To Live Is Christ

by Lori Anne Hale
Many believers are still asleep even though the trumpet has sounded from To Live Is Christ | My Daily Letters - MDL

Though the trumpet has sounded, who will answer the call? Who will pick up their sword and fight?

For while My children are slumbering in their beds, the enemy continues to make advancements and grab more territory that doesn’t belong to him. Then where are My own to be found as this dark menace breeds destruction upon this world? How far will they let his evil spread before they rise up with one collective voice and put a stop to his twisted schemes?

Although there are some who have arisen and taken seriously My call to arms, many more are the number who still slumber when the time to make headway against the enemy has arrived. So then, shouldn’t this extension of My body be more energized to battle because of the freedoms they know, where they can freely exercise their faith without the heavy concerns of persecution found amongst their brothers and sisters who dwell in other nations?

But instead, this freedom has done little to motivate those in this country to actively fight and wage war against the enemy. So then the sacrifice made by those who fought so valiantly to establish this country with the freedom of religion seems to have been lost on this generation. For how many of My own rise up before the sun just to celebrate this great victory? Then again, how many even reflect on this thought: that their right to worship was afforded them because of the many who sacrificed life and limb to establish this right: those who envisioned a nation that was much different than most because it was founded on the eternal rights I have given to every individual?

Yet, many were the lives lost who fought so that those who are alive now can decide for themselves if I am their God, and if they will serve Me. So then, the blood of others was spilled so that My children who love Me could openly proclaim My goodness. But many of My own who hail from this nation have forgotten the blessing those fellow citizens bestowed upon them. So then, instead of fighting to maintain their freedom, most of My own are found sleeping in their bunks because the right to assemble and to worship has been taken for granted.

Therefore, the passionate pursuit to serve Me seen in other nations that have more restrictive laws is missing within this part of My body. For what child of My own who hails from this land would be willing to give up their comfort and possibly lose their life for people they don’t even know? Then again, how many would be willing to roll out of bed before the sun rises and contend not only for their own families and country, but other regions as well? For these who are allowed to exercise this freedom have lost sight of the true gift they’ve been given, where to bow before Me publicly, or in private, is not prohibited by the government, and where they don’t have to fear jail or a death sentence because they spoke My Son’s name within earshot of others.

Oh, how fortunate are these believers to have such a peaceful existence, when, in other countries, their fellow brethren are not so lucky? So then, to see these of My own squander this freedom is troubling, not because I am angry or upset, but because very few who call Me “Father” will actually join Me and fight alongside those who are willing to give up some comfort because they have gotten a glimpse of My vision for this world, and so long to see the salvation of the lost.By the sacrifice of others the liberties of this nation were achieved from To Live Is Christ | My Daily Letters - MDL

But who will answer this call? Who among these will gladly bow to their knees and contend? Or will this dispassion only increase until so many of My own pay more attention to their own needs with little to no interest given to the battle happening right outside their doorstep? So though a call to arms has been sounded, many have not heeded its urges to fall into ranks and stand shoulder to shoulder with those who have already engaged in this ‘greatest battle’, which is: to overtake the dark works of the enemy by expressing My Son’s love to the nations.

But to see the ground softened where the enemy has established firm lines means My children must answer Reveille’s call, and with a humble and sincere heart, lay these petitions before Me. For I have promised to heal their land if they would pray on behalf of their fellow man. Yet, many believe the fulfillment of this promise rests on the shoulders of another, and so dismiss the idea that this call to action actually applies to them (even though this statement was all-inclusive, meaning none are exempt from its charge).

Therefore, a deep conviction should be held within each of My children to see not only their family or their neighbors, but all those who are lost in this world encounter the joy of salvation, because the ministry of reconciliation was preached and spread in their land. And though some who read this message will misinterpret My intentions and assert that condemnation is My motive, what these don’t yet comprehend is that there are times when My voice speaks out words of correction, where I will instruct My children to take action that will realign them with My will for not just their own lives, but for My overall plan for this world.

My own should not consider this challenge as judgement, but as a matter of a course correction, where they step onto the path I have laid out for them which includes prayers lifted for their nation and other countries, as well. For who else will contend against the enemy? What other force exists that has the power behind it to stop him and regain what he took as plunder? So then, My own must see themselves from this perspective: that they are indeed soldiers called to fight the most important battle, which is: to see the lost in their generation be saved!

What is heard from this ‘trumpet sound’ should be recognized by My whole body as a signal that it’s time to rise up and get ready to fight! For though some have been given larger assignments, where I have sent them out into the harvest fields to affect regions and nations with their boots on the physical ground, all of My children have been tasked with the duty of praying for the nations, and all of humanity itself. My children must understand that the strength carried within their petitions has the might and power to change the atmosphere over cities and countries where most have never even been.

For the lost souls in this nation believers must contend from To Live Is Christ | My Daily Letters - MDL

You must, therefore, take a more aggressive approach, where a concerted effort is given towards this “Great Commission“, so that those who are perishing find the hope of salvation.

And so, for all of My children who live in this nation, known as “the land of opportunity”: do not overlook the privileges you have inherited, because many who live outside your borders long to live so freely. Take advantage of these rights, and stand firmly and boldly on My name, for your brethren (those who know the weight of persecution) would be encouraged to continue the fight even though they may face extreme hardship. And yet, among these believers is found the desire to undergo this intense level of suffering so that others who have been prohibited from hearing the Good News can discover this message of love.

Therefore, My own who live in this nation should not consider it too much of an ask from Me to request that they lay aside some of their comforts, regardless of how much sleep they lose, or the amount of time spent in fasting. For right now, there are some of My children that are facing the severe consequences of standing in faith, having truly embraced the statement that says: “to live is Christ, and to die is gain”.  

Then, because of those who have stepped beyond where most are asked to go, the Saints who are left behind should not hesitate to raise their voices with prayers and petitions meant to encourage those facing physical harm, and, thereby, thwart the enemy’s plans. All should see themselves as having a role in this larger battle, for to join in agreement in prayer creates the unification of My body, as each believer joins their voice with the multitudes in My flock who are crying out for mankind. Together, the tide of darkness covering this world can be shifted so that the hostility found in many other countries towards My name will cease to exist.

Therefore, it is time for My children who dwell in this land of freedom to rise up and have their voices heard. Let it be said that they answered reveille’s call, and then decided to surrender more of their life to Me by standing in the gap for not only those who are lost, but also for those whom they may have never met: believers who have chosen to offer up even their own lives in sacrifice to see others brought into My Kingdom.

Do not hesitate to respond to My call, as there is no time to waste. You don’t need a special invitation from Me to cry out for the nations, as I have already given each of My children express permission to approach Me with any and all of their concerns. Therefore, take hold of this charge and press in with your prayers! The trumpet has sounded with the call urging all of My children to participate in the fight to see My Son’s name proclaimed across this world, so that the numbers still held in captivity by the true enemy find real liberation: the liberation of their souls. 

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

(Received: 2/28/2020)

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