within these moments, there lies the opportunity for My Church to shine her brightest. 

The solution to every form of discrimination in the world is the healing balm of God's love from The Diversion | My Daily Letters - MDL

So don’t spend your days being caught up in the emotionally driven response playing out across this land; for this is another ploy by some in authority to stir up anger and offense within certain communities of this country by sensationalizing one man’s death, however unjust. Then resist the distraction of all the noise, as this is just a smokescreen designed to cover their real agenda: the reconstructing of America.

Don’t lose sight of the greater spiritual war being waged over this country by letting the enemy set the terms of engagement. Continue, therefore, contending against the foreign spirit that came in several months ago; for defeating his plan to overtake America is the priority. Understand then, that this latest occurrence is meant to add confusion into the atmosphere and get My Church off track so that she loses focus of this vital mission.

Therefore My own must continue to press in against this foreign spirit. For if he is cast out of this land, then those who have partnered with him, those who right now are stoking the flames of segregation, will be struck down and their efforts to take over this fine country will cease. Don’t be baited by this latest attempt to divert the battle, but instead, continue to lay the siege of spiritual warfare to this foreign spirit so he is stopped dead in his tracks. Then set aside this more narrow objective of racism and follow the move of My Spirit, which has come to restore the greatness of My Church in this nation.


“God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him.” Acts 10:34-35

(Received: 5/29/2020)

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