Threads Of Deception

by Lori Anne Hale
For Americans to believe the stories told by the media is common from Threads Of Deception | My Daily Letters - MDL

The propaganda machine is in full swing, working hard to subvert the sitting President’s efforts to expose the fraudulent activity which filled this election cycle.

Most would agree that every time American’s show up to vote, there is some level of cheating that happens, for how often has it been said that the dead are still casting ballots? However, isn’t it quite odd that the very same people who spent the last four years crying, “Foul!”, are suddenly appeased? Is this simply because they believe their candidate to have won, and so are using his supposed win as proof that there was no election interference, and therefore, any evidence brought forth by the losing side is just sour grapes, for clearly the majority has spoken, and so all others need to sit down and keep quiet?

Oh the web man weaves when spinning the threads of deception. Though this woven net is spun to prevent the truth from getting out, sooner or later he is exposed as a liar because he is unable to keep his twisted stories straight. But what if the sitting President is correct, and can prove his assertions? Are those citizens who opposed his re-election willing to hold their ground even if it was not a legitimate victory? Or, is cheating “okay” as long as the “right” candidate wins?

Then for assumptions sake, what if what they have believed about the past four years is not true, and that the man occupying the oval office, in reality, is much different than he has been made out to be?

Yet because most American’s have grown accustomed to the voices of media in their lives, it is now a common practice to accept propagandist views as fact, where a sound bite or news clip is used as the tool for judging a person’s character and intentions. Who can truly know the heart of a public figure like the President when listening to those with a political agenda as a source of ‘unbiased truth’, without having any real interaction to form a sound opinion of him?

So while only a small circle in the population will ever get close enough to know who he really is, I have seen into the heart of this President and have discerned him to be the right man for the job. However, most in the population, or sadly, even in the Church, actually think I don’t have any interest in this matter, and so dismiss the idea of My involvement altogether.Except God no one can rightly judge a persons heart from Threads Of Deception | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although, typically an election is considered to only have two sides, right or left, a third perspective is, therefore, rarely examined; a view which rests much higher than that of man. For there exists a government whose authority supersedes those of this world, whose purposes are eternal, and therefore extend beyond this physical realm. This would then speak to My participation in the affairs of man, as My will is intertwined in the workings of this world (as it is written in the Scriptures), since it is My hand that still continues to uphold the universe and all who dwell within it.

Then because My greater plan has yet to fully unfold, it would beg to reason that each person living plays a crucial role in seeing this future come to pass, which is why I have chosen leaders who align with My divine purposes for each generation of man. So then, when I raise up a ruler or politician to occupy seats in government, these individuals are vessels that flow in unison with My vision. But because free will is woven with the inner workings of creation, an individual, or even a nation, can reject what I am doing at that moment in time.

Just as it was with My people during the days of kings and judges, so it is now. For in that time both good and bad rulers were established to bring forth My will on the earth. But even then, if My people turned from their evil ways, blessing would flow out across their land. However, if their hearts rejected Me in rebellion, then judgment fell, not only upon each tribe, but on the whole nation.

Then let none be mistaken about Me, or My intentions, for I shall always put My Kingdom purposes first above those of man. Therefore, if the sitting President is the one I have chosen for this season to be the leader of America, then let none oppose this decision, for who, using his own understanding, has the foresight to predict the future, or can accurately discern the heart of another?

Only I have this ability to answer this question, which is why man would be wise to seek divine wisdom as the perfect guide for his life, as I have never once steered anyone wrong.

Then do not gauge this President, or anyone for that matter, with your own shallow perspective. For your eyes and ears will often deceive you since these are only useful in the natural realm; which means they cannot deduce what is happening in the unseen. For this very reason, a wise person would put their trust in Me, and choose the direction I am pointing, because those who live in agreement with My good and perfect will shall indeed know a blessed life.

So no longer view this nation with the lens of ‘right’ or ‘left’, but instead let your understanding of the world around you always be held from the higher plain of a ‘Kingdom to Earth’ perspective.

Shake off the propaganda and ask Me where to stand.

“I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.” Jeremiah 17:10

(Received: 1/3/2021)

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