Prepare For A Shockwave

by Lori Anne Hale
The Church is about to be hit with a more intense rumbling so Prepare For A Shock Wave | My Daily Letters - MDL

My children seem to be content with keeping to the status quo, for once church services resumed they quickly fell back into their old patterns of worship. Then little has changed amongst My Body, for meetings are held in roughly the same manner, with the slight variation where social distancing is practiced.

Yet this is not what I had planned for My children during this season, as I have yearned for a more authentic expression of the Church in this nation, one that does not strive to entertain its parishioners but seeks to create a space where My presence comes to rest.

But most who regularly attend services don’t seem interested in what I have in mind, for having at least this part of their life go back to normal has brought them some comfort, and so are unwilling to give this up. After all, what is wrong with going to church and enjoying fellowship with other believers?

The problem is that intimacy is missing, for their Sunday meetings again flow to the beat of the clock instead of in time with My Spirit, the One who was sent to guide each believer into a deeper connection with Me. And so while some have understood My will for this season, the large majority of My children are oblivious about My intentions, for these have been so focused on their own agenda that they haven’t even sought Me out to hear My opinion on the matter. But this is because most were under the assumption that it was the enemy who wielded his power without permission in order to close their doors.

However, because I desire to see a more vibrant Church rise from this generation, more shaking shall be felt in and through their congregations. For though some of My children are fully aware of what is now happening in the supernatural realm, many of those who began to awaken have actually gone back to sleep, as these were only fighting the government to regain the “comfortable” they had lost.

Then let My children be put on notice that more shaking is indeed going to be felt in the Church in the coming days. Let Me make it perfectly clear: this is not My wrath or some form of punishment. It is, however, My hand that is allowing it to come. Yet this time it won’t just be that their doors are shut, for surely a form of persecution will come upon the Church, causing some pastors to close down their services all on their own.

So be warned that this rumbling shall hit with more intensity, like a shock wave which strikes in the middle of the night, jolting all who are sleeping to suddenly awaken, for none shall be able to slumber when this tremor shakes the Church.

Know that this shall be short lived, but out of this shaking the promised revival will come forth, bringing with it a large increase to the Church in this nation. Therefore, with a firm grip, hold more tightly to Me, for it shall be those who rest in My assurances who will not fall away during these days.

Then see this shaking as simply the precursor to the coming resurgence, and therefore, understand that it is needed as preparation for the Church in this generation so that they are fully equipped to build My Kingdom here on the earth.

At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:26-29

(Received: 1/5/2021)

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