Patiently Waiting

by Lori Anne Hale
With one foot in the world a believer can't solidly stand in faith from Patiently Waiting | My Daily Letters - MDL

It is the teetering back and forth between two realms that causes believers to falter, as none can solidly stand in faith when they still have one foot in the world. And so those found in this position will, more often than not, eventually find both of their feet back where they came from, because not having apprehended their flesh, the enticement of sin with its strong pull becomes more than they can resist.

Then it should not surprise anyone when they see some such as this fall back into league with the devil. Sadly, these have decided that the sound of his voice was more appealing, as his suggestions did not require them to change, making his alternative road much easier on their vanity than the cost of surrendering their life to Me.

Although these shall not be cast into the pit when the Day of Judgment arrives, their entrance into My Kingdom will be like those who barely escaped an all-consuming flame, for indeed these are still saved, but the reward they receive will be quite diminished from what it could have been had they run hard after My call on their life.

This does not mean, however, I have forsaken these wayward souls, for I am still in pursuit of their hearts. Though at times it may seem as if I have forgotten their names, these still sit within My reach; seeing that it is always incumbent upon man to decide whether he is willing to call Me, Abba, Father. Still, I patiently await the return of these souls, knowing that some will remain distant even until the end, for the very nature of My love won’t allow Me to abandon hope.

Then should the prayers for these prodigals cease? Absolutely not! For amongst these wandering children lies a few who will return to My fold. Therefore, let prayers from My faithful ones bathe those who have strayed. And though some have traveled far off the path of belief, their hearts will only be won back over if softened by continued petitions for their return.

Dear ones, even when it appears all is lost, don’t give up contending for these you love, for your intercession is key to unlocking the closed door to our relationship: that barrier of rejection that keeps them from choosing Me again.

Then let it be from your mouths that utterances are heard for these who have faltered; joined with My will, which seeks to see their restoration. Therefore, do not say to yourselves, “It is too late, for not much can be done”, while, in the same breath, forgetting who I am, and that My love is like a powerful magnet, one with such a strong pull that its force can reach across a great span, drawing even those heavily steeped in sin back home again.

So don’t lose heart now, for to some of you who have been contending for what seems like endless hours, know that I have heard your prayers for these wayward sons and daughters. Therefore, expect to see significant change as these turn from their sin and return to their first love: the Father who has been patiently waiting for their return.

“For I hope in You, O Lord; You will answer, O Lord my God.” Psalm 38:15

(Received: 11/27/2020)

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