The One Thing

by Lori Anne Hale
The source of true hope is God from The One Thing | My Daily Letters - MDL

Can the wealth of this world secure eternal hope?

Though in this life riches may provide a sense of security, what confidence does his fortune offer a man when he reaches eternity? For here, the worth of a man is not weighed by what he owns but by how he lived. And since none who walk the earth possess an upright reputation (for surely all have sinned), what does this mean when his life finally reaches its end?

Then it would seem that a man’s reputation carries more value than gold or silver, for isn’t it who he is that people remember most about him? When someone recalls a loved one or friend who has passed, it’s not the wealth of the deceased that is described, but who this one was as a person and how he or she impacted the lives of others.

While most are living, dreams of better fortune occupy their thoughts: those visions of a better future, where they finally possess enough to truly enjoy life, because the amount they own cancels out any worries about tomorrow. And since each man is born with hope in his heart, there is an instinctive drive to find the one thing that matches this need. What resides within this hope is a longing that must be answered, so man spends his days searching to meet this desire in his heart.

But does this wish for a better tomorrow simply vanish when and if all of his aspirations in this life are realized? Or will this feeling continue to linger since its true answer cannot be met by the things of this world?

So then, when that one missing element from his life, which he is certain exists but can’t seem to find, continues to elude him, like a vessel which has been navigated with a broken compass, man sets out, seeking to discover the source of true hope. Yet what happens when his search is prolonged, where the “one thing” he has determined shall bring him internal fulfillment cannot be reached using his own efforts? Is all hope then lost?Many lives are run a round without Jesus from The One Thing | My Daily Letters - MDL

Most would say to him, “Don’t lose heart, a solution is bound to appear!”. And while I agree with this sentiment, until an individual recognizes the One who is “hope” incarnate, the inner contentment he seeks will only be deferred. Sadly, many a life has been run aground for this very reason; like a ship marooned on a deserted island without any rescue in sight, where only discouragement is known because that awareness of an unmet expectation is ever present within, like a still small voice inside telling them, “…something is missing from your life”.

There is only one right and true response to this internal quandary, and unless those who have already found the sure ‘Hope of Heaven’ point the way, these forlorn souls shall remain lost on a desolate reef, where their thoughts are continually bombarded with waves of despair.

So then it is up to those who are eternally anchored to Me,  the One who is the answer, to throw out a lifeline so that these castaways can be rescued from the isle of desperation, and finally discover what really matters in this life. Once they’re shown that real Hope is not found in any earthly pursuit or treasure, their spirits will be uplifted, for when the eternal joy birthed through salvation washes over a man’s soul, no one can remain dejected, since within that moment is born a new understanding of purpose, revealing a future not yet imagined!

Therefore, in these days where hopelessness seems to have filled the atmosphere because many have faced unexpected loss or hardship, those who have already found the faith to believe in what is not yet visibly seen, should, with boldness, share about the eternal hope they carry inside. For it is up to My beloved to testify among mankind of My kindness, and of how they came to know lasting contentment without pursuing the trappings of this world. 

Then speak up, My dear children, for the answer many seek dwells within you. Don’t shy away from telling others of your own journey of discovery, and how it is that you, who were also once lost, now walk with a peace that cannot be shaken because it comes from the One who is called “the Hope of the world!”

So again I say, speak up! For many are the desperate hearts longing to hear this message of Good News!

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

(Received: 12/7/2020)

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