The Ring On The Hill

by Lori Anne Hale
The names of those involved in a web of pedophilia are about to be exposed by God in The Ring on the Hill | My Daily Letters - MDL

There is a hill which resides on this nation’s eastern shores, the one that houses many seats of power and is the place where new laws are formed. Although this ground still holds an air of honor, the dignity which once governed this property is now soiled by deep-seated corruption, which has spread like a cancer covering the entirety of this once stately ground.

Those who occupy its premises, who are considered the lawmakers of this land, have resorted to dishonorable conduct, behavior unbecoming of those who were chosen to watch over and govern this republic. And though these bear prestigious titles at the front of their names, there is nothing redeeming about their character, for these men and women have sold their integrity as the payment for acquiring this designation and obtaining its power.

Some who sit upon this hill, however, began their bid as a candidate with the desire to affect positive change in this country. But, as the saying goes about good intentions, even a path forged with genuine motivation does not guarantee a happy ending, as it is not enough to just speak of doing what is right, one must actually live an upright life. So though these leaders sound sincere when communicating their devotion to this country and her people, their behavior out of public view tells a much different story, revealing the real purpose behind their desire to hold public office.

Unfortunately, the constituents who these were elected to serve are blocked from plainly seeing the truth about many who hold seats in government because a serious attempt has been made to camouflage their efforts (like a magician who uses misdirection and sleight of hand to control the attention of his audience by purposely diverting their focus).

Though some have become wise to their game, a large majority of the public still believe the lies being told by the ones they personally voted into office, for they are not willing, yet, to accept the truth about these leaders. Sadly, most who sit on this hill have dirty hands, and were unable to escape the dark web of corruption that covers Washington. Even if they protest their innocence, I have seen their indiscretions; for who can hide anything from Me?

For some time now, many of these lawmakers have been able to hide their deception, seemingly escaping accountability or punishment regardless of how egregious or dark their actions; some having gone down a murderous path in an effort to keep their licentiousness and insidious ways hidden.

The debauchery found in Washington God is getting ready to clean out from The Ring on the Hill | My Daily Letters - MDL

But now, these officials are on the verge of being exposed, for the man who was given the title of President is cleaning out both houses and knocking down this dark web. So he has assigned another to head up this task, one whose inner fortitude is as strong as steel; who isn’t easily rattled, and therefore, can’t be distracted from his assignment which is to investigate, and bring forth charges against, those who have broken the laws.

Then, those who are feigning indignation, are misusing their position by holding hearings as a means to cast dispersion against this general,  demanding he answer them for his actions. However, this one who was appointed has yet to uncover the full picture of just how evil the dealings of those he is investigating have actually been. So like an archeologist who digs up the past, this general is about to discover some evidence that will connect many in Washington to a larger ring, one that involves the rape and torture of the most innocent in society. For he has been given orders by his Commander-in-Chief to leave no stone unturned, even if the trail leads to the right side of the aisle. For this President has vowed to put an end to this ring, and therefore, won’t turn a blind eye to this evil like others have who sat behind the desk before him. Since he has increased the heat by enlisting the services of this general Barr, the thick curtain, which has kept the public’s view obscured, is starting to unravel, and will soon hold gaping holes, exposing those who have ties to this ring.

Then this investigation would be the reason so much opposition has come against the current administration, and especially the President, for those who are over their heads in this pedophile ring are certain to be discovered, and have done everything in their power to block the truth from coming out. But l will not allow this evil to continue any longer, for the debauchery found in this nation’s uppercrust must be put to a stop.

Know this: that it was I who sat this President in the highest seat, for I saw that he would not stand for this vile behavior, even if it meant bringing inditing evidence against those from his own party. Those connected to this ring will, however, continue to put up a fight, hoping to prevent any further revelation from being brought forward, exposing their evil deeds.

Oh, how My heart has grieved over the wickedness done to the innocent children caught in this ring, whose young lives suffered greatly to fulfill the pleasures of those who are debased in their hearts.

Then, Americans should anticipate growing hostility in the atmosphere around this hill, for the clash between the President and those in this dark ring is on the verge of exploding. Yet, as the tension rises, so will the aggression out on the streets of America, for many in this ring are among the leaders looking to fundamentally change this country; those who think globalism to be a better form of government.

But these perverse leaders seem to have forgotten who is the true King, and that if I decide to reveal their hidden sin and have them stand accused in the courts of man, then there is no deal to be made that can prevent this from happening. And so, one by one, these shall fall, without anyone around to keep them from hitting the bottom, for soon, many who run in these circles will distance themselves and want nothing to do with these perverse leaders at all.

When trouble is all around believers always have a refuge from The Ring on the Hill | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, expect there to be fallout from this clash which will negatively impact the already demoralized hearts of this people. For as the whole truth is revealed, most will have a hard time processing what they have heard, because the depths of depravity in which the elite in this county have engaged will come as quite a shock to many within the public. And, as a result, this nation shall know a time of mourning as their hearts grieve for the innocent lives that were sacrificed on the altar of evil; causing many to groan with the pangs of bitterness over what their leaders have done.

Then know that the second half of this year shall be more difficult than the first, for trouble will come from all sides without relenting, creating a heaviness to hang over the nation. But even when such deplorable times exist, My own are able to find a safe harbor because I am their ever present refuge and protector.

So, just as Rachel cried out for her children that were no more, the loud sobs of sorrow shall be heard across this land as its streets are filled with the waters of many shed tears. Then, as this undoing comes to this nation, so too must forgiveness so that the hearts of this people do not become hard and embittered.

Therefore, now is the time to pray for softened hearts: those pliable enough to accept My comfort. For the only way this country can truly move past these sad days, is if they turn to Me and ask forgiveness. It is then that My healing salve can cleanse this nation and restore back to her people a sense of dignity as I wash away the evil that once filled her Capital.

Let My own cry out to Me for their nation so that this republic does not crumble under the weight of the coming days, for surely there has been no other season such as this before in her history. Then cry out to Me so that this evil is rooted completely out, without a single trace of this ring left to be found, for I am on the move and shall not stop until I am satisfied that all have been exposed.

And though Rachel mourned, yet a miracle was born during the season of her travailing. So then, as this nation wrestles with the pangs of suffering and sorrow, in the midst of these days shall be birthed a revival within My Church. Then the mourning shall indeed be exchanged for gladness as the hearts of My own encounter the refreshing wind of My Spirit, who has come to reinvigorate their souls.

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,  to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.” Isaiah 61:1-3

(Received: 7/30/2020)

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