The Task Force

by Lori Anne Hale
In America a weaponized army of governmental agents has been formed from The Task Force | My Daily Letters - MDL

An increase has taken place, where a certain governmental agency has been armed with more authority, equipping these officials with the power of “enforcement”; where the American people are expected to yield to their commands. Under the auspices of state leaders, this department has been deputized and assigned the task of penalizing those who don’t adhere to the COVID restrictions.

Although most Americans have yet to encounter these agents, very soon, for many in the population, an interaction with this department will be unavoidable. This once obscure governmental division will now be a common bureau known across the country (like the DMV or IRS), for specific regulations are being put into place which will require each citizen be assessed by its staff.

So under the guise of “public safety” this department has allocated new workers, those whose sole job will be to document the health conditions of the population. A large contingent has been formed, and is being trained, which will have the authority to restrict an individual’s movements through the use of quarantine guidelines. Because this expansion of power has yet to be fully implemented, its existence has been concealed. And since time was needed to build this army of enforcers, national and state leaders diverted attention by creating crisis after crisis, thus guaranteeing news coverage would be focused on the riots, the economy, and the spread of COVID.

Then, while Americans have been glued to the news, waiting and hoping the pandemic would end soon, their government officials were building this task force, which will soon intrusively enter each of their lives, for all will be required to answer when this department comes knocking on their door.

And though this army won’t be armed with physical armament, they have been weaponized with governmental authority, and therefore, are able to use the means of isolation in whatever manner they see fit, and those who resist will be immediately apprehended, because it is in the best interest of the nation, which now overrides personal freedoms. This shall continually be the excuse given as more and more liberty is stripped from this citizenry, as tracking and tracing become the standard for governing the country.

The initial implementation of this new system has already been set in place, but, at present, citizens can decide to opt in or out. This, however, will not be the case just ahead, for an order shall be given mandating that all add the tracking app to their phones or else suffer the consequences.

So, the ‘COVID Notification’ capabilities, updated on phones (without permission), should be enough evidence to take this prediction seriously, for there exists broader and far reaching implications that most have yet to consider. But since I am all-knowing, nothing escapes My sight, which means that I saw the planned execution of this scheme, and what it shall do to this nation, before the beginning of time. However, My will is still greater and has the power to overturn every evil plot which man cooks up. For I have not abdicated My throne to another, and therefore hold the Highest Authority, which means, it is to Me alone that every ruler, every nation, and every government must bow.

With worship and warfare believers are instructed to charge the enemy lines from The Task Force | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then let My own continue to battle against this coming darkness. For even if it looks in the physical like the fight has taken a turn for the worse, don’t give up, but keep pressing back on the enemy even harder. For as you do, soon you will see his lines begin to buckle under your added pressure. Set your feet firm with the resolve of a warrior: those who stay in the war until the victory comes, because they remember in Whom their “hope” is placed.

Then don’t be alarmed when this mandate is issued, thinking we have lost, for man’s laws and regulations are no match for the One who holds the true power. Stay vigilant in your prayers and expectant in your hearts, for you have aligned with the greatest Warrior of all time, the One who still stands undefeated.

Then watch as I descend like a giant winged eagle and topple over this plot man has concocted. For once again he is attempting to rule the world, but like his evil predecessors, he shall learn how little power he really holds.

So don’t become fearful when you hear that this new regulation has been enacted, and don’t fight against it in the natural, for to see this law overturned, the battle must be fought using supernatural weapons, as the true enemy still lies within this realm.

Therefore, continue to charge his lines with the warfare of worship, for this constant bombardment of faith will cause his forces to scatter and bring a collapse to this government’s plan to force control on its people. For once the enemy’s lines fall apart, there will be nothing left to prop up this evil scheme.

It is the warfare of worship that shall bring the sure and sudden defeat of both the physical and spiritual attacks on this nation. So man your positions and stay ever alert, for the enemy is about to strike back, but this time, with an even heavier blow.

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

(Received: 7/23/2020)

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