Mercy For This Older Statesman

by Lori Anne Hale
For God to be lenient believers should pray asking Mercy for This Older Statesman | My Daily Letters - MDL

When an individual’s reputation is called into question because their behavior is found to be suspect, there must exist proof of his misdeeds or else the accusations are simply slander. However, when the one being accused lives in the high places of man, usually these are able to avoid any serious repercussions from coming their way, not only by virtue of their own social status, but also because of who they know.

Yet when those who stand among the elite in this nation no longer find favor among their peers, these individuals are cast aside and unwelcome in this exclusive club. For some, this diminished reputation travels with a rapid descent, but for others, it is a slow progression where, over time, their usefulness to the high and mighty declines because their position within this group was only predicated on their popularity among common culture and the influence which, at that moment, they held in their hands.

And so the one today who is treated like a king, shall come crashing down from his fake throne, for none who govern in this nation should dare establish themselves as rulers, since this land and her people were sovereignly created to live as a Republic.

And so like others who came before him, this man who thought himself untouchable shall soon find his life in a tailspin headed for a crash: one which none will save him from because his reputation is too damaged for repair. And so like a plane flying high in the sky, which suddenly experiences mechanical failure, those mechanisms which have kept him elevated shall not be able to hold the weight of his corrupt behavior any longer.

Then for a person who has climbed the highest pinnacles of society, which direction can they turn when their corruption is revealed and those who once supported them are nowhere to be found? The only obvious answer is “down”.Gods wrath come down do no pray but seek Mercy for This Older Statesman | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although this man may carry a title which, in the past, has proven quite useful for opening “powerful” doors, those barred shut to the common man, his elected position will no longer be able to keep him propped up upon this high hill.

Yet should any be found rooting for his fall, especially among the elect? Or should these cry out for My Mercy to wash over this man and his family, so that they avoid the darker descent which leads to the pit? For hasn’t it been said in My Scriptures “that mercy triumphs over judgment”?

Therefore, the mouths of believers should cry out for My mercy to cover this nation; that it fills every area of her land. For when those who deserve judgment receive unexpected leniency because I extended mercy, it then triggers a change within their hearts. And though this older statesman is deeply seeded in corruption, once I extend My gracious hand of mercy to him, this act of kindness will cause a shift in the hearts of his family. For what they expected to happen after justice brought to light their evil deeds, was not what they were given.

Beloved, don’t hold in your hearts any kind of malice towards another, even those like this older statesman: those that the law would dictate are deserving of a harsh punishment. Instead, put aside these strong sentiments, and pray mercy come to this leader, for My Son died so that the thief and the liar alike, along with all who have sinned, could escape the fiery flames of hell and walk in My glorious light.

Then do not pray My wrath come down upon this older statesman, but instead petition My courts that mercy be shown to both he and his family.

“Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” James 2:12-13

(Received: 11/12/2020)

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