Charge On

by Lori Anne Hale
Like a covered pot on high heat the lid is about to blow off this democracy from Charge On | My Daily Letters - MDL

Like a covered pot set on a high heat, the lid is about to blow off this democracy, for the debate over the election results shall indeed grow in hostility, since those who adamantly object to the certification of electors, as it now stands, won’t let go of their position that voter fraud was used to take the presidency.

Because these freedom fighters understand what it would mean should they surrender their position and concede, these have resolved to hold the line come hell or high water. Yet amongst this party lie those with traitorous hearts, for though they claim allegiance to this republic, their actions have already revealed a different ‘truth’, exposing where their real loyalties lie. And though these cowards have tried to hide their deception, I have seen the treasonous deals these have made behind closed doors, attempting to conceal their dubious associations.

When will man learn he can hide nothing from Me?

Just like double agents, these have posed as friendly to the beliefs of patriotism and the ideals put forth by the Constitution, however, these really ascribe to a globalist agenda.

Thankfully, My hand has come to shake every bit of unprofitable fruit from this nation’s branches, as some of these leaders have been seated for too long, like ripe cherries left on a limb that have begun to rot and no longer yield pure flavor. 

Then, tumultuous days lie ahead for this nation and her people, for as I continue to uncover the evil plot set against the citizens of America, the masks of those masquerading as patriots shall fall off revealing their true colors. For while some might believe these turncoats are really blue skinned, in all actuality, these bear the darker shades of rebellion, the hues which cover those who desire a one world order.In this nation seated in seats of power some leaders have been for too long from Charge On | My Daily Letters - MDL

So while some have already been exposed, as the shaking intensifies across this land, even more of these betrayers shall be plainly seen for who they really are.

Therefore, when the dispute over the election has been resolved, let none forget where their leaders stood in the thick of battle, for when the pressure is on, it is the true nature of a person that comes forth. And while these crafty politicians may try to sidestep the truth, their duplicitous behavior will not change, which is why they must be plucked from their place in the branches, so that room can be made for new blooms to sprout: those blossoms that will uphold and honor the intended role of government in this nation.

Though man is prone to a short memory, and is often found absent of good judgment, I do not experience either of these flaws in My nature. For this reason, he should always look to Me when selecting governmental leaders, those who are responsible for the welfare of a nation and people. Because I have complete foresight over the affairs of mankind, the eventuality of every choice made by either an individual or region lies plain before Me. What, to man, may seem a perfectly reasonable option is often fraught with struggle due to what is “unforeseen”. Thankfully, those who seek My wise counsel to guide their ways can be confident in the advice I give, for the end of a path is already known to Me.

Take heed, then My children, of the current battle being fought in this nation. Let the lessons learned from this season not be forgotten, as each of you who are called “the Church” were meant to watch over this fair land by guarding its spiritual borders from enemy attack.

So man your posts even after this battle is over, for there are still strongholds that must be torn down to see this nation return to her previous glory. Don’t put your weapons away after this conflict is resolved. Charge on, for the enemy still holds ground in this nation, and so the Church must remain vigilant until he is fully run out of your government.

“He makes nations great, and he destroys them; he enlarges nations, and leads them away. He takes away understanding from the chiefs of the people of the earth and makes them wander in a pathless waste. They grope in the dark without light, and he makes them stagger like a drunken man.” Job 12:23-25

(Received: 1/4/2021)

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