Those Who Are Called Saints

by Lori Anne Hale
Face mask effectiveness arguments don't help promote the Gospel by Those Who Are Called Saints | My Daily Letters - MDL

Haven’t My own grown weary of fighting this battle on their own terms?

Haven’t they seen that the strategy they thought was sound has not worked to break them free from the government’s hold? So though many have been vocal with their opinions against national and state leaders, their protestations have not lifted the pandemic restrictions, as now masks and social distancing have become the set standard for daily life, thus adding a hypersensitivity to the atmosphere so that when anyone so much as sneezes out in public, a sense of panic rises, because many in the populace are fearful of becoming ill with the virus.

Yet, quite a few of My own are firmly standing on their civil rights and have continued to express frustration, using harsh and critical sentiments towards the leaders who are holding them in confinement. So then, even if the exertion of this negative energy brings a sense of inner relief, in the end, these soapbox diatribes are nothing but wasted breath. So, why stir up others to the point of agitation if it’s only to declare their own opinion on the current condition of the country?

Although discussions about state and national officials will certainly be a common topic, My own should avoid using any form of targeted speech that might cause another to stumble by sullying the name and reputations of those in charge, for this will only add fuel to the already volatile atmosphere hovering over this land. But surely, even if the government’s decisions are suspect, and have aroused feelings of distrust, defaming the character of these leaders is not how My own should behave; for to live in peace with everyone should be what they seek, especially with those who view them as the opposition because of their faith in Me. For what better witness of My goodness could be offered than when My children purposefully show kindness to those who despise Me; to those who think them the vilest of sorts?

Then, during these days where confinement is still being used to manipulate the people of this country, let My own be found with the humble conduct known by those who are called “Saints”. And when some of My children are asked to step into the political arena, where debate and civil discourse are used to bring about societal change, even then, snide remarks and verbal assaults are not to be used as weapons against political rivals, for this is not the practice I want advancing My cause. 

Then, today, in this heated political climate, arguing about the benefits of facial coverings is not going to strengthen the case for My Son, nor are these debates going to be helpful in the spread of the Gospel, for these conversations turn rather quickly into arguments (which often drive an offense instead of softening the ground for salvation to spring forth), causing those who are unsaved to walk away with a bad taste in their mouths.

Although I am aware that some subjects of life and living have been politicized, I do not want My Church associated with partisan activism, nor be known (as a whole) to have an affiliation with one party or the other. My Son’s death answered the question of where My heart is positioned, which does not align with the politics of man. For didn’t He break the dividing line between Jew and Gentile, making it possible for all men to be acceptable to Me? So now that social distancing has become a part of daily life, why add more space between one another by joining and fueling these political debates, as this will only drive a greater wedge between believers and those who consider My Church to be legalistic and judgmental? 

In this life the perfect example for believers to follow was Jesus as Those Who are Called Saints | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then enough with the bantering back and forth on these topics. I did not call My own to stand in defiance against the government. For if My children would follow My Son’s example, where (though He did rebuke the religious leaders of His day) He did not stand in the public square and decry the oppressive governmental system which held the Jewish people under its thumb. Nor did He lift His fist in defiance when He was brought before the magistrates falsely accused. For if He was not sent to fight against the earthly politics of man, then the cause of My own should be, first and foremost, to see the souls of humanity freed from the confinement of sin and death, where true liberation is known. 

So in this season, where many are still bound with fear, the hope these need won’t come from whether face masks are appropriate protection to stave off the virus, as these have found a sense of comfort hiding behind this outer covering. But because the real issue is the condition of their heart, unless the salve of My love is applied, they will have a hard time removing their masks even when the all-clear is finally given. Therefore, engaging those who are already troubled on this physical level is only going to add resentment to the feelings they already hold. This is why defending the position of walking around unmasked, because it is a person’s individual right, will only ignite the flame of anger in some. 

Then where are the peacemakers: those who were called to lead the lost to the foot of the Cross: those who, with a humble heart, have as their highest agenda the reconciliation of mankind to My grace and love? Then unless My Spirit has paved the way to strike up a conversation about another’s political perspective, My own are encouraged to leave these sleeping dogs alone, for often, when a dog is awakened with a start, he is prone to bark with a sharp bite. Then the only agitation My own should illicit is the stirring of a heart that is contemplating salvation. 

Therefore, to those who have climbed up on their political stoops: those who are encouraging others to join them and make their voices heard, step back down and rest your feet once again on the firm ground of trust, where you wait upon Me for guidance and direction. For those who have planted their feet here are not moved by any decisions made by the government, because they know that I am ultimately the One in control: the One who can easily overturn any unjust rules or regulations man puts upon other men. 

Let your hearts, then, be at ease, and cast your cares upon Me by leaving these burdens at My altar. However, when the temptation comes with boastful thoughts saying, “It would be faster if you resolved these issues on your own”, don’t bend down to retrieve your concerns. Instead, continue to leave these issues in My hands. I say, again, “Cast your burdens before Me and leave them at My feet. Then, patiently wait for My answer”. For this posture reflects that of My Son, who never took a step unless I had spoken from on High, because He was committed to remaining in alignment with My good and perfect will.

So put your cares in My hands for safekeeping. Then, when I am ready, because the time is just right, you will see a sudden shift come upon this evil campaign to radically change this nation. But until then, maintain an attitude of peace. And if you must strive, let it be to pursue a peaceful relationship with those who are your neighbors, and also with those who are opposed to you because of Me.


“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.” Philippians 1:27-28

(Received: 5/26/2020)

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